694 lines
26 KiB
694 lines
26 KiB
import json
import logging
import os
import textwrap
from datetime import datetime
import pipenv.vendor.click as click
from pipenv.patched.safety.constants import RED, YELLOW
from pipenv.patched.safety.util import get_safety_version, Package, get_terminal_size, \
SafetyContext, build_telemetry_data, build_git_data, is_a_remote_mirror
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def build_announcements_section_content(announcements, columns=get_terminal_size().columns,
start_line_decorator=' ', end_line_decorator=' '):
section = ''
for i, announcement in enumerate(announcements):
color = ''
if announcement.get('type') == 'error':
color = RED
elif announcement.get('type') == 'warning':
color = YELLOW
item = '{message}'.format(
message=format_long_text('* ' + announcement.get('message'), color, columns,
start_line_decorator, end_line_decorator))
section += '{item}'.format(item=item)
if i + 1 < len(announcements):
section += '\n'
return section
def add_empty_line():
return format_long_text('')
def style_lines(lines, columns, pre_processed_text='', start_line=' ' * 4, end_line=' ' * 4):
styled_text = pre_processed_text
for line in lines:
styled_line = ''
left_padding = ' ' * line.get('left_padding', 0)
for i, word in enumerate(line.get('words', [])):
if word.get('style', {}):
text = ''
if i == 0:
text = left_padding # Include the line padding in the word to avoid Github issues
left_padding = '' # Clean left padding to avoid be added two times
text += word.get('value', '')
styled_line += click.style(text=text, **word.get('style', {}))
styled_line += word.get('value', '')
styled_text += format_long_text(styled_line, columns=columns, start_line_decorator=start_line,
left_padding=left_padding, **line.get('format', {})) + '\n'
return styled_text
def format_vulnerability(vulnerability, full_mode, only_text=False, columns=get_terminal_size().columns):
common_format = {'left_padding': 3, 'format': {'sub_indent': ' ' * 3, 'max_lines': None}}
styled_vulnerability = [
{'words': [{'style': {'bold': True}, 'value': 'Vulnerability ID: '}, {'value': vulnerability.vulnerability_id}]},
vulnerability_spec = [
{'words': [{'style': {'bold': True}, 'value': 'Affected spec: '}, {'value': vulnerability.vulnerable_spec}]}]
cve = vulnerability.CVE
cvssv2_line = None
cve_lines = []
if cve:
if full_mode and cve.cvssv2:
b = cve.cvssv2.get("base_score", "-")
s = cve.cvssv2.get("impact_score", "-")
v = cve.cvssv2.get("vector_string", "-")
# Reset sub_indent as the left_margin is going to be applied in this case
cvssv2_line = {'format': {'sub_indent': ''}, 'words': [
{'value': f'CVSS v2, BASE SCORE {b}, IMPACT SCORE {s}, VECTOR STRING {v}'},
if cve.cvssv3 and "base_severity" in cve.cvssv3.keys():
cvss_base_severity_style = {'bold': True}
base_severity = cve.cvssv3.get("base_severity", "-")
if base_severity.upper() in ['HIGH', 'CRITICAL']:
cvss_base_severity_style['fg'] = 'red'
b = cve.cvssv3.get("base_score", "-")
if full_mode:
s = cve.cvssv3.get("impact_score", "-")
v = cve.cvssv3.get("vector_string", "-")
cvssv3_text = f'CVSS v3, BASE SCORE {b}, IMPACT SCORE {s}, VECTOR STRING {v}'
cvssv3_text = f'CVSS v3, BASE SCORE {b} '
cve_lines = [
{'words': [{'style': {'bold': True}, 'value': '{0} is '.format(cve.name)},
{'style': cvss_base_severity_style,
'value': f'{base_severity} SEVERITY => '},
{'value': cvssv3_text},
if cvssv2_line:
elif cve.name:
cve_lines = [
{'words': [{'style': {'bold': True}, 'value': cve.name}]}
advisory_format = {'sub_indent': ' ' * 3, 'max_lines': None} if full_mode else {'sub_indent': ' ' * 3,
'max_lines': 2}
basic_vuln_data_lines = [
{'format': advisory_format, 'words': [
{'style': {'bold': True}, 'value': 'ADVISORY: '},
{'value': vulnerability.advisory.replace('\n', '')}]}
if SafetyContext().key:
fixed_version_line = {'words': [
{'style': {'bold': True}, 'value': 'Fixed versions: '},
{'value': ', '.join(vulnerability.fixed_versions) if vulnerability.fixed_versions else 'No known fix'}
more_info_line = [{'words': [{'style': {'bold': True}, 'value': 'For more information, please visit '},
{'value': click.style(vulnerability.more_info_url)}]}]
vuln_title = f'-> Vulnerability found in {vulnerability.package_name} version {vulnerability.analyzed_version}\n'
styled_text = click.style(vuln_title, fg='red')
to_print = styled_vulnerability
if not vulnerability.ignored:
to_print += vulnerability_spec + basic_vuln_data_lines + cve_lines
generic_reason = 'This vulnerability is being ignored'
if vulnerability.ignored_expires:
generic_reason += f" until {vulnerability.ignored_expires.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S UTC')}. " \
f"See your configurations"
specific_reason = None
if vulnerability.ignored_reason:
specific_reason = [
{'words': [{'style': {'bold': True}, 'value': 'Reason: '}, {'value': vulnerability.ignored_reason}]}]
expire_section = [{'words': [
{'style': {'bold': True, 'fg': 'green'}, 'value': f'{generic_reason}.'}, ]}]
if specific_reason:
expire_section += specific_reason
to_print += expire_section
if cve:
to_print += more_info_line
to_print = [{**common_format, **line} for line in to_print]
content = style_lines(to_print, columns, styled_text, start_line='', end_line='', )
return click.unstyle(content) if only_text else content
def format_license(license, only_text=False, columns=get_terminal_size().columns):
to_print = [
{'words': [{'style': {'bold': True}, 'value': license['package']},
{'value': ' version {0} found using license '.format(license['version'])},
{'style': {'bold': True}, 'value': license['license']}
content = style_lines(to_print, columns, '-> ', start_line='', end_line='')
return click.unstyle(content) if only_text else content
def build_remediation_section(remediations, only_text=False, columns=get_terminal_size().columns, kwargs=None):
columns -= 2
left_padding = ' ' * 3
if not kwargs:
# Reset default params in the format_long_text func
kwargs = {'left_padding': '', 'columns': columns, 'start_line_decorator': '', 'end_line_decorator': '',
'sub_indent': left_padding}
END_SECTION = '+' + '=' * columns + '+'
if not remediations:
return []
content = ''
total_vulns = 0
total_packages = len(remediations.keys())
for pkg in remediations.keys():
total_vulns += remediations[pkg]['vulns_found']
upgrade_to = remediations[pkg]['closest_secure_version']['major']
downgrade_to = remediations[pkg]['closest_secure_version']['minor']
fix_version = None
if upgrade_to:
fix_version = str(upgrade_to)
elif downgrade_to:
fix_version = str(downgrade_to)
new_line = '\n'
other_options = [str(fix) for fix in remediations[pkg].get('secure_versions', []) if str(fix) != fix_version]
raw_recommendation = f"We recommend upgrading to version {upgrade_to} of {pkg}."
if other_options:
raw_other_options = ', '.join(other_options)
raw_pre_other_options = 'Other versions without known vulnerabilities are:'
if len(other_options) == 1:
raw_pre_other_options = 'Other version without known vulnerabilities is'
raw_recommendation = f"{raw_recommendation} {raw_pre_other_options} " \
remediation_content = [
f'{left_padding}The closest version with no known vulnerabilities is ' + click.style(upgrade_to, bold=True),
click.style(f'{left_padding}{raw_recommendation}', bold=True, fg='green')
if not fix_version:
remediation_content = [new_line,
click.style(f'{left_padding}There is no known fix for this vulnerability.', bold=True, fg='yellow')]
text = 'vulnerabilities' if remediations[pkg]['vulns_found'] > 1 else 'vulnerability'
raw_rem_title = f"-> {pkg} version {remediations[pkg]['version']} was found, " \
f"which has {remediations[pkg]['vulns_found']} {text}"
remediation_title = click.style(raw_rem_title, fg=RED, bold=True)
content += new_line + format_long_text(remediation_title, **kwargs) + new_line
pre_content = remediation_content + [
f"{left_padding}For more information, please visit {remediations[pkg]['more_info_url']}",
f'{left_padding}Always check for breaking changes when upgrading packages.',
for i, element in enumerate(pre_content):
content += format_long_text(element, **kwargs)
if i + 1 < len(pre_content):
content += '\n'
title = format_long_text(click.style(f'{left_padding}REMEDIATIONS', fg='green', bold=True), **kwargs)
body = [content]
if not is_using_api_key():
vuln_text = 'vulnerabilities were' if total_vulns != 1 else 'vulnerability was'
pkg_text = 'packages' if total_packages > 1 else 'package'
msg = "{0} {1} found in {2} {3}. " \
"For detailed remediation & fix recommendations, upgrade to a commercial license."\
.format(total_vulns, vuln_text, total_packages, pkg_text)
content = '\n' + format_long_text(msg, left_padding=' ', columns=columns) + '\n'
body = [content]
content = [title] + body
if only_text:
content = [click.unstyle(item) for item in content]
return content
def get_final_brief(total_vulns_found, total_remediations, ignored, total_ignored, kwargs=None):
if not kwargs:
kwargs = {}
total_vulns = max(0, total_vulns_found - total_ignored)
vuln_text = 'vulnerabilities' if total_ignored > 1 else 'vulnerability'
pkg_text = 'packages were' if len(ignored.keys()) > 1 else 'package was'
policy_file_text = ' using a safety policy file' if is_using_a_safety_policy_file() else ''
vuln_brief = f" {total_vulns} vulnerabilit{'y was' if total_vulns == 1 else 'ies were'} found."
ignored_text = f' {total_ignored} {vuln_text} from {len(ignored.keys())} {pkg_text} ignored.' if ignored else ''
remediation_text = f" {total_remediations} remediation{' was' if total_remediations == 1 else 's were'} " \
f"recommended." if is_using_api_key() else ''
raw_brief = f"Scan was completed{policy_file_text}.{vuln_brief}{ignored_text}{remediation_text}"
return format_long_text(raw_brief, start_line_decorator=' ', **kwargs)
def get_final_brief_license(licenses, kwargs=None):
if not kwargs:
kwargs = {}
licenses_text = ' Scan was completed.'
if licenses:
licenses_text = 'The following software licenses were present in your system: {0}'.format(', '.join(licenses))
return format_long_text("{0}".format(licenses_text), start_line_decorator=' ', **kwargs)
def format_long_text(text, color='', columns=get_terminal_size().columns, start_line_decorator=' ', end_line_decorator=' ', left_padding='', max_lines=None, styling=None, indent='', sub_indent=''):
if not styling:
styling = {}
if color:
styling.update({'fg': color})
columns -= len(start_line_decorator) + len(end_line_decorator)
formatted_lines = []
lines = text.replace('\r', '').splitlines()
for line in lines:
base_format = "{:" + str(columns) + "}"
if line == '':
empty_line = base_format.format(" ")
formatted_lines.append("{0}{1}{2}".format(start_line_decorator, empty_line, end_line_decorator))
wrapped_lines = textwrap.wrap(line, width=columns, max_lines=max_lines, initial_indent=indent, subsequent_indent=sub_indent, placeholder='...')
for wrapped_line in wrapped_lines:
new_line = left_padding + wrapped_line.encode('utf-8')
except TypeError:
new_line = left_padding + wrapped_line
if styling:
new_line = click.style(new_line, **styling)
return "\n".join(formatted_lines)
def get_printable_list_of_scanned_items(scanning_target):
context = SafetyContext()
result = []
scanned_items_data = []
if scanning_target == 'environment':
locations = set([pkg.found for pkg in context.packages if isinstance(pkg, Package)])
for path in locations:
result.append([{'styled': False, 'value': '-> ' + path}])
if len(locations) <= 0:
msg = 'No locations found in the environment'
result.append([{'styled': False, 'value': msg}])
elif scanning_target == 'stdin':
scanned_stdin = [pkg.name for pkg in context.packages if isinstance(pkg, Package)]
value = 'No found packages in stdin'
scanned_items_data = [value]
if len(scanned_stdin) > 0:
value = ', '.join(scanned_stdin)
scanned_items_data = scanned_stdin
[{'styled': False, 'value': value}])
elif scanning_target == 'files':
for file in context.params.get('files', []):
result.append([{'styled': False, 'value': f'-> {file.name}'}])
elif scanning_target == 'file':
file = context.params.get('file', None)
name = file.name if file else ''
result.append([{'styled': False, 'value': f'-> {name}'}])
return result, scanned_items_data
REPORT_HEADING = format_long_text(click.style('REPORT', bold=True))
def build_report_brief_section(columns=None, primary_announcement=None, report_type=1, **kwargs):
if not columns:
columns = get_terminal_size().columns
styled_brief_lines = []
if primary_announcement:
build_primary_announcement(columns=columns, primary_announcement=primary_announcement))
for line in get_report_brief_info(report_type=report_type, **kwargs):
ln = ''
padding = ' ' * 2
for i, words in enumerate(line):
processed_words = words.get('value', '')
if words.get('style', False):
text = ''
if i == 0:
text = padding
padding = ''
text += processed_words
processed_words = click.style(text, bold=True)
ln += processed_words
styled_brief_lines.append(format_long_text(ln, color='', columns=columns, start_line_decorator='',
left_padding=padding, end_line_decorator='', sub_indent=' ' * 2))
return "\n".join([add_empty_line(), REPORT_HEADING, add_empty_line(), '\n'.join(styled_brief_lines)])
def build_report_for_review_vuln_report(as_dict=False):
ctx = SafetyContext()
report_from_file = ctx.review
packages = ctx.packages
if as_dict:
return report_from_file
policy_f_name = report_from_file.get('policy_file', None)
safety_policy_used = []
if policy_f_name:
safety_policy_used = [
{'style': False, 'value': '\nScanning using a security policy file'},
{'style': True, 'value': ' {0}'.format(policy_f_name)},
action_executed = [
{'style': True, 'value': 'Scanning dependencies'},
{'style': False, 'value': ' in your '},
{'style': True, 'value': report_from_file.get('scan_target', '-') + ':'},
scanned_items = []
for name in report_from_file.get('scanned', []):
scanned_items.append([{'styled': False, 'value': '-> ' + name}])
nl = [{'style': False, 'value': ''}]
using_sentence = build_using_sentence(report_from_file.get('api_key', None),
report_from_file.get('local_database_path_used', None))
scanned_count_sentence = build_scanned_count_sentence(packages)
old_timestamp = report_from_file.get('timestamp', None)
old_timestamp = [{'style': False, 'value': 'Report generated '}, {'style': True, 'value': old_timestamp}]
now = str(datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'))
current_timestamp = [{'style': False, 'value': 'Timestamp '}, {'style': True, 'value': now}]
brief_info = [[{'style': False, 'value': 'Safety '},
{'style': True, 'value': 'v' + report_from_file.get('safety_version', '-')},
{'style': False, 'value': ' is scanning for '},
{'style': True, 'value': 'Vulnerabilities'},
{'style': True, 'value': '...'}] + safety_policy_used, action_executed
] + [nl] + scanned_items + [nl] + [using_sentence] + [scanned_count_sentence] + [old_timestamp] + \
return brief_info
def build_using_sentence(key, db):
key_sentence = []
custom_integration = os.environ.get('SAFETY_CUSTOM_INTEGRATION',
'false').lower() == 'true'
if key:
key_sentence = [{'style': True, 'value': 'an API KEY'},
{'style': False, 'value': ' and the '}]
db_name = 'PyUp Commercial'
elif db:
if is_a_remote_mirror(db):
if custom_integration:
return []
db_name = f"remote URL {db}"
db_name = f"local file {db}"
db_name = 'non-commercial'
database_sentence = [{'style': True, 'value': db_name + ' database'}]
return [{'style': False, 'value': 'Using '}] + key_sentence + database_sentence
def build_scanned_count_sentence(packages):
scanned_count = 'No packages found'
if len(packages) >= 1:
scanned_count = 'Found and scanned {0} {1}'.format(len(packages),
'packages' if len(packages) > 1 else 'package')
return [{'style': True, 'value': scanned_count}]
def add_warnings_if_needed(brief_info):
ctx = SafetyContext()
warnings = []
if ctx.packages:
if ctx.params.get('continue_on_error', False):
warnings += [[{'style': True,
'value': '* Continue-on-error is enabled, so returning successful (0) exit code in all cases.'}]]
if ctx.params.get('ignore_severity_rules', False) and not is_using_api_key():
warnings += [[{'style': True,
'value': '* Could not filter by severity, please upgrade your account to include severity data.'}]]
if warnings:
brief_info += [[{'style': False, 'value': ''}]] + warnings
def get_report_brief_info(as_dict=False, report_type=1, **kwargs):
LOG.info('get_report_brief_info: %s, %s, %s', as_dict, report_type, kwargs)
context = SafetyContext()
packages = [pkg for pkg in context.packages if isinstance(pkg, Package)]
brief_data = {}
command = context.command
if command == 'review':
review = build_report_for_review_vuln_report(as_dict)
return review
key = context.key
db = context.db_mirror
scanning_types = {'check': {'name': 'Vulnerabilities', 'action': 'Scanning dependencies', 'scanning_target': 'environment'}, # Files, Env or Stdin
'license': {'name': 'Licenses', 'action': 'Scanning licenses', 'scanning_target': 'environment'}, # Files or Env
'review': {'name': 'Report', 'action': 'Reading the report',
'scanning_target': 'file'}} # From file
targets = ['stdin', 'environment', 'files', 'file']
for target in targets:
if context.params.get(target, False):
scanning_types[command]['scanning_target'] = target
scanning_target = scanning_types.get(context.command, {}).get('scanning_target', '')
brief_data['scan_target'] = scanning_target
scanned_items, data = get_printable_list_of_scanned_items(scanning_target)
brief_data['scanned'] = data
nl = [{'style': False, 'value': ''}]
action_executed = [
{'style': True, 'value': scanning_types.get(context.command, {}).get('action', '')},
{'style': False, 'value': ' in your '},
{'style': True, 'value': scanning_target + ':'},
policy_file = context.params.get('policy_file', None)
safety_policy_used = []
brief_data['policy_file'] = policy_file.get('filename', '-') if policy_file else None
brief_data['policy_file_source'] = 'server' if brief_data['policy_file'] and 'server-safety-policy' in brief_data['policy_file'] else 'local'
if policy_file and policy_file.get('filename', False):
safety_policy_used = [
{'style': False, 'value': '\nScanning using a security policy file'},
{'style': True, 'value': ' {0}'.format(policy_file.get('filename', '-'))},
audit_and_monitor = []
if context.params.get('audit_and_monitor'):
logged_url = context.params.get('audit_and_monitor_url') if context.params.get('audit_and_monitor_url') else "https://pyup.io"
audit_and_monitor = [
{'style': False, 'value': '\nLogging scan results to'},
{'style': True, 'value': ' {0}'.format(logged_url)},
current_time = str(datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'))
brief_data['api_key'] = bool(key)
brief_data['local_database_path'] = db if db else None
brief_data['safety_version'] = get_safety_version()
brief_data['timestamp'] = current_time
brief_data['packages_found'] = len(packages)
# Vuln report
additional_data = []
if report_type == 1:
brief_data['vulnerabilities_found'] = kwargs.get('vulnerabilities_found', 0)
brief_data['vulnerabilities_ignored'] = kwargs.get('vulnerabilities_ignored', 0)
brief_data['remediations_recommended'] = 0
additional_data = [
[{'style': True, 'value': str(brief_data['vulnerabilities_found'])},
{'style': True, 'value': f' vulnerabilit{"y" if brief_data["vulnerabilities_found"] == 1 else "ies"} found'}],
[{'style': True, 'value': str(brief_data['vulnerabilities_ignored'])},
{'style': True, 'value': f' vulnerabilit{"y" if brief_data["vulnerabilities_ignored"] == 1 else "ies"} ignored'}],
if is_using_api_key():
brief_data['remediations_recommended'] = kwargs.get('remediations_recommended', 0)
[[{'style': True, 'value': str(brief_data['remediations_recommended'])},
{'style': True, 'value':
f' remediation{"" if brief_data["remediations_recommended"] == 1 else "s"} recommended'}]])
elif report_type == 2:
brief_data['licenses_found'] = kwargs.get('licenses_found', 0)
additional_data = [
[{'style': True, 'value': str(brief_data['licenses_found'])},
{'style': True, 'value': f' license {"type" if brief_data["licenses_found"] == 1 else "types"} found'}],
brief_data['telemetry'] = build_telemetry_data()
brief_data['git'] = build_git_data()
brief_data['project'] = context.params.get('project', None)
brief_data['json_version'] = 1
using_sentence = build_using_sentence(key, db)
using_sentence_section = [nl] if not using_sentence else [nl] + [build_using_sentence(key, db)]
scanned_count_sentence = build_scanned_count_sentence(packages)
timestamp = [{'style': False, 'value': 'Timestamp '}, {'style': True, 'value': current_time}]
brief_info = [[{'style': False, 'value': 'Safety '},
{'style': True, 'value': 'v' + get_safety_version()},
{'style': False, 'value': ' is scanning for '},
{'style': True, 'value': scanning_types.get(context.command, {}).get('name', '')},
{'style': True, 'value': '...'}] + safety_policy_used + audit_and_monitor, action_executed
] + [nl] + scanned_items + using_sentence_section + [scanned_count_sentence] + [timestamp]
LOG.info('Brief info data: %s', brief_data)
LOG.info('Brief info, styled output: %s', '\n\n LINE ---->\n ' + '\n\n LINE ---->\n '.join(map(str, brief_info)))
return brief_data if as_dict else brief_info
def build_primary_announcement(primary_announcement, columns=None, only_text=False):
lines = json.loads(primary_announcement.get('message'))
for line in lines:
if 'words' not in line:
raise ValueError('Missing words keyword')
if len(line['words']) <= 0:
raise ValueError('No words in this line')
for word in line['words']:
if 'value' not in word or not word['value']:
raise ValueError('Empty word or without value')
message = style_lines(lines, columns, start_line='', end_line='')
return click.unstyle(message) if only_text else message
def is_using_api_key():
return bool(SafetyContext().key)
def is_using_a_safety_policy_file():
return bool(SafetyContext().params.get('policy_file', None))
def should_add_nl(output, found_vulns):
if output == 'bare' and not found_vulns:
return False
return True