
869 lines
34 KiB
Raw Normal View History

import base64
import codecs
import collections
import errno
from random import Random
from socket import error as SocketError
import string
import struct
import sys
import time
import zlib
from hashlib import md5, sha1
except ImportError: # pragma NO COVER
from md5 import md5
from sha import sha as sha1
from eventlet import semaphore
from eventlet import wsgi
from import socket
from import get_errno
# Python 2's utf8 decoding is more lenient than we'd like
# In order to pass autobahn's testsuite we need stricter validation
# if available...
for _mod in ('wsaccel.utf8validator', 'autobahn.utf8validator'):
# autobahn has it's own python-based validator. in newest versions
# this prefers to use wsaccel, a cython based implementation, if available.
# wsaccel may also be installed w/out autobahn, or with a earlier version.
utf8validator = __import__(_mod, {}, {}, [''])
except ImportError:
utf8validator = None
__all__ = ["WebSocketWSGI", "WebSocket"]
PROTOCOL_GUID = b'258EAFA5-E914-47DA-95CA-C5AB0DC85B11'
list(range(1000, 1004)) +
list(range(1007, 1012)) +
# 3000-3999: reserved for use by libraries, frameworks,
# and applications
list(range(3000, 4000)) +
# 4000-4999: reserved for private use and thus can't
# be registered
list(range(4000, 5000))
class BadRequest(Exception):
def __init__(self, status='400 Bad Request', body=None, headers=None):
super(Exception, self).__init__()
self.status = status
self.body = body
self.headers = headers
class WebSocketWSGI:
"""Wraps a websocket handler function in a WSGI application.
Use it like this::
def my_handler(ws):
from_browser = ws.wait()
ws.send("from server")
The single argument to the function will be an instance of
:class:`WebSocket`. To close the socket, simply return from the
function. Note that the server will log the websocket request at
the time of closure.
An optional argument max_frame_length can be given, which will set the
maximum incoming *uncompressed* payload length of a frame. By default, this
is set to 8MiB. Note that excessive values here might create a DOS attack
def __init__(self, handler, max_frame_length=DEFAULT_MAX_FRAME_LENGTH):
self.handler = handler
self.protocol_version = None
self.support_legacy_versions = True
self.supported_protocols = []
self.origin_checker = None
self.max_frame_length = max_frame_length
def configured(cls,
def decorator(handler):
inst = cls(handler)
inst.support_legacy_versions = support_legacy_versions
inst.origin_checker = origin_checker
if supported_protocols:
inst.supported_protocols = supported_protocols
return inst
if handler is None:
return decorator
return decorator(handler)
def __call__(self, environ, start_response):
http_connection_parts = [
for part in environ.get('HTTP_CONNECTION', '').lower().split(',')]
if not ('upgrade' in http_connection_parts and
environ.get('HTTP_UPGRADE', '').lower() == 'websocket'):
# need to check a few more things here for true compliance
start_response('400 Bad Request', [('Connection', 'close')])
return []
ws = self._handle_hybi_request(environ)
elif self.support_legacy_versions:
ws = self._handle_legacy_request(environ)
raise BadRequest()
except BadRequest as e:
status = e.status
body = e.body or b''
headers = e.headers or []
[('Connection', 'close'), ] + headers)
return [body]
# We're ready to switch protocols; if running under Eventlet
# (this is not always the case) then flag the connection as
# idle to play well with a graceful stop
if 'eventlet.set_idle' in environ:
except OSError as e:
if get_errno(e) not in ACCEPTABLE_CLIENT_ERRORS:
# Make sure we send the closing frame
# use this undocumented feature of eventlet.wsgi to ensure that it
# doesn't barf on the fact that we didn't call start_response
wsgi.WSGI_LOCAL.already_handled = True
return []
def _handle_legacy_request(self, environ):
if 'eventlet.input' in environ:
sock = environ['eventlet.input'].get_socket()
elif 'gunicorn.socket' in environ:
sock = environ['gunicorn.socket']
raise Exception('No eventlet.input or gunicorn.socket present in environ.')
if 'HTTP_SEC_WEBSOCKET_KEY1' in environ:
self.protocol_version = 76
if 'HTTP_SEC_WEBSOCKET_KEY2' not in environ:
raise BadRequest()
self.protocol_version = 75
if self.protocol_version == 76:
key1 = self._extract_number(environ['HTTP_SEC_WEBSOCKET_KEY1'])
key2 = self._extract_number(environ['HTTP_SEC_WEBSOCKET_KEY2'])
# There's no content-length header in the request, but it has 8
# bytes of data.
environ['wsgi.input'].content_length = 8
key3 = environ['wsgi.input'].read(8)
key = struct.pack(">II", key1, key2) + key3
response = md5(key).digest()
# Start building the response
scheme = 'ws'
if environ.get('wsgi.url_scheme') == 'https':
scheme = 'wss'
location = '%s://%s%s%s' % (
qs = environ.get('QUERY_STRING')
if qs is not None:
location += '?' + qs
if self.protocol_version == 75:
handshake_reply = (
b"HTTP/1.1 101 Web Socket Protocol Handshake\r\n"
b"Upgrade: WebSocket\r\n"
b"Connection: Upgrade\r\n"
b"WebSocket-Origin: " + environ.get('HTTP_ORIGIN').encode() + b"\r\n"
b"WebSocket-Location: " + location.encode() + b"\r\n\r\n"
elif self.protocol_version == 76:
handshake_reply = (
b"HTTP/1.1 101 WebSocket Protocol Handshake\r\n"
b"Upgrade: WebSocket\r\n"
b"Connection: Upgrade\r\n"
b"Sec-WebSocket-Origin: " + environ.get('HTTP_ORIGIN').encode() + b"\r\n"
b"Sec-WebSocket-Protocol: " +
environ.get('HTTP_SEC_WEBSOCKET_PROTOCOL', 'default').encode() + b"\r\n"
b"Sec-WebSocket-Location: " + location.encode() + b"\r\n"
b"\r\n" + response
else: # pragma NO COVER
raise ValueError("Unknown WebSocket protocol version.")
return WebSocket(sock, environ, self.protocol_version)
def _parse_extension_header(self, header):
if header is None:
return None
res = {}
for ext in header.split(","):
parts = ext.split(";")
config = {}
for part in parts[1:]:
key_val = part.split("=")
if len(key_val) == 1:
config[key_val[0].strip().lower()] = True
config[key_val[0].strip().lower()] = key_val[1].strip().strip('"').lower()
res.setdefault(parts[0].strip().lower(), []).append(config)
return res
def _negotiate_permessage_deflate(self, extensions):
if not extensions:
return None
deflate = extensions.get("permessage-deflate")
if deflate is None:
return None
for config in deflate:
# We'll evaluate each config in the client's preferred order and pick
# the first that we can support.
want_config = {
# These are bool options, we can support both
"server_no_context_takeover": config.get("server_no_context_takeover", False),
"client_no_context_takeover": config.get("client_no_context_takeover", False)
# These are either bool OR int options. True means the client can accept a value
# for the option, a number means the client wants that specific value.
max_wbits = min(zlib.MAX_WBITS, 15)
mwb = config.get("server_max_window_bits")
if mwb is not None:
if mwb is True:
want_config["server_max_window_bits"] = max_wbits
want_config["server_max_window_bits"] = \
int(config.get("server_max_window_bits", max_wbits))
if not (8 <= want_config["server_max_window_bits"] <= 15):
mwb = config.get("client_max_window_bits")
if mwb is not None:
if mwb is True:
want_config["client_max_window_bits"] = max_wbits
want_config["client_max_window_bits"] = \
int(config.get("client_max_window_bits", max_wbits))
if not (8 <= want_config["client_max_window_bits"] <= 15):
return want_config
return None
def _format_extension_header(self, parsed_extensions):
if not parsed_extensions:
return None
parts = []
for name, config in parsed_extensions.items():
ext_parts = [name.encode()]
for key, value in config.items():
if value is False:
elif value is True:
ext_parts.append(("%s=%s" % (key, str(value))).encode())
parts.append(b"; ".join(ext_parts))
return b", ".join(parts)
def _handle_hybi_request(self, environ):
if 'eventlet.input' in environ:
sock = environ['eventlet.input'].get_socket()
elif 'gunicorn.socket' in environ:
sock = environ['gunicorn.socket']
raise Exception('No eventlet.input or gunicorn.socket present in environ.')
hybi_version = environ['HTTP_SEC_WEBSOCKET_VERSION']
if hybi_version not in ('8', '13', ):
raise BadRequest(status='426 Upgrade Required',
headers=[('Sec-WebSocket-Version', '8, 13')])
self.protocol_version = int(hybi_version)
if 'HTTP_SEC_WEBSOCKET_KEY' not in environ:
# That's bad.
raise BadRequest()
origin = environ.get(
(environ.get('HTTP_SEC_WEBSOCKET_ORIGIN', '')
if self.protocol_version <= 8 else ''))
if self.origin_checker is not None:
if not self.origin_checker(environ.get('HTTP_HOST'), origin):
raise BadRequest(status='403 Forbidden')
protocols = environ.get('HTTP_SEC_WEBSOCKET_PROTOCOL', None)
negotiated_protocol = None
if protocols:
for p in (i.strip() for i in protocols.split(',')):
if p in self.supported_protocols:
negotiated_protocol = p
key = environ['HTTP_SEC_WEBSOCKET_KEY']
response = base64.b64encode(sha1(key.encode() + PROTOCOL_GUID).digest())
handshake_reply = [b"HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols",
b"Upgrade: websocket",
b"Connection: Upgrade",
b"Sec-WebSocket-Accept: " + response]
if negotiated_protocol:
handshake_reply.append(b"Sec-WebSocket-Protocol: " + negotiated_protocol.encode())
parsed_extensions = {}
extensions = self._parse_extension_header(environ.get("HTTP_SEC_WEBSOCKET_EXTENSIONS"))
deflate = self._negotiate_permessage_deflate(extensions)
if deflate is not None:
parsed_extensions["permessage-deflate"] = deflate
formatted_ext = self._format_extension_header(parsed_extensions)
if formatted_ext is not None:
handshake_reply.append(b"Sec-WebSocket-Extensions: " + formatted_ext)
sock.sendall(b'\r\n'.join(handshake_reply) + b'\r\n\r\n')
return RFC6455WebSocket(sock, environ, self.protocol_version,
def _extract_number(self, value):
Utility function which, given a string like 'g98sd 5[]221@1', will
return 9852211. Used to parse the Sec-WebSocket-Key headers.
out = ""
spaces = 0
for char in value:
if char in string.digits:
out += char
elif char == " ":
spaces += 1
return int(out) // spaces
class WebSocket:
"""A websocket object that handles the details of
serialization/deserialization to the socket.
The primary way to interact with a :class:`WebSocket` object is to
call :meth:`send` and :meth:`wait` in order to pass messages back
and forth with the browser. Also available are the following
The path value of the request. This is the same as the WSGI PATH_INFO variable,
but more convenient.
The value of the Websocket-Protocol header.
The value of the 'Origin' header.
The full WSGI environment for this request.
def __init__(self, sock, environ, version=76):
:param socket: The eventlet socket
:type socket: :class:`eventlet.greenio.GreenSocket`
:param environ: The wsgi environment
:param version: The WebSocket spec version to follow (default is 76)
self.log = environ.get('wsgi.errors', sys.stderr)
self.log_context = 'server={shost}/{spath} client={caddr}:{cport}'.format(
spath=environ.get('SCRIPT_NAME', '') + environ.get('PATH_INFO', ''),
caddr=environ.get('REMOTE_ADDR'), cport=environ.get('REMOTE_PORT'),
self.socket = sock
self.origin = environ.get('HTTP_ORIGIN')
self.protocol = environ.get('HTTP_WEBSOCKET_PROTOCOL')
self.path = environ.get('PATH_INFO')
self.environ = environ
self.version = version
self.websocket_closed = False
self._buf = b""
self._msgs = collections.deque()
self._sendlock = semaphore.Semaphore()
def _pack_message(self, message):
"""Pack the message inside ``00`` and ``FF``
As per the dataframing section (5.3) for the websocket spec
if isinstance(message, str):
message = message.encode('utf-8')
elif not isinstance(message, bytes):
message = str(message).encode()
packed = b"\x00" + message + b"\xFF"
return packed
def _parse_messages(self):
""" Parses for messages in the buffer *buf*. It is assumed that
the buffer contains the start character for a message, but that it
may contain only part of the rest of the message.
Returns an array of messages, and the buffer remainder that
didn't contain any full messages."""
msgs = []
end_idx = 0
buf = self._buf
while buf:
frame_type = buf[0]
if frame_type == 0:
# Normal message.
end_idx = buf.find(b"\xFF")
if end_idx == -1: # pragma NO COVER
msgs.append(buf[1:end_idx].decode('utf-8', 'replace'))
buf = buf[end_idx + 1:]
elif frame_type == 255:
# Closing handshake.
assert buf[1] == 0, "Unexpected closing handshake: %r" % buf
self.websocket_closed = True
raise ValueError("Don't understand how to parse this type of message: %r" % buf)
self._buf = buf
return msgs
def send(self, message):
"""Send a message to the browser.
*message* should be convertable to a string; unicode objects should be
encodable as utf-8. Raises socket.error with errno of 32
(broken pipe) if the socket has already been closed by the client."""
packed = self._pack_message(message)
# if two greenthreads are trying to send at the same time
# on the same socket, sendlock prevents interleaving and corruption
def wait(self):
"""Waits for and deserializes messages.
Returns a single message; the oldest not yet processed. If the client
has already closed the connection, returns None. This is different
from normal socket behavior because the empty string is a valid
websocket message."""
while not self._msgs:
# Websocket might be closed already.
if self.websocket_closed:
return None
# no parsed messages, must mean buf needs more data
delta = self.socket.recv(8096)
if delta == b'':
return None
self._buf += delta
msgs = self._parse_messages()
return self._msgs.popleft()
def _send_closing_frame(self, ignore_send_errors=False):
"""Sends the closing frame to the client, if required."""
if self.version == 76 and not self.websocket_closed:
except OSError:
# Sometimes, like when the remote side cuts off the connection,
# we don't care about this.
if not ignore_send_errors: # pragma NO COVER
self.websocket_closed = True
def close(self):
"""Forcibly close the websocket; generally it is preferable to
return from the handler method."""
except OSError as e:
if e.errno != errno.ENOTCONN:
self.log.write('{ctx} socket shutdown error: {e}'.format(ctx=self.log_context, e=e))
class ConnectionClosedError(Exception):
class FailedConnectionError(Exception):
def __init__(self, status, message):
super().__init__(status, message)
self.message = message
self.status = status
class ProtocolError(ValueError):
class RFC6455WebSocket(WebSocket):
def __init__(self, sock, environ, version=13, protocol=None, client=False, extensions=None,
super().__init__(sock, environ, version)
self.iterator = self._iter_frames()
self.client = client
self.protocol = protocol
self.extensions = extensions or {}
self._deflate_enc = None
self._deflate_dec = None
self.max_frame_length = max_frame_length
self._remote_close_data = None
class UTF8Decoder:
def __init__(self):
if utf8validator:
self.validator = utf8validator.Utf8Validator()
self.validator = None
decoderclass = codecs.getincrementaldecoder('utf8')
self.decoder = decoderclass()
def reset(self):
if self.validator:
def decode(self, data, final=False):
if self.validator:
valid, eocp, c_i, t_i = self.validator.validate(data)
if not valid:
raise ValueError('Data is not valid unicode')
return self.decoder.decode(data, final)
def _get_permessage_deflate_enc(self):
options = self.extensions.get("permessage-deflate")
if options is None:
return None
def _make():
return zlib.compressobj(zlib.Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION, zlib.DEFLATED,
-options.get("client_max_window_bits" if self.client
else "server_max_window_bits",
if options.get("client_no_context_takeover" if self.client
else "server_no_context_takeover"):
# This option means we have to make a new one every time
return _make()
if self._deflate_enc is None:
self._deflate_enc = _make()
return self._deflate_enc
def _get_permessage_deflate_dec(self, rsv1):
options = self.extensions.get("permessage-deflate")
if options is None or not rsv1:
return None
def _make():
return zlib.decompressobj(-options.get("server_max_window_bits" if self.client
else "client_max_window_bits",
if options.get("server_no_context_takeover" if self.client
else "client_no_context_takeover"):
# This option means we have to make a new one every time
return _make()
if self._deflate_dec is None:
self._deflate_dec = _make()
return self._deflate_dec
def _get_bytes(self, numbytes):
data = b''
while len(data) < numbytes:
d = self.socket.recv(numbytes - len(data))
if not d:
raise ConnectionClosedError()
data = data + d
return data
class Message:
def __init__(self, opcode, max_frame_length, decoder=None, decompressor=None):
self.decoder = decoder = []
self.finished = False
self.opcode = opcode
self.decompressor = decompressor
self.max_frame_length = max_frame_length
def push(self, data, final=False):
self.finished = final
def getvalue(self):
data = b"".join(
if not self.opcode & 8 and self.decompressor:
data = self.decompressor.decompress(data + b"\x00\x00\xff\xff", self.max_frame_length)
if self.decompressor.unconsumed_tail:
raise FailedConnectionError(
"Incoming compressed frame exceeds length limit of {} bytes.".format(self.max_frame_length))
if self.decoder:
data = self.decoder.decode(data, self.finished)
return data
def _apply_mask(data, mask, length=None, offset=0):
if length is None:
length = len(data)
cnt = range(length)
return b''.join(bytes((data[i] ^ mask[(offset + i) % 4],)) for i in cnt)
def _handle_control_frame(self, opcode, data):
if opcode == 8: # connection close
self._remote_close_data = data
if not data:
status = 1000
elif len(data) > 1:
status = struct.unpack_from('!H', data)[0]
if not status or status not in VALID_CLOSE_STATUS:
raise FailedConnectionError(
"Unexpected close status code.")
data = self.UTF8Decoder().decode(data[2:], True)
except (UnicodeDecodeError, ValueError):
raise FailedConnectionError(
"Close message data should be valid UTF-8.")
status = 1002
self.close(close_data=(status, ''))
raise ConnectionClosedError()
elif opcode == 9: # ping
self.send(data, control_code=0xA)
elif opcode == 0xA: # pong
raise FailedConnectionError(
1002, "Unknown control frame received.")
def _iter_frames(self):
fragmented_message = None
while True:
message = self._recv_frame(message=fragmented_message)
if message.opcode & 8:
message.opcode, message.getvalue())
if fragmented_message and message is not fragmented_message:
raise RuntimeError('Unexpected message change.')
fragmented_message = message
if message.finished:
data = fragmented_message.getvalue()
fragmented_message = None
yield data
except FailedConnectionError:
exc_typ, exc_val, exc_tb = sys.exc_info()
self.close(close_data=(exc_val.status, exc_val.message))
except ConnectionClosedError:
except Exception:
self.close(close_data=(1011, 'Internal Server Error'))
def _recv_frame(self, message=None):
recv = self._get_bytes
# Unpacking the frame described in Section 5.2 of RFC6455
# (
header = recv(2)
a, b = struct.unpack('!BB', header)
finished = a >> 7 == 1
rsv123 = a >> 4 & 7
rsv1 = rsv123 & 4
if rsv123:
if rsv1 and "permessage-deflate" not in self.extensions:
# must be zero - unless it's compressed then rsv1 is true
raise FailedConnectionError(
"RSV1, RSV2, RSV3: MUST be 0 unless an extension is"
" negotiated that defines meanings for non-zero values.")
opcode = a & 15
if opcode not in (0, 1, 2, 8, 9, 0xA):
raise FailedConnectionError(1002, "Unknown opcode received.")
masked = b & 128 == 128
if not masked and not self.client:
raise FailedConnectionError(1002, "A client MUST mask all frames"
" that it sends to the server")
length = b & 127
if opcode & 8:
if not finished:
raise FailedConnectionError(1002, "Control frames must not"
" be fragmented.")
if length > 125:
raise FailedConnectionError(
"All control frames MUST have a payload length of 125"
" bytes or less")
elif opcode and message:
raise FailedConnectionError(
"Received a non-continuation opcode within"
" fragmented message.")
elif not opcode and not message:
raise FailedConnectionError(
"Received continuation opcode with no previous"
" fragments received.")
if length == 126:
length = struct.unpack('!H', recv(2))[0]
elif length == 127:
length = struct.unpack('!Q', recv(8))[0]
if length > self.max_frame_length:
raise FailedConnectionError(1009, "Incoming frame of {} bytes is above length limit of {} bytes.".format(
length, self.max_frame_length))
if masked:
mask = struct.unpack('!BBBB', recv(4))
received = 0
if not message or opcode & 8:
decoder = self.UTF8Decoder() if opcode == 1 else None
decompressor = self._get_permessage_deflate_dec(rsv1)
message = self.Message(opcode, self.max_frame_length, decoder=decoder, decompressor=decompressor)
if not length:
message.push(b'', final=finished)
while received < length:
d = self.socket.recv(length - received)
if not d:
raise ConnectionClosedError()
dlen = len(d)
if masked:
d = self._apply_mask(d, mask, length=dlen, offset=received)
received = received + dlen
message.push(d, final=finished)
except (UnicodeDecodeError, ValueError):
raise FailedConnectionError(
1007, "Text data must be valid utf-8")
return message
def _pack_message(self, message, masked=False,
continuation=False, final=True, control_code=None):
is_text = False
if isinstance(message, str):
message = message.encode('utf-8')
is_text = True
compress_bit = 0
compressor = self._get_permessage_deflate_enc()
# Control frames are identified by opcodes where the most significant
# bit of the opcode is 1. Currently defined opcodes for control frames
# include 0x8 (Close), 0x9 (Ping), and 0xA (Pong). Opcodes 0xB-0xF are
# reserved for further control frames yet to be defined.
is_control_frame = (control_code or 0) & 8
# An endpoint MUST NOT set the "Per-Message Compressed" bit of control
# frames and non-first fragments of a data message. An endpoint
# receiving such a frame MUST _Fail the WebSocket Connection_.
if message and compressor and not is_control_frame:
message = compressor.compress(message)
message += compressor.flush(zlib.Z_SYNC_FLUSH)
assert message[-4:] == b"\x00\x00\xff\xff"
message = message[:-4]
compress_bit = 1 << 6
length = len(message)
if not length:
# no point masking empty data
masked = False
if control_code:
if control_code not in (8, 9, 0xA):
raise ProtocolError('Unknown control opcode.')
if continuation or not final:
raise ProtocolError('Control frame cannot be a fragment.')
if length > 125:
raise ProtocolError('Control frame data too large (>125).')
header = struct.pack('!B', control_code | 1 << 7)
opcode = 0 if continuation else ((1 if is_text else 2) | compress_bit)
header = struct.pack('!B', opcode | (1 << 7 if final else 0))
lengthdata = 1 << 7 if masked else 0
if length > 65535:
lengthdata = struct.pack('!BQ', lengthdata | 127, length)
elif length > 125:
lengthdata = struct.pack('!BH', lengthdata | 126, length)
lengthdata = struct.pack('!B', lengthdata | length)
if masked:
# NOTE: RFC6455 states:
# A server MUST NOT mask any frames that it sends to the client
rand = Random(time.time())
mask = [rand.getrandbits(8) for _ in range(4)]
message = RFC6455WebSocket._apply_mask(message, mask, length)
maskdata = struct.pack('!BBBB', *mask)
maskdata = b''
return b''.join((header, lengthdata, maskdata, message))
def wait(self):
for i in self.iterator:
return i
def _send(self, frame):
def send(self, message, **kw):
kw['masked'] = self.client
payload = self._pack_message(message, **kw)
def _send_closing_frame(self, ignore_send_errors=False, close_data=None):
if self.version in (8, 13) and not self.websocket_closed:
if close_data is not None:
status, msg = close_data
if isinstance(msg, str):
msg = msg.encode('utf-8')
data = struct.pack('!H', status) + msg
data = ''
self.send(data, control_code=8)
except OSError:
# Sometimes, like when the remote side cuts off the connection,
# we don't care about this.
if not ignore_send_errors: # pragma NO COVER
self.websocket_closed = True
def close(self, close_data=None):
"""Forcibly close the websocket; generally it is preferable to
return from the handler method."""
self._send_closing_frame(close_data=close_data, ignore_send_errors=True)
except OSError as e:
if e.errno != errno.ENOTCONN:
self.log.write('{ctx} socket shutdown error: {e}'.format(ctx=self.log_context, e=e))