mirror of http://git.sairate.top/sairate/doc.git
1227 lines
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1227 lines
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from __future__ import annotations
import functools
import ipaddress
import logging
import os
import string
import sys
import traceback
import types
import warnings
from collections import Counter, UserString
from types import SimpleNamespace
from typing import (
from urllib.parse import quote as urlquote
from urllib.parse import urlsplit, urlunsplit
import markdown
import pathspec
import pathspec.gitignore
from mkdocs import plugins, theme, utils
from mkdocs.config.base import (
from mkdocs.exceptions import ConfigurationError
T = TypeVar('T')
SomeConfig = TypeVar('SomeConfig', bound=Config)
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class SubConfig(Generic[SomeConfig], BaseConfigOption[SomeConfig]):
Subconfig Config Option.
New: If targeting MkDocs 1.4+, please pass a subclass of Config to the
constructor, instead of the old style of a sequence of ConfigOption instances.
Validation is then enabled by default.
A set of `config_options` grouped under a single config option.
By default, validation errors and warnings resulting from validating
`config_options` are ignored (`validate=False`). Users should typically
enable validation with `validate=True`.
_config_file_path: str | None = None
config_class: type[SomeConfig]
def __init__(
self: SubConfig[SomeConfig], config_class: type[SomeConfig], /, *, validate: bool = True
"""Create a sub-config in a type-safe way, using fields defined in a Config subclass."""
def __init__(
self: SubConfig[LegacyConfig],
*config_options: PlainConfigSchemaItem,
validate: bool = False,
"""Create an untyped sub-config, using directly passed fields."""
def __init__(self, *config_options, validate=None):
self.default = {}
self._do_validation = True if validate is None else validate
if type(self) is SubConfig:
if (
len(config_options) == 1
and isinstance(config_options[0], type)
and issubclass(config_options[0], Config)
(self.config_class,) = config_options
self.config_class = functools.partial(LegacyConfig, config_options)
self._do_validation = False if validate is None else validate
def __class_getitem__(cls, config_class: type[Config]):
"""Eliminates the need to write `config_class = FooConfig` when subclassing SubConfig[FooConfig]."""
name = f'{cls.__name__}[{config_class.__name__}]'
return type(name, (cls,), dict(config_class=config_class))
def pre_validation(self, config: Config, key_name: str):
self._config_file_path = config.config_file_path
def run_validation(self, value: object) -> SomeConfig:
config = self.config_class(config_file_path=self._config_file_path)
config.load_dict(value) # type: ignore
failed, warnings = config.validate()
except ConfigurationError as e:
raise ValidationError(str(e))
if self._do_validation:
# Capture errors and warnings
self.warnings.extend(f"Sub-option '{key}': {msg}" for key, msg in warnings)
if failed:
# Get the first failing one
key, err = failed[0]
raise ValidationError(f"Sub-option '{key}': {err}")
return config
class PropagatingSubConfig(SubConfig[SomeConfig], Generic[SomeConfig]):
A SubConfig that must consist of SubConfigs with defined schemas.
Any value set on the top config gets moved to sub-configs with matching keys.
def run_validation(self, value: object):
if isinstance(value, dict):
to_discard = set()
for k1, v1 in self.config_class._schema:
if isinstance(v1, SubConfig):
for k2, _ in v1.config_class._schema:
if k2 in value:
subdict = value.setdefault(k1, {})
if isinstance(subdict, dict):
subdict.setdefault(k2, value[k2])
for k in to_discard:
del value[k]
return super().run_validation(value)
class OptionallyRequired(Generic[T], BaseConfigOption[T]):
Soft-deprecated, do not use.
A subclass of BaseConfigOption that adds support for default values and
required values. It is a base class for config options.
def __init__(self, default=None):
def __init__(self, default=None, *, required: bool):
def __init__(self, default=None, required=None):
self.default = default
self._legacy_required = required
self.required = bool(required)
def validate(self, value):
Perform some initial validation.
If the option is empty (None) and isn't required, leave it as such. If
it is empty but has a default, use that. Finally, call the
run_validation method on the subclass unless.
if value is None:
if self.default is not None:
value = self.default
elif not self.required:
return None
elif self.required:
raise ValidationError("Required configuration not provided.")
return self.run_validation(value)
class ListOfItems(Generic[T], BaseConfigOption[List[T]]):
Validates a homogeneous list of items.
E.g. for `config_options.ListOfItems(config_options.Type(int))` a valid item is `[1, 2, 3]`.
required: bool | None = None # Only for subclasses to set.
def __init__(self, option_type: BaseConfigOption[T], default=None) -> None:
self.default = default
self.option_type = option_type
self.option_type.warnings = self.warnings
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f'{type(self).__name__}: {self.option_type}'
def pre_validation(self, config: Config, key_name: str):
self._config = config
self._key_name = key_name
def run_validation(self, value: object) -> list[T]:
if value is None:
if self.required or self.default is None:
raise ValidationError("Required configuration not provided.")
value = self.default
if not isinstance(value, list):
raise ValidationError(f'Expected a list of items, but a {type(value)} was given.')
if not value: # Optimization for empty list
return value
fake_config = LegacyConfig(())
fake_config.config_file_path = self._config.config_file_path
except AttributeError:
# Emulate a config-like environment for pre_validation and post_validation.
parent_key_name = getattr(self, '_key_name', '')
fake_keys = [f'{parent_key_name}[{i}]' for i in range(len(value))]
fake_config.data = dict(zip(fake_keys, value))
self.option_type.warnings = self.warnings
for key_name in fake_config:
self.option_type.pre_validation(fake_config, key_name)
for key_name in fake_config:
# Specifically not running `validate` to avoid the OptionallyRequired effect.
fake_config[key_name] = self.option_type.run_validation(fake_config[key_name])
for key_name in fake_config:
self.option_type.post_validation(fake_config, key_name)
return [fake_config[k] for k in fake_keys]
class DictOfItems(Generic[T], BaseConfigOption[Dict[str, T]]):
Validates a dict of items. Keys are always strings.
E.g. for `config_options.DictOfItems(config_options.Type(int))` a valid item is `{"a": 1, "b": 2}`.
required: bool | None = None # Only for subclasses to set.
def __init__(self, option_type: BaseConfigOption[T], default=None) -> None:
self.default = default
self.option_type = option_type
self.option_type.warnings = self.warnings
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f"{type(self).__name__}: {self.option_type}"
def pre_validation(self, config: Config, key_name: str):
self._config = config
self._key_name = key_name
def run_validation(self, value: object) -> dict[str, T]:
if value is None:
if self.required or self.default is None:
raise ValidationError("Required configuration not provided.")
value = self.default
if not isinstance(value, dict):
raise ValidationError(f"Expected a dict of items, but a {type(value)} was given.")
if not value: # Optimization for empty list
return value
fake_config = LegacyConfig(())
fake_config.config_file_path = self._config.config_file_path
except AttributeError:
# Emulate a config-like environment for pre_validation and post_validation.
fake_config.data = value
for key in fake_config:
self.option_type.pre_validation(fake_config, key)
for key in fake_config:
if not isinstance(key, str):
raise ValidationError(
f"Expected type: {str} for keys, but received: {type(key)} (key={key})"
for key in fake_config:
# Specifically not running `validate` to avoid the OptionallyRequired effect.
fake_config[key] = self.option_type.run_validation(fake_config[key])
for key in fake_config:
self.option_type.post_validation(fake_config, key)
return value
class ConfigItems(ListOfItems[LegacyConfig]):
Deprecated: Use `ListOfItems(SubConfig(...))` instead of `ConfigItems(...)`.
Validates a list of mappings that all must match the same set of
def __init__(self, *config_options: PlainConfigSchemaItem):
def __init__(self, *config_options: PlainConfigSchemaItem, required: bool):
def __init__(self, *config_options: PlainConfigSchemaItem, required=None) -> None:
super().__init__(SubConfig(*config_options), default=[])
self._legacy_required = required
self.required = bool(required)
class Type(Generic[T], OptionallyRequired[T]):
Type Config Option.
Validate the type of a config option against a given Python type.
def __init__(self, type_: type[T], /, length: int | None = None, **kwargs):
def __init__(self, type_: tuple[type[T], ...], /, length: int | None = None, **kwargs):
def __init__(self, type_, /, length=None, **kwargs) -> None:
self._type = type_
self.length = length
def run_validation(self, value: object) -> T:
if not isinstance(value, self._type):
msg = f"Expected type: {self._type} but received: {type(value)}"
elif self.length is not None and len(value) != self.length:
msg = (
f"Expected type: {self._type} with length {self.length}"
f" but received: {value!r} with length {len(value)}"
return value
raise ValidationError(msg)
class Choice(Generic[T], OptionallyRequired[T]):
Choice Config Option.
Validate the config option against a strict set of values.
def __init__(self, choices: Collection[T], default: T | None = None, **kwargs) -> None:
super().__init__(default=default, **kwargs)
length = len(choices)
except TypeError:
length = 0
if not length or isinstance(choices, str):
raise ValueError(f'Expected iterable of choices, got {choices}')
if default is not None and default not in choices:
raise ValueError(f'{default!r} is not one of {choices!r}')
self.choices = choices
def run_validation(self, value: object) -> T:
if value not in self.choices:
raise ValidationError(f"Expected one of: {self.choices} but received: {value!r}")
return value # type: ignore
class Deprecated(BaseConfigOption):
Deprecated Config Option.
Raises a warning as the option is deprecated. Uses `message` for the
warning. If `move_to` is set to the name of a new config option, the value
is moved to the new option on pre_validation. If `option_type` is set to a
ConfigOption instance, then the value is validated against that type.
def __init__(
moved_to: str | None = None,
message: str | None = None,
removed: bool = False,
option_type: BaseConfigOption | None = None,
) -> None:
self.default = None
self.moved_to = moved_to
if not message:
if removed:
message = "The configuration option '{}' was removed from MkDocs."
message = (
"The configuration option '{}' has been deprecated and "
"will be removed in a future release."
if moved_to:
message += f" Use '{moved_to}' instead."
self.message = message
self.removed = removed
self.option = option_type or BaseConfigOption()
self.warnings = self.option.warnings
def pre_validation(self, config: Config, key_name: str):
self.option.pre_validation(config, key_name)
if config.get(key_name) is not None:
if self.removed:
raise ValidationError(self.message.format(key_name))
if self.moved_to is not None:
*parent_keys, target_key = self.moved_to.split('.')
target: Any = config
for key in parent_keys:
if target.get(key) is None:
target[key] = {}
target = target[key]
if not isinstance(target, dict):
# We can't move it for the user
target[target_key] = config.pop(key_name)
def validate(self, value):
return self.option.validate(value)
def post_validation(self, config: Config, key_name: str):
self.option.post_validation(config, key_name)
def reset_warnings(self):
self.warnings = self.option.warnings
class _IpAddressValue(NamedTuple):
host: str
port: int
def __str__(self) -> str:
return f'{self.host}:{self.port}'
class IpAddress(OptionallyRequired[_IpAddressValue]):
IpAddress Config Option.
Validate that an IP address is in an appropriate format
def run_validation(self, value: object) -> _IpAddressValue:
if not isinstance(value, str) or ':' not in value:
raise ValidationError("Must be a string of format 'IP:PORT'")
host, port_str = value.rsplit(':', 1)
if host != 'localhost':
if host.startswith('[') and host.endswith(']'):
host = host[1:-1]
# Validate and normalize IP Address
host = str(ipaddress.ip_address(host))
except ValueError as e:
raise ValidationError(e)
port = int(port_str)
except Exception:
raise ValidationError(f"'{port_str}' is not a valid port")
return _IpAddressValue(host, port)
class URL(OptionallyRequired[str]):
URL Config Option.
Validate a URL by requiring a scheme is present.
def __init__(self, default=None, *, is_dir: bool = False):
def __init__(self, default=None, *, required: bool, is_dir: bool = False):
def __init__(self, default=None, required=None, is_dir: bool = False) -> None:
self.is_dir = is_dir
super().__init__(default, required=required)
def run_validation(self, value: object) -> str:
if not isinstance(value, str):
raise ValidationError(f"Expected a string, got {type(value)}")
if value == '':
return value
parsed_url = urlsplit(value)
except (AttributeError, TypeError):
raise ValidationError("Unable to parse the URL.")
if parsed_url.scheme and parsed_url.netloc:
if self.is_dir and not parsed_url.path.endswith('/'):
parsed_url = parsed_url._replace(path=f'{parsed_url.path}/')
return urlunsplit(parsed_url)
raise ValidationError("The URL isn't valid, it should include the http:// (scheme)")
class Optional(Generic[T], BaseConfigOption[Union[T, None]]):
Wraps a field and makes a None value possible for it when no value is set.
E.g. `my_field = config_options.Optional(config_options.Type(str))`
def __init__(self, config_option: BaseConfigOption[T]) -> None:
if config_option.default is not None:
raise ValueError(
f"This option already has a default ({config_option.default!r}) "
f"and doesn't need to be wrapped into Optional"
self.option = config_option
self.warnings = config_option.warnings
def __getattr__(self, key):
if key in ('option', 'warnings'):
raise AttributeError
return getattr(self.option, key)
def pre_validation(self, config: Config, key_name: str):
return self.option.pre_validation(config, key_name)
def run_validation(self, value: object) -> T | None:
if value is None:
return None
return self.option.validate(value)
def post_validation(self, config: Config, key_name: str):
result = self.option.post_validation(config, key_name) # type: ignore
self.warnings = self.option.warnings
return result
def reset_warnings(self):
self.warnings = self.option.warnings
class RepoURL(URL):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
"RepoURL is no longer used in MkDocs and will be removed.", DeprecationWarning
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def post_validation(self, config: Config, key_name: str):
repo_host = urlsplit(config['repo_url']).netloc.lower()
edit_uri = config.get('edit_uri')
# derive repo_name from repo_url if unset
if config['repo_url'] is not None and config.get('repo_name') is None:
if repo_host == 'github.com':
config['repo_name'] = 'GitHub'
elif repo_host == 'bitbucket.org':
config['repo_name'] = 'Bitbucket'
elif repo_host == 'gitlab.com':
config['repo_name'] = 'GitLab'
config['repo_name'] = repo_host.split('.')[0].title()
# derive edit_uri from repo_name if unset
if config['repo_url'] is not None and edit_uri is None:
if repo_host == 'github.com' or repo_host == 'gitlab.com':
edit_uri = 'edit/master/docs/'
elif repo_host == 'bitbucket.org':
edit_uri = 'src/default/docs/'
edit_uri = ''
# ensure a well-formed edit_uri
if edit_uri and not edit_uri.endswith('/'):
edit_uri += '/'
config['edit_uri'] = edit_uri
class EditURI(Type[str]):
def __init__(self, repo_url_key: str) -> None:
self.repo_url_key = repo_url_key
def post_validation(self, config: Config, key_name: str):
edit_uri = config.get(key_name)
repo_url = config.get(self.repo_url_key)
if edit_uri is None and repo_url is not None:
repo_host = urlsplit(repo_url).netloc.lower()
if repo_host == 'github.com' or repo_host == 'gitlab.com':
edit_uri = 'edit/master/docs/'
elif repo_host == 'bitbucket.org':
edit_uri = 'src/default/docs/'
# ensure a well-formed edit_uri
if edit_uri and not edit_uri.endswith('/'):
edit_uri += '/'
config[key_name] = edit_uri
class EditURITemplate(BaseConfigOption[str]):
class Formatter(string.Formatter):
def convert_field(self, value, conversion):
if conversion == 'q':
return urlquote(value, safe='')
return super().convert_field(value, conversion)
class Template(UserString):
def __init__(self, formatter, data) -> None:
self.formatter = formatter
self.format('', '')
except KeyError as e:
raise ValueError(f"Unknown template substitute: {e}")
def format(self, path, path_noext):
return self.formatter.format(self.data, path=path, path_noext=path_noext)
def __init__(self, edit_uri_key: str | None = None) -> None:
self.edit_uri_key = edit_uri_key
def run_validation(self, value: object):
return self.Template(self.Formatter(), value)
except Exception as e:
raise ValidationError(e)
def post_validation(self, config: Config, key_name: str):
if self.edit_uri_key and config.get(key_name) and config.get(self.edit_uri_key):
f"The option '{self.edit_uri_key}' has no effect when '{key_name}' is set."
class RepoName(Type[str]):
def __init__(self, repo_url_key: str) -> None:
self.repo_url_key = repo_url_key
def post_validation(self, config: Config, key_name: str):
repo_name = config.get(key_name)
repo_url = config.get(self.repo_url_key)
# derive repo_name from repo_url if unset
if repo_url is not None and repo_name is None:
repo_host = urlsplit(config['repo_url']).netloc.lower()
if repo_host == 'github.com':
repo_name = 'GitHub'
elif repo_host == 'bitbucket.org':
repo_name = 'Bitbucket'
elif repo_host == 'gitlab.com':
repo_name = 'GitLab'
repo_name = repo_host.split('.')[0].title()
config[key_name] = repo_name
class FilesystemObject(Type[str]):
"""Base class for options that point to filesystem objects."""
existence_test: Callable[[str], bool] = staticmethod(os.path.exists)
name = 'file or directory'
def __init__(self, exists: bool = False, **kwargs) -> None:
super().__init__(str, **kwargs)
self.exists = exists
self.config_dir: str | None = None
def pre_validation(self, config: Config, key_name: str):
self.config_dir = (
os.path.dirname(config.config_file_path) if config.config_file_path else None
def run_validation(self, value: object) -> str:
value = super().run_validation(value)
if self.config_dir and not os.path.isabs(value):
value = os.path.join(self.config_dir, value)
if self.exists and not self.existence_test(value):
raise ValidationError(f"The path '{value}' isn't an existing {self.name}.")
return os.path.abspath(value)
class Dir(FilesystemObject):
Dir Config Option.
Validate a path to a directory, optionally verifying that it exists.
existence_test = staticmethod(os.path.isdir)
name = 'directory'
class DocsDir(Dir):
def post_validation(self, config: Config, key_name: str):
if not config.config_file_path:
# Validate that the dir is not the parent dir of the config file.
if os.path.dirname(config.config_file_path) == config[key_name]:
raise ValidationError(
f"The '{key_name}' should not be the parent directory of the"
f" config file. Use a child directory instead so that the"
f" '{key_name}' is a sibling of the config file."
class File(FilesystemObject):
File Config Option.
Validate a path to a file, optionally verifying that it exists.
existence_test = staticmethod(os.path.isfile)
name = 'file'
class ListOfPaths(ListOfItems[str]):
List of Paths Config Option.
A list of file system paths. Raises an error if one of the paths does not exist.
For greater flexibility, prefer ListOfItems, e.g. to require files specifically:
def __init__(self, default=[]):
def __init__(self, default=[], *, required: bool):
def __init__(self, default=[], required=None) -> None:
super().__init__(FilesystemObject(exists=True), default)
self.required = required
class SiteDir(Dir):
SiteDir Config Option.
Validates the site_dir and docs_dir directories do not contain each other.
def post_validation(self, config: Config, key_name: str):
super().post_validation(config, key_name)
docs_dir = config['docs_dir']
site_dir = config['site_dir']
# Validate that the docs_dir and site_dir don't contain the
# other as this will lead to copying back and forth on each
# and eventually make a deep nested mess.
if (docs_dir + os.sep).startswith(site_dir.rstrip(os.sep) + os.sep):
raise ValidationError(
f"The 'docs_dir' should not be within the 'site_dir' as this "
f"can mean the source files are overwritten by the output or "
f"it will be deleted if --clean is passed to mkdocs build. "
f"(site_dir: '{site_dir}', docs_dir: '{docs_dir}')"
elif (site_dir + os.sep).startswith(docs_dir.rstrip(os.sep) + os.sep):
raise ValidationError(
f"The 'site_dir' should not be within the 'docs_dir' as this "
f"leads to the build directory being copied into itself and "
f"duplicate nested files in the 'site_dir'. "
f"(site_dir: '{site_dir}', docs_dir: '{docs_dir}')"
class Theme(BaseConfigOption[theme.Theme]):
Theme Config Option.
Validate that the theme exists and build Theme instance.
def __init__(self, default=None) -> None:
self.default = default
def pre_validation(self, config: Config, key_name: str):
self.config_file_path = config.config_file_path
def run_validation(self, value: object) -> theme.Theme:
if value is None and self.default is not None:
theme_config = {'name': self.default}
elif isinstance(value, str):
theme_config = {'name': value}
elif isinstance(value, dict):
if 'name' not in value:
raise ValidationError("No theme name set.")
theme_config = value
raise ValidationError(
f'Invalid type {type(value)}. Expected a string or key/value pairs.'
themes = utils.get_theme_names()
if theme_config['name'] is not None and theme_config['name'] not in themes:
raise ValidationError(
f"Unrecognised theme name: '{theme_config['name']}'. "
f"The available installed themes are: {', '.join(themes)}"
if not theme_config['name'] and 'custom_dir' not in theme_config:
raise ValidationError("At least one of 'name' or 'custom_dir' must be defined.")
# Ensure custom_dir is an absolute path
if 'custom_dir' in theme_config and not os.path.isabs(theme_config['custom_dir']):
config_dir = os.path.dirname(self.config_file_path)
theme_config['custom_dir'] = os.path.join(config_dir, theme_config['custom_dir'])
if 'custom_dir' in theme_config and not os.path.isdir(theme_config['custom_dir']):
raise ValidationError(
"The path set in custom_dir ('{path}') does not exist.".format(
if 'locale' in theme_config and not isinstance(theme_config['locale'], str):
raise ValidationError("'locale' must be a string.")
return theme.Theme(**theme_config)
class Nav(OptionallyRequired):
Nav Config Option.
Validate the Nav config.
def run_validation(self, value: object, *, top=True):
if isinstance(value, list):
for subitem in value:
if top and not value:
value = None
elif isinstance(value, dict) and value and not top:
# TODO: this should be an error.
self.warnings.append(f"Expected nav to be a list, got {self._repr_item(value)}")
for subitem in value.values():
self.run_validation(subitem, top=False)
elif isinstance(value, str) and not top:
raise ValidationError(f"Expected nav to be a list, got {self._repr_item(value)}")
return value
def _validate_nav_item(self, value):
if isinstance(value, str):
elif isinstance(value, dict):
if len(value) != 1:
raise ValidationError(
f"Expected nav item to be a dict of size 1, got {self._repr_item(value)}"
for subnav in value.values():
self.run_validation(subnav, top=False)
raise ValidationError(
f"Expected nav item to be a string or dict, got {self._repr_item(value)}"
def _repr_item(cls, value) -> str:
if isinstance(value, dict) and value:
return f"dict with keys {tuple(value.keys())}"
elif isinstance(value, (str, type(None))):
return repr(value)
return f"a {type(value).__name__}: {value!r}"
class Private(Generic[T], BaseConfigOption[T]):
"""A config option that can only be populated programmatically. Raises an error if set by the user."""
def run_validation(self, value: object) -> None:
if value is not None:
raise ValidationError('For internal use only.')
class ExtraScriptValue(Config):
"""An extra script to be added to the page. The `extra_javascript` config is a list of these."""
path = Type(str)
"""The value of the `src` tag of the script."""
type = Type(str, default='')
"""The value of the `type` tag of the script."""
defer = Type(bool, default=False)
"""Whether to add the `defer` tag to the script."""
async_ = Type(bool, default=False)
"""Whether to add the `async` tag to the script."""
def __init__(self, path: str = '', config_file_path=None):
self.path = path
def __str__(self):
return self.path
def __fspath__(self):
return self.path
class ExtraScript(BaseConfigOption[Union[ExtraScriptValue, str]]):
def __init__(self):
self.option_type = SubConfig[ExtraScriptValue]()
def run_validation(self, value: object) -> ExtraScriptValue | str:
self.option_type.warnings = self.warnings
if isinstance(value, str):
if value.endswith('.mjs'):
return self.option_type.run_validation({'path': value, 'type': 'module'})
return value
return self.option_type.run_validation(value)
class MarkdownExtensions(OptionallyRequired[List[str]]):
Markdown Extensions Config Option.
A list or dict of extensions. Each list item may contain either a string or a one item dict.
A string must be a valid Markdown extension name with no config options defined. The key of
a dict item must be a valid Markdown extension name and the value must be a dict of config
options for that extension. Extension configs are set on the private setting passed to
`configkey`. The `builtins` keyword accepts a list of extensions which cannot be overridden by
the user. However, builtins can be duplicated to define config options for them if desired.
def __init__(
builtins: list[str] | None = None,
configkey: str = 'mdx_configs',
default: list[str] = [],
) -> None:
super().__init__(default=default, **kwargs)
self.builtins = builtins or []
self.configkey = configkey
def validate_ext_cfg(self, ext: object, cfg: object) -> None:
if not isinstance(ext, str):
raise ValidationError(f"'{ext}' is not a valid Markdown Extension name.")
if not cfg:
if not isinstance(cfg, dict):
raise ValidationError(f"Invalid config options for Markdown Extension '{ext}'.")
self.configdata[ext] = cfg
def pre_validation(self, config, key_name):
# To appease validation in case it involves the `!relative` tag.
config._current_page = current_page = SimpleNamespace() # type: ignore[attr-defined]
current_page.file = SimpleNamespace()
current_page.file.src_path = ''
def run_validation(self, value: object) -> list[str]:
self.configdata: dict[str, dict] = {}
if not isinstance(value, (list, tuple, dict)):
raise ValidationError('Invalid Markdown Extensions configuration')
extensions = []
if isinstance(value, dict):
for ext, cfg in value.items():
self.validate_ext_cfg(ext, cfg)
for item in value:
if isinstance(item, dict):
if len(item) > 1:
raise ValidationError('Invalid Markdown Extensions configuration')
ext, cfg = item.popitem()
self.validate_ext_cfg(ext, cfg)
elif isinstance(item, str):
raise ValidationError('Invalid Markdown Extensions configuration')
extensions = utils.reduce_list(self.builtins + extensions)
# Confirm that Markdown considers extensions to be valid
md = markdown.Markdown()
for ext in extensions:
md.registerExtensions((ext,), self.configdata)
except Exception as e:
stack: list = []
for frame in reversed(traceback.extract_tb(sys.exc_info()[2])):
if not frame.line: # Ignore frames before <frozen importlib._bootstrap>
stack.insert(0, frame)
tb = ''.join(traceback.format_list(stack))
raise ValidationError(
f"Failed to load extension '{ext}'.\n{tb}{type(e).__name__}: {e}"
return extensions
def post_validation(self, config: Config, key_name: str):
config._current_page = None # type: ignore[attr-defined]
config[self.configkey] = self.configdata
class Plugins(OptionallyRequired[plugins.PluginCollection]):
Plugins config option.
A list or dict of plugins. If a plugin defines config options those are used when
initializing the plugin class.
def __init__(self, theme_key: str | None = None, **kwargs) -> None:
self.installed_plugins = plugins.get_plugins()
self.theme_key = theme_key
self._config: Config | None = None
self.plugin_cache: dict[str, plugins.BasePlugin] = {}
def pre_validation(self, config, key_name):
self._config = config
def run_validation(self, value: object) -> plugins.PluginCollection:
if not isinstance(value, (list, tuple, dict)):
raise ValidationError('Invalid Plugins configuration. Expected a list or dict.')
self.plugins = plugins.PluginCollection()
self._instance_counter: MutableMapping[str, int] = Counter()
for name, cfg in self._parse_configs(value):
self.load_plugin_with_namespace(name, cfg)
return self.plugins
def _parse_configs(cls, value: list | tuple | dict) -> Iterator[tuple[str, dict]]:
if isinstance(value, dict):
for name, cfg in value.items():
if not isinstance(name, str):
raise ValidationError(f"'{name}' is not a valid plugin name.")
yield name, cfg
for item in value:
if isinstance(item, dict):
if len(item) != 1:
raise ValidationError('Invalid Plugins configuration')
name, cfg = item.popitem()
name = item
cfg = {}
if not isinstance(name, str):
raise ValidationError(f"'{name}' is not a valid plugin name.")
yield name, cfg
def load_plugin_with_namespace(self, name: str, config) -> tuple[str, plugins.BasePlugin]:
if '/' in name: # It's already specified with a namespace.
# Special case: allow to explicitly skip namespaced loading:
if name.startswith('/'):
name = name[1:]
# Attempt to load with prepended namespace for the current theme.
if self.theme_key and self._config:
current_theme = self._config[self.theme_key]
if not isinstance(current_theme, str):
current_theme = current_theme['name']
if current_theme:
expanded_name = f'{current_theme}/{name}'
if expanded_name in self.installed_plugins:
name = expanded_name
return (name, self.load_plugin(name, config))
def load_plugin(self, name: str, config) -> plugins.BasePlugin:
if name not in self.installed_plugins:
raise ValidationError(f'The "{name}" plugin is not installed')
config = config or {} # Users may define a null (None) config
if not isinstance(config, dict):
raise ValidationError(f"Invalid config options for the '{name}' plugin.")
self._instance_counter[name] += 1
inst_number = self._instance_counter[name]
inst_name = name
if inst_number > 1:
inst_name += f' #{inst_number}'
plugin = self.plugin_cache.get(inst_name)
if plugin is None:
plugin_cls = self.installed_plugins[name].load()
if not issubclass(plugin_cls, plugins.BasePlugin):
raise ValidationError(
f'{plugin_cls.__module__}.{plugin_cls.__name__} must be a subclass of'
f' {plugins.BasePlugin.__module__}.{plugins.BasePlugin.__name__}'
plugin = plugin_cls()
if hasattr(plugin, 'on_startup') or hasattr(plugin, 'on_shutdown'):
self.plugin_cache[inst_name] = plugin
if inst_number > 1 and not getattr(plugin, 'supports_multiple_instances', False):
f"Plugin '{name}' was specified multiple times - this is likely a mistake, "
"because the plugin doesn't declare `supports_multiple_instances`."
# Only if the plugin doesn't have its own "enabled" config, apply a generic one.
if 'enabled' in config and not any(pair[0] == 'enabled' for pair in plugin.config_scheme):
enabled = config.pop('enabled')
if not isinstance(enabled, bool):
raise ValidationError(
f"Plugin '{name}' option 'enabled': Expected boolean but received: {type(enabled)}"
if not enabled:
log.debug(f"Plugin '{inst_name}' is disabled in the config, skipping.")
return plugin
errors, warns = plugin.load_config(
config, self._config.config_file_path if self._config else None
for warning in warns:
if isinstance(warning, str):
self.warnings.append(f"Plugin '{inst_name}': {warning}")
key, msg = warning
self.warnings.append(f"Plugin '{inst_name}' option '{key}': {msg}")
errors_message = '\n'.join(f"Plugin '{name}' option '{key}': {msg}" for key, msg in errors)
if errors_message:
raise ValidationError(errors_message)
self.plugins[inst_name] = plugin
return plugin
class Hooks(BaseConfigOption[List[types.ModuleType]]):
"""A list of Python scripts to be treated as instances of plugins."""
def __init__(self, plugins_key: str) -> None:
self.default = []
self.plugins_key = plugins_key
def pre_validation(self, config: Config, key_name: str):
self._base_option = ListOfItems(File(exists=True))
self._base_option.pre_validation(config, key_name)
def run_validation(self, value: object) -> Mapping[str, Any]:
paths = self._base_option.validate(value)
assert isinstance(value, list)
hooks = {}
for name, path in zip(value, paths):
hooks[name] = self._load_hook(name, path)
return hooks
def _load_hook(self, name, path):
import importlib.util
spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location(name, path)
if spec is None:
raise ValidationError(f"Cannot import path '{path}' as a Python module")
module = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec)
sys.modules[name] = module
if spec.loader is None:
raise ValidationError(f"Cannot import path '{path}' as a Python module")
old_sys_path = sys.path.copy()
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.dirname(path))
sys.path[:] = old_sys_path
return module
def post_validation(self, config: Config, key_name: str):
plugins = config[self.plugins_key]
for name, hook in config[key_name].items():
plugins[name] = hook
class PathSpec(BaseConfigOption[pathspec.gitignore.GitIgnoreSpec]):
"""A path pattern based on gitignore-like syntax."""
def run_validation(self, value: object) -> pathspec.gitignore.GitIgnoreSpec:
if not isinstance(value, str):
raise ValidationError(f'Expected a multiline string, but a {type(value)} was given.')
return pathspec.gitignore.GitIgnoreSpec.from_lines(lines=value.splitlines())
except ValueError as e:
raise ValidationError(str(e))