121 lines
5.1 KiB
121 lines
5.1 KiB
from __future__ import annotations
import logging
import os
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, List
from mkdocs import utils
from mkdocs.config import base
from mkdocs.config import config_options as c
from mkdocs.contrib.search.search_index import SearchIndex
from mkdocs.plugins import BasePlugin
from mkdocs.config.defaults import MkDocsConfig
from mkdocs.structure.pages import Page
from mkdocs.utils.templates import TemplateContext
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
base_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
class LangOption(c.OptionallyRequired[List[str]]):
"""Validate Language(s) provided in config are known languages."""
def get_lunr_supported_lang(self, lang):
fallback = {'uk': 'ru'}
for lang_part in lang.split("_"):
lang_part = lang_part.lower()
lang_part = fallback.get(lang_part, lang_part)
if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(base_path, 'lunr-language', f'lunr.{lang_part}.js')):
return lang_part
def run_validation(self, value: object):
if isinstance(value, str):
value = [value]
if not isinstance(value, list):
raise c.ValidationError('Expected a list of language codes.')
for lang in value[:]:
if lang != 'en':
lang_detected = self.get_lunr_supported_lang(lang)
if not lang_detected:
log.info(f"Option search.lang '{lang}' is not supported, falling back to 'en'")
if 'en' not in value:
elif lang_detected != lang:
log.info(f"Option search.lang '{lang}' switched to '{lang_detected}'")
return value
class _PluginConfig(base.Config):
lang = c.Optional(LangOption())
separator = c.Type(str, default=r'[\s\-]+')
min_search_length = c.Type(int, default=3)
prebuild_index = c.Choice((False, True, 'node', 'python'), default=False)
indexing = c.Choice(('full', 'sections', 'titles'), default='full')
class SearchPlugin(BasePlugin[_PluginConfig]):
"""Add a search feature to MkDocs."""
def on_config(self, config: MkDocsConfig, **kwargs) -> MkDocsConfig:
"""Add plugin templates and scripts to config."""
if config.theme.get('include_search_page'):
if not config.theme.get('search_index_only'):
path = os.path.join(base_path, 'templates')
if 'search/main.js' not in config.extra_javascript:
config.extra_javascript.append('search/main.js') # type: ignore
if self.config.lang is None:
# lang setting undefined. Set default based on theme locale
validate = _PluginConfig.lang.run_validation
self.config.lang = validate(config.theme.locale.language)
# The `python` method of `prebuild_index` is pending deprecation as of version 1.2.
# TODO: Raise a deprecation warning in a future release (1.3?).
if self.config.prebuild_index == 'python':
"The 'python' method of the search plugin's 'prebuild_index' config option "
"is pending deprecation and will not be supported in a future release."
return config
def on_pre_build(self, config: MkDocsConfig, **kwargs) -> None:
"""Create search index instance for later use."""
self.search_index = SearchIndex(**self.config)
def on_page_context(self, context: TemplateContext, page: Page, **kwargs) -> None:
"""Add page to search index."""
def on_post_build(self, config: MkDocsConfig, **kwargs) -> None:
"""Build search index."""
output_base_path = os.path.join(config.site_dir, 'search')
search_index = self.search_index.generate_search_index()
json_output_path = os.path.join(output_base_path, 'search_index.json')
utils.write_file(search_index.encode('utf-8'), json_output_path)
assert self.config.lang is not None
if not config.theme.get('search_index_only'):
# Include language support files in output. Copy them directly
# so that only the needed files are included.
files = []
if len(self.config.lang) > 1 or 'en' not in self.config.lang:
if len(self.config.lang) > 1:
if 'ja' in self.config.lang or 'jp' in self.config.lang:
for lang in self.config.lang:
if lang != 'en':
for filename in files:
from_path = os.path.join(base_path, 'lunr-language', filename)
to_path = os.path.join(output_base_path, filename)
utils.copy_file(from_path, to_path)