from __future__ import annotations __version__ = "0.2.0" import dataclasses import datetime import functools import io import logging import os import sys import urllib.parse from typing import IO, Any, BinaryIO, Collection, Mapping, Sequence import yaml from . import cache, yaml_util log = logging.getLogger(f"mkdocs.{__name__}") DEFAULT_PROJECTS_FILE = "" BUILTIN_THEMES = {"mkdocs", "readthedocs"} BUILTIN_PLUGINS = {"search"} _BUILTIN_EXTENSIONS = "abbr admonition attr_list codehilite def_list extra fenced_code footnotes md_in_html meta nl2br sane_lists smarty tables toc wikilinks legacy_attrs legacy_em".split() BUILTIN_EXTENSIONS = { *_BUILTIN_EXTENSIONS, *(f"markdown.extensions.{e}" for e in _BUILTIN_EXTENSIONS), } _NotFound = () def _dig(cfg, keys: str): """ Receives a string such as '' and returns `cfg['foo']['bar']`, or `_NotFound`. A list of single-item dicts gets converted to a flat dict. This is intended for `plugins` config. """ key, _, rest = keys.partition(".") try: cfg = cfg[key] except (KeyError, TypeError): return _NotFound if isinstance(cfg, list): orig_cfg = cfg cfg = {} for item in reversed(orig_cfg): if isinstance(item, dict) and len(item) == 1: cfg.update(item) elif isinstance(item, str): cfg[item] = {} if not rest: return cfg return _dig(cfg, rest) def _strings(obj) -> Sequence[str]: if isinstance(obj, str): return (obj,) else: return tuple(obj) @functools.lru_cache(maxsize=None) def _entry_points(group: str) -> Mapping[str, Any]: if sys.version_info >= (3, 10): from importlib.metadata import entry_points else: from importlib_metadata import entry_points eps = { ep for ep in entry_points(group=group)} log.debug(f"Available '{group}' entry points: {sorted(eps)}") return eps @dataclasses.dataclass(frozen=True) class _PluginKind: projects_key: str entry_points_key: str def __str__(self) -> str: return self.projects_key.rpartition("_")[-1] def get_projects_file(path: str | None = None) -> BinaryIO: if path is None: path = DEFAULT_PROJECTS_FILE if urllib.parse.urlsplit(path).scheme in ("http", "https"): content = cache.download_and_cache_url(path, datetime.timedelta(days=1)) else: with open(path, "rb") as f: content = return io.BytesIO(content) def get_deps( config_file: IO | os.PathLike | str | None = None, projects_file: IO | None = None, ) -> Collection[str]: """ Print PyPI package dependencies inferred from a mkdocs.yml file based on a reverse mapping of known projects. Args: config_file: Non-default mkdocs.yml file - content as a buffer, or path. projects_file: File/buffer that declares all known MkDocs-related projects. The file is in YAML format and contains `projects: [{mkdocs_theme:, mkdocs_plugin:, markdown_extension:}] """ if config_file is None: if os.path.isfile("mkdocs.yml"): config_file = "mkdocs.yml" elif os.path.isfile("mkdocs.yaml"): config_file = "mkdocs.yaml" else: config_file = "mkdocs.yml" opened_config_file: IO if isinstance(config_file, (str, os.PathLike)): config_file = os.path.abspath(config_file) opened_config_file = open(config_file, "rb") else: opened_config_file = config_file log.debug(f"Loading configuration file: {config_file}") with opened_config_file: cfg = yaml_util.yaml_load(opened_config_file) if not isinstance(cfg, dict): raise ValueError( f"The configuration is invalid. Expected a key-value mapping but received {type(cfg)}" ) packages_to_install = set() if all(c not in cfg for c in ("site_name", "theme", "plugins", "markdown_extensions")): log.warning(f"The file {config_file!r} doesn't seem to be a mkdocs.yml config file") else: if _dig(cfg, "theme.locale") not in (_NotFound, "en"): packages_to_install.add("mkdocs[i18n]") else: packages_to_install.add("mkdocs") try: theme = cfg["theme"]["name"] except (KeyError, TypeError): theme = cfg.get("theme") themes = {theme} if theme else set() plugins = set(_strings(_dig(cfg, "plugins"))) extensions = set(_strings(_dig(cfg, "markdown_extensions"))) wanted_plugins = ( (_PluginKind("mkdocs_theme", "mkdocs.themes"), themes - BUILTIN_THEMES), (_PluginKind("mkdocs_plugin", "mkdocs.plugins"), plugins - BUILTIN_PLUGINS), (_PluginKind("markdown_extension", "markdown.extensions"), extensions - BUILTIN_EXTENSIONS), ) for kind, wanted in wanted_plugins: log.debug(f"Wanted {kind}s: {sorted(wanted)}") if projects_file is None: projects_file = get_projects_file() with projects_file: projects = yaml.load(projects_file, Loader=yaml_util.SafeLoader)["projects"] for project in projects: for kind, wanted in wanted_plugins: available = _strings(project.get(kind.projects_key, ())) for entry_name in available: if ( # Also check theme-namespaced plugin names against the current theme. "/" in entry_name and theme is not None and kind.projects_key == "mkdocs_plugin" and entry_name.startswith(f"{theme}/") and entry_name[len(theme) + 1 :] in wanted and entry_name not in wanted ): entry_name = entry_name[len(theme) + 1 :] if entry_name in wanted: if "pypi_id" in project: install_name = project["pypi_id"] elif "github_id" in project: install_name = "git+{github_id}".format_map(project) else: log.error( f"Can't find how to install {kind} '{entry_name}' although it was identified as {project}" ) continue packages_to_install.add(install_name) for extra_key, extra_pkgs in project.get("extra_dependencies", {}).items(): if _dig(cfg, extra_key) is not _NotFound: packages_to_install.update(_strings(extra_pkgs)) wanted.remove(entry_name) for kind, wanted in wanted_plugins: for entry_name in sorted(wanted): dist_name = None ep = _entry_points(kind.entry_points_key).get(entry_name) if ep is not None and ep.dist is not None: dist_name = warning = ( f"{str(kind).capitalize()} '{entry_name}' is not provided by any registered project" ) if ep is not None: warning += " but is installed locally" if dist_name: warning += f" from '{dist_name}'" else: log.warning(warning) return sorted(packages_to_install)