import errno import logging from pathlib import PurePosixPath import requests from urllib.parse import urljoin from types import TracebackType from typing import Any, cast, Dict, Generator, Iterable, Optional from xml.etree.ElementTree import Element import defusedxml.ElementTree as ET # type: ignore from cerulean.credential import Credential, PasswordCredential from cerulean.file_system import FileSystem, UnsupportedOperationError from cerulean.file_system_impl import FileSystemImpl from cerulean.path import AbstractPath, EntryType, Path, Permission from cerulean.util import BaseExceptionType logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class WebdavFileSystem(FileSystemImpl): """A FileSystem implementation that connects to a WebDAV server. WebdavFileSystem supports the / operation: .. code-block:: python fs / 'path' which produces a :class:`Path`, through which you can do things \ with the remote files. It is also a context manager, so that you can (and should!) use it \ with a ``with`` statement, which will ensure that the connection \ is closed when you are done with the it. Alternatively, you can \ call :meth:`close` to close the connection. The WebDAV protocol does not support all operations specified by \ the Cerulean API. In particular, symbolic links are not supported, \ nor are ownership and permissions. Read-access to these properties \ is emulated, e.g. `is_symlink()` simply always returns false, all \ files and directories are owned by uid 0 and gid 0, with access \ permissions determined by whether the server will let us access \ them. By default, if you try to run any of the related modifying methods, \ e.g. `symlink_to()` or `set_permissions()`, an \ :class:`UnsupportedOperationError` will be raised. If you set \ `unsupported_methods_raise` to `False` when creating a \ WebdavFileSystem, then these methods will simply return without \ doing anything. WebdavFileSystem supports both HTTP and HTTPS, but not (yet) \ client-side certificates. Args: url: The server base location, e.g. credential: The credential to use to connect. host_ca_cert_file: Path to a certificate file to use for \ authentication. Useful for servers that use a self-signed \ certificate. unsupported_methods_raise: Raise on using an unsupported \ method, see above. """ def __init__(self, url: str, credential: Optional[Credential] = None, host_ca_cert_file: Optional[str] = None, unsupported_methods_raise: Optional[bool] = True) -> None: self.__base_url = url.rstrip('/') self.__credential = credential self.__host_ca_cert_file = host_ca_cert_file self.__unsupported_methods_raise = unsupported_methods_raise self.__ensure_http(True) self.__max_tries = 3 def __enter__(self) -> 'WebdavFileSystem': """Enter context manager.""" return self def __exit__(self, exc_type: Optional[BaseExceptionType], exc_value: Optional[BaseException], traceback: Optional[TracebackType]) -> None: """Exit context manager.""" self.close() def close(self) -> None: self.__session.close()'Disconnected from WebDAV server') def __eq__(self, other: Any) -> bool: """Returns True iff this file system equals other.""" if not isinstance(other, FileSystem): return NotImplemented if isinstance(other, WebdavFileSystem): return self.__base_url == other.__base_url else: return False def root(self) -> Path: return Path(self, PurePosixPath('/')) def __truediv__(self, segment: str) -> Path: return Path(self, PurePosixPath('/' + segment.strip('/'))) def _supports(self, feature: str) -> bool: if feature not in self._features: raise ValueError('Invalid argument for "feature"') # supports symlinks nor permissions nor devices return False def _exists(self, path: AbstractPath) -> bool: self.__ensure_http() response = self.__session.head(self.__url(path)) return response.status_code == 200 def _mkdir( self, path: AbstractPath, mode: Optional[int] = None, parents: bool = False, exists_ok: bool = False) -> None: def handle_mkcol_error(response: requests.Response) -> None: if response.status_code == 201: pass elif response.status_code == 403: raise PermissionError(('Permission denied while accessing {}' ).format(self.__url(path))) elif response.status_code == 405: raise FileExistsError(('File or directory {} already exists' ).format(self.__url(path))) elif response.status_code == 409: raise FileNotFoundError(('One or more parent directories of' ' {} do not exist').format( self.__url(path))) elif response.status_code == 507: raise IOError(('Out of storage space while making dir {}' ).format(self.__url(path))) else: raise RuntimeError(('An error occurred while making' ' dir {}, the server said {}').format( self.__url(path), response.reason)) if mode is not None and self.__unsupported_methods_raise: raise UnsupportedOperationError('Tried to make a directory with a' ' permission mask, but WebDAV does' ' not support permissions.') self.__ensure_http() lpath = cast(PurePosixPath, path) if parents: for parent in reversed(lpath.parents): if not self._exists(parent): response = self.__session.request('MKCOL', self.__url(parent)) handle_mkcol_error(response) if self._exists(lpath): if not exists_ok: raise FileExistsError( 'File {} exists and exists_ok was False'.format(lpath)) else: return response = self.__session.request('MKCOL', self.__url(lpath)) handle_mkcol_error(response) def _iterdir(self, path: AbstractPath) -> Generator[PurePosixPath, None, None]: self.__ensure_http() url = self.__url(path) collection = self.__propfind(url, None, 1) for child_url in collection: child_abs_url = urljoin(self.__base_url, child_url) if child_abs_url != url: if not child_abs_url.startswith(self.__base_url): raise RuntimeError(('Something went wrong processing a' ' URL returned by the WebDAV server' ' in iterdir(). The URL is {} and' ' the base URL is {}.').format( child_url, self.__base_url)) rel_child_path = child_abs_url[len(self.__base_url):] rel_child = PurePosixPath(rel_child_path) if self._exists(rel_child): yield rel_child def _rmdir(self, path: AbstractPath, recursive: bool = False) -> None: self.__ensure_http() url = self.__url(path) if not self._exists(path): return if not self._is_dir(path): raise RuntimeError("Path must refer to a directory") props = self.__propfind(url, None, 1) if not recursive and len(props) > 1: raise OSError(errno.ENOTEMPTY, 'Directory not empty', url) self.__session.delete(url) def _touch(self, path: AbstractPath) -> None: self.__ensure_http() url = self.__url(path) if not self._exists(path): response = self.__session.put(url, bytes()) if response.status_code < 400 or response.status_code == 409: # we ignore 409 Conflict, since that means that a resource # exists at this point, which is what we're trying to achieve pass else: raise RuntimeError(('Error trying to create file {}: {}' ).format(url, response.reason)) def _streaming_read(self, path: AbstractPath) -> Generator[bytes, None, None]: self.__ensure_http() url = self.__url(path) with self.__session.get(url, stream=True) as response: yield from response.iter_content(24576) def _streaming_write(self, path: AbstractPath, data: Iterable[bytes]) -> None: def data_generator(data: Iterable[bytes]) -> Generator[bytes, None, None]: for chunk in data: yield chunk self.__ensure_http() url = self.__url(path) self.__session.put(url, data=data_generator(data)) # type: ignore def _rename(self, path: AbstractPath, target: AbstractPath) -> None: self.__ensure_http() url = self.__url(path) target_url = self.__url(target) headers = { 'Destination': target_url, 'Overwrite': 'T' } response = self.__session.request('MOVE', url, headers=headers) if response.status_code in [201, 204]: pass else: raise RuntimeError(('An error occurred while moving' ' {}, the server said {}').format( url, response.reason)) def _unlink(self, path: AbstractPath) -> None: self.__ensure_http() if not self._is_file(path): raise IsADirectoryError(errno.EISDIR, 'Is a directory', str(path)) url = self.__url(path) response = self.__session.delete(url) if response.status_code != 204: raise RuntimeError(('An error occurred when deleting' ' file {}, the server said {}').format( self.__url(path), response.reason)) def _is_dir(self, path: AbstractPath) -> bool: self.__ensure_http() if not self._exists(path): return False url = self.__url(path) props = self.__propfind(url, '{DAV:}resourcetype') if props[url] is None: return False return props[url].find('{DAV:}collection') is not None def _is_file(self, path: AbstractPath) -> bool: self.__ensure_http() if not self._exists(path): return False return not self._is_dir(path) def _is_symlink(self, path: AbstractPath) -> bool: return False def _entry_type(self, path: AbstractPath) -> EntryType: if not self._exists(path): raise OSError(errno.ENOENT, 'No such file or directory', path) if self._is_dir(path): return EntryType.DIRECTORY else: return EntryType.FILE def _size(self, path: AbstractPath) -> int: self.__ensure_http() url = self.__url(path) props = self.__propfind(url, '{DAV:}getcontentlength') return int(''.join(props[url].itertext())) def _uid(self, path: AbstractPath) -> int: return 0 def _gid(self, path: AbstractPath) -> int: return 0 def _has_permission(self, path: AbstractPath, permission: Permission ) -> bool: permissions = [Permission.OWNER_READ, Permission.OWNER_WRITE] if self._is_dir(path): permissions.append(Permission.OWNER_EXECUTE) return permission in permissions def _set_permission(self, path: AbstractPath, permission: Permission, value: bool = True) -> None: if self.__unsupported_methods_raise: raise UnsupportedOperationError( 'WebDAV does not support Posix permissions') def _chmod(self, path: AbstractPath, mode: int) -> None: if self.__unsupported_methods_raise: raise UnsupportedOperationError( 'WebDAV does not support Posix permissions') def _symlink_to(self, path: AbstractPath, target: AbstractPath) -> None: if self.__unsupported_methods_raise: raise UnsupportedOperationError( 'WebDAV does not support symbolic links') def _readlink(self, path: AbstractPath, recursive: bool) -> Path: url = self.__url(path) raise OSError(errno.EINVAL, 'Invalid argument', url) def __ensure_http(self, first: bool = False) -> None: # Note: first can be removed, session will do all this stuff # automatically if the connection was closed and we make another # request on the session. if first:'Connecting to WebDAV server') self.__session = requests.Session() if self.__credential is not None: if isinstance(self.__credential, PasswordCredential): self.__session.auth = ( self.__credential.username, self.__credential.password) else: raise ValueError('Only a PasswordCredential can be used' ' with WebdavFileSystem.') if self.__host_ca_cert_file is not None: if isinstance(self.__host_ca_cert_file, str): self.__session.verify = self.__host_ca_cert_file response = self.__session.head(self.__base_url) if response.status_code != 200: raise RuntimeError('Error connecting to WebDAV server at {}:' ' {}'.format(self.__base_url, response.reason))'Connected to WebDAV server') def __url(self, path: AbstractPath) -> str: return self.__base_url + str(path) def __propfind(self, url: str, req_prop: Optional[str], depth: int = 0 ) -> Dict[str, Element]: """Runs a PROPFIND command for a given resource. Actually, just requests everything and searches the result. Args: url: The url to query. req_prop: The property to request. depth: Depth to recurse to, either 0 or 1. Returns: A dictionary mapping urls to XML subtrees. """ headers = {'Depth': str(depth)} response = self.__session.request('PROPFIND', url, headers=headers) if response.status_code < 400: print(response.text) xml_props = ET.fromstring(response.text) results = dict() for resp in xml_props.iter('{DAV:}response'): prop_url = resp.findtext('{DAV:}href') prop_url = urljoin(self.__base_url, prop_url) propstat = resp.find('{DAV:}propstat') prop = propstat.find('{DAV:}prop') if req_prop is not None: results[prop_url] = prop.find(req_prop) else: results[prop_url] = None return results if response.status_code == 401: raise PermissionError('Invalid credentials supplied') if response.status_code == 403: raise PermissionError(('Permission denied while accessing {}' ).format(url)) raise RuntimeError( ('An error occurred while checking dir {}, the server said {}' ).format(url, response.reason))