238 lines
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238 lines
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Tests for greenlet.
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
import sys
import unittest
from gc import collect
from gc import get_objects
from threading import active_count as active_thread_count
from time import sleep
from time import time
import psutil
from greenlet import greenlet as RawGreenlet
from greenlet import getcurrent
from greenlet._greenlet import get_pending_cleanup_count
from greenlet._greenlet import get_total_main_greenlets
from . import leakcheck
PY312 = sys.version_info[:2] >= (3, 12)
WIN = sys.platform.startswith("win")
class TestCaseMetaClass(type):
# wrap each test method with
# a) leak checks
def __new__(cls, classname, bases, classDict):
# pylint and pep8 fight over what this should be called (mcs or cls).
# pylint gets it right, but we can't scope disable pep8, so we go with
# its convention.
# pylint: disable=bad-mcs-classmethod-argument
check_totalrefcount = True
# Python 3: must copy, we mutate the classDict. Interestingly enough,
# it doesn't actually error out, but under 3.6 we wind up wrapping
# and re-wrapping the same items over and over and over.
for key, value in list(classDict.items()):
if key.startswith('test') and callable(value):
if check_totalrefcount:
value = leakcheck.wrap_refcount(value)
classDict[key] = value
return type.__new__(cls, classname, bases, classDict)
class TestCase(TestCaseMetaClass(
cleanup_attempt_sleep_duration = 0.001
cleanup_max_sleep_seconds = 1
def wait_for_pending_cleanups(self,
initial_active_threads = initial_active_threads or self.threads_before_test
initial_main_greenlets = initial_main_greenlets or self.main_greenlets_before_test
sleep_time = self.cleanup_attempt_sleep_duration
# NOTE: This is racy! A Python-level thread object may be dead
# and gone, but the C thread may not yet have fired its
# destructors and added to the queue. There's no particular
# way to know that's about to happen. We try to watch the
# Python threads to make sure they, at least, have gone away.
# Counting the main greenlets, which we can easily do deterministically,
# also helps.
# Always sleep at least once to let other threads run
quit_after = time() + self.cleanup_max_sleep_seconds
# TODO: We could add an API that calls us back when a particular main greenlet is deleted?
# It would have to drop the GIL
while (
or active_thread_count() > initial_active_threads
or (not self.expect_greenlet_leak
and get_total_main_greenlets() > initial_main_greenlets)):
if time() > quit_after:
print("Time limit exceeded.")
print("Threads: Waiting for only", initial_active_threads,
"-->", active_thread_count())
print("MGlets : Waiting for only", initial_main_greenlets,
"-->", get_total_main_greenlets())
def count_objects(self, kind=list, exact_kind=True):
# pylint:disable=unidiomatic-typecheck
# Collect the garbage.
for _ in range(3):
if exact_kind:
return sum(
for x in get_objects()
if type(x) is kind
# instances
return sum(
for x in get_objects()
if isinstance(x, kind)
greenlets_before_test = 0
threads_before_test = 0
main_greenlets_before_test = 0
expect_greenlet_leak = False
def count_greenlets(self):
Find all the greenlets and subclasses tracked by the GC.
return self.count_objects(RawGreenlet, False)
def setUp(self):
# Ensure the main greenlet exists, otherwise the first test
# gets a false positive leak
self.threads_before_test = active_thread_count()
self.main_greenlets_before_test = get_total_main_greenlets()
self.wait_for_pending_cleanups(self.threads_before_test, self.main_greenlets_before_test)
self.greenlets_before_test = self.count_greenlets()
def tearDown(self):
if getattr(self, 'skipTearDown', False):
self.wait_for_pending_cleanups(self.threads_before_test, self.main_greenlets_before_test)
def get_expected_returncodes_for_aborted_process(self):
import signal
# The child should be aborted in an unusual way. On POSIX
# platforms, this is done with abort() and signal.SIGABRT,
# which is reflected in a negative return value; however, on
# Windows, even though we observe the child print "Fatal
# Python error: Aborted" and in older versions of the C
# runtime "This application has requested the Runtime to
# terminate it in an unusual way," it always has an exit code
# of 3. This is interesting because 3 is the error code for
# ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND; BUT: the C runtime abort() function
# also uses this code.
# If we link to the static C library on Windows, the error
# code changes to '0xc0000409' (hex(3221226505)), which
# apparently is STATUS_STACK_BUFFER_OVERRUN; but "What this
# means is that nowadays when you get a
# STATUS_STACK_BUFFER_OVERRUN, it doesn’t actually mean that
# there is a stack buffer overrun. It just means that the
# application decided to terminate itself with great haste."
# On windows, we've also seen '0xc0000005' (hex(3221225477)).
# That's "Access Violation"
# See
# https://devblogs.microsoft.com/oldnewthing/20110519-00/?p=10623
# and
# https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions/k089yyh0(v=vs.140)?redirectedfrom=MSDN
# and
# https://devblogs.microsoft.com/oldnewthing/20190108-00/?p=100655
expected_exit = (
# But beginning on Python 3.11, the faulthandler
# that prints the C backtraces sometimes segfaults after
# reporting the exception but before printing the stack.
# This has only been seen on linux/gcc.
) if not WIN else (
return expected_exit
def get_process_uss(self):
Return the current process's USS in bytes.
uss is available on Linux, macOS, Windows. Also known as
"Unique Set Size", this is the memory which is unique to a
process and which would be freed if the process was terminated
right now.
If this is not supported by ``psutil``, this raises the
:exc:`unittest.SkipTest` exception.
return psutil.Process().memory_full_info().uss
except AttributeError as e:
raise unittest.SkipTest("uss not supported") from e
def run_script(self, script_name, show_output=True):
import subprocess
import os
script = os.path.join(
return subprocess.check_output([sys.executable, script],
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as ex:
if show_output:
print('Failed to run script', script)
def assertScriptRaises(self, script_name, exitcodes=None):
import subprocess
with self.assertRaises(subprocess.CalledProcessError) as exc:
output = self.run_script(script_name, show_output=False)
__traceback_info__ = output
# We're going to fail the assertion if we get here, at least
# preserve the output in the traceback.
if exitcodes is None:
exitcodes = self.get_expected_returncodes_for_aborted_process()
self.assertIn(exc.exception.returncode, exitcodes)
return exc.exception