1452 lines
53 KiB
1452 lines
53 KiB
from __future__ import annotations
import base64
import fnmatch
import hashlib
import json
import operator
import os
import re
import sys
import urllib.parse
from json.decoder import JSONDecodeError
from pathlib import Path
from urllib import parse
from urllib.parse import unquote, urljoin
from pipenv.utils.constants import VCS_LIST
import tomllib as toml
except ImportError:
from pipenv.vendor import tomli as toml
import contextlib
from pipenv.cmdparse import Script
from pipenv.environment import Environment
from pipenv.environments import Setting, is_in_virtualenv, normalize_pipfile_path
from pipenv.patched.pip._internal.commands.install import InstallCommand
from pipenv.patched.pip._internal.configuration import Configuration
from pipenv.patched.pip._internal.exceptions import ConfigurationError
from pipenv.patched.pip._internal.models.link import Link
from pipenv.patched.pip._internal.req.req_install import InstallRequirement
from pipenv.patched.pip._internal.utils.hashes import FAVORITE_HASH
from pipenv.utils import err
from pipenv.utils.constants import is_type_checking
from pipenv.utils.dependencies import (
from pipenv.utils.fileutils import open_file
from pipenv.utils.internet import (
from pipenv.utils.locking import atomic_open_for_write
from pipenv.utils.project import get_default_pyproject_backend
from pipenv.utils.requirements import normalize_name
from pipenv.utils.shell import (
from pipenv.utils.toml import cleanup_toml, convert_toml_outline_tables
from pipenv.vendor import click, plette, tomlkit
# this is only in Python3.8 and later
from functools import cached_property
except ImportError:
# eventually distlib will remove cached property when they drop Python3.7
from pipenv.patched.pip._vendor.distlib.util import cached_property
if sys.version_info < (3, 10):
from pipenv.vendor import importlib_metadata
import importlib.metadata as importlib_metadata
if is_type_checking():
from typing import Dict, List, Union
TSource = Dict[str, Union[str, bool]]
TPackageEntry = Dict[str, Union[bool, str, List[str]]]
TPackage = Dict[str, TPackageEntry]
TScripts = Dict[str, str]
TPipenv = Dict[str, bool]
TPipfile = Dict[str, Union[TPackage, TScripts, TPipenv, List[TSource]]]
class _LockFileEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
"""A specialized JSON encoder to convert loaded TOML data into a lock file.
This adds a few characteristics to the encoder:
* The JSON is always prettified with indents and spaces.
* TOMLKit's container elements are seamlessly encodable.
* The output is always UTF-8-encoded text, never binary, even on Python 2.
def __init__(self):
super().__init__(indent=4, separators=(",", ": "), sort_keys=True)
def default(self, obj):
if isinstance(obj, Path):
obj = obj.as_posix()
return super().default(obj)
def encode(self, obj):
content = super().encode(obj)
if not isinstance(content, str):
content = content.decode("utf-8")
return content
def preferred_newlines(f):
if isinstance(f.newlines, str):
return f.newlines
# (path, file contents) => TOMLFile
# keeps track of pipfiles that we've seen so we do not need to re-parse 'em
_pipfile_cache = {}
class SourceNotFound(KeyError):
class Project:
"""docstring for Project"""
_lockfile_encoder = _LockFileEncoder()
def __init__(self, python_version=None, chdir=True):
self._name = None
self._virtualenv_location = None
self._download_location = None
self._proper_names_db_path = None
self._pipfile_location = None
self._pipfile_newlines = DEFAULT_NEWLINES
self._lockfile_newlines = DEFAULT_NEWLINES
self._requirements_location = None
self._original_dir = os.path.abspath(os.curdir)
self._environment = None
self._build_system = {"requires": ["setuptools", "wheel"]}
self.python_version = python_version
self.sessions = {} # pip requests sessions
self.s = Setting()
# Load Pip configuration and get items
self.configuration = Configuration(isolated=False, load_only=None)
pip_conf_indexes = []
for section_key, value in self.configuration.items():
key_parts = section_key.split(".", 1)
if key_parts[1] == "index-url":
trusted_hosts = self.configuration.get_value(
except ConfigurationError:
trusted_hosts = []
"url": value,
"verify_ssl": not any(
trusted_host in value for trusted_host in trusted_hosts
and "https://" in value,
"name": f"pip_conf_index_{key_parts[0]}",
if pip_conf_indexes:
self.default_source = None
for pip_conf_index in pip_conf_indexes:
if self.default_source is None:
self.default_source = pip_conf_index
if is_pypi_url(pip_conf_index["url"]):
self.default_source = pip_conf_index
elif self.s.PIPENV_TEST_INDEX:
self.default_source = {
"url": self.s.PIPENV_TEST_INDEX,
"verify_ssl": True,
"name": "custom",
self.default_source = {
"url": "https://pypi.org/simple",
"verify_ssl": True,
"name": "pypi",
default_sources_toml = f"[[source]]\n{tomlkit.dumps(self.default_source)}"
for pip_conf_index in pip_conf_indexes:
default_sources_toml += f"\n\n[[source]]\n{tomlkit.dumps(pip_conf_index)}"
plette.pipfiles.DEFAULT_SOURCE_TOML = default_sources_toml
# Hack to skip this during pipenv run, or -r.
if ("run" not in sys.argv) and chdir:
with contextlib.suppress(TypeError, AttributeError):
def path_to(self, p: str) -> str:
"""Returns the absolute path to a given relative path."""
if os.path.isabs(p):
return p
return os.sep.join([self._original_dir, p])
def get_pipfile_section(self, section):
"""Returns the details from the section of the Project's Pipfile."""
return self.parsed_pipfile.get(section, {})
def get_package_categories(self, for_lockfile=False):
"""Ensure we get only package categories and that the default packages section is first."""
categories = set(self.parsed_pipfile.keys())
package_categories = (
categories - NON_CATEGORY_SECTIONS - {"packages", "dev-packages"}
if for_lockfile:
return ["default", "develop"] + list(package_categories)
return ["packages", "dev-packages"] + list(package_categories)
def get_requests_session_for_source(self, source):
if not (source and source.get("name")):
return None
if self.sessions.get(source["name"]):
session = self.sessions[source["name"]]
session = get_requests_session(
source.get("verify_ssl", True),
self.sessions[source["name"]] = session
return session
def prepend_hash_types(cls, checksums, hash_type):
cleaned_checksums = set()
for checksum in checksums:
if not checksum:
if not checksum.startswith(f"{hash_type}:"):
checksum = f"{hash_type}:{checksum}"
return sorted(cleaned_checksums)
def get_hash_from_link(self, hash_cache, link):
if link.hash and link.hash_name == FAVORITE_HASH:
return f"{link.hash_name}:{link.hash}"
return hash_cache.get_hash(link)
def get_hashes_from_pypi(self, ireq, source):
pkg_url = f"https://pypi.org/pypi/{ireq.name}/json"
session = self.get_requests_session_for_source(source)
if not session:
return None
collected_hashes = set()
# Grab the hashes from the new warehouse API.
r = session.get(pkg_url, timeout=self.s.PIPENV_REQUESTS_TIMEOUT)
api_releases = r.json()["releases"]
cleaned_releases = {}
for api_version, api_info in api_releases.items():
api_version = clean_pkg_version(api_version)
cleaned_releases[api_version] = api_info
version = ""
if ireq.specifier:
spec = next(iter(s for s in ireq.specifier), None)
if spec:
version = spec.version
for release in cleaned_releases[version]:
return self.prepend_hash_types(collected_hashes, FAVORITE_HASH)
except (ValueError, KeyError, ConnectionError):
if self.s.is_verbose():
f"[bold][red]Warning[/red][/bold]: Error generating hash for {ireq.name}."
return None
def get_hashes_from_remote_index_urls(self, ireq, source):
normalized_name = normalize_name(ireq.name)
url_name = normalized_name.replace(".", "-")
pkg_url = f"{source['url']}/{url_name}/"
session = self.get_requests_session_for_source(source)
collected_hashes = set()
response = session.get(pkg_url, timeout=self.s.PIPENV_REQUESTS_TIMEOUT)
parser = PackageIndexHTMLParser()
hrefs = parser.urls
version = ""
if ireq.specifier:
spec = next(iter(s for s in ireq.specifier), None)
if spec:
version = spec.version
# We'll check if the href looks like a version-specific page (i.e., ends with '/')
for package_url in hrefs:
parsed_url = parse.urlparse(package_url)
if version in parsed_url.path and parsed_url.path.endswith("/"):
# This might be a version-specific page. Fetch and parse it
version_url = urljoin(pkg_url, package_url)
version_response = session.get(
version_url, timeout=self.s.PIPENV_REQUESTS_TIMEOUT
version_parser = PackageIndexHTMLParser()
version_hrefs = version_parser.urls
# Process these new hrefs as potential wheels
for v_package_url in version_hrefs:
url_params = parse.urlparse(v_package_url).fragment
params_dict = parse.parse_qs(url_params)
if params_dict.get(FAVORITE_HASH):
else: # Fallback to downloading the file to obtain hash
v_package_full_url = urljoin(version_url, v_package_url)
link = Link(v_package_full_url)
file_hash = self.get_file_hash(session, link)
if file_hash:
elif version in parse.unquote(package_url):
# Process the current href as a potential wheel from the main page
url_params = parse.urlparse(package_url).fragment
params_dict = parse.parse_qs(url_params)
if params_dict.get(FAVORITE_HASH):
else: # Fallback to downloading the file to obtain hash
package_full_url = urljoin(pkg_url, package_url)
link = Link(package_full_url)
file_hash = self.get_file_hash(session, link)
if file_hash:
return self.prepend_hash_types(collected_hashes, FAVORITE_HASH)
except Exception:
if self.s.is_verbose():
"{}: Error generating hash for {}".format(
click.style("Warning", bold=True, fg="red"), ireq.name
return None
def get_file_hash(session, link):
h = hashlib.new(FAVORITE_HASH)
err.print(f"Downloading file {link.filename} to obtain hash...")
with open_file(link.url, session) as fp:
if fp is None:
return None
for chunk in iter(lambda: fp.read(8096), b""):
return f"{h.name}:{h.hexdigest()}"
def name(self) -> str:
if self._name is None:
self._name = self.pipfile_location.split(os.sep)[-2]
return self._name
def pipfile_exists(self) -> bool:
return os.path.isfile(self.pipfile_location)
def required_python_version(self) -> str:
if self.pipfile_exists:
required = self.parsed_pipfile.get("requires", {}).get("python_full_version")
if not required:
required = self.parsed_pipfile.get("requires", {}).get("python_version")
if required != "*":
return required
def project_directory(self) -> str:
return os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.pipfile_location, os.pardir))
def requirements_exists(self) -> bool:
return bool(self.requirements_location)
def is_venv_in_project(self) -> bool:
if self.s.PIPENV_VENV_IN_PROJECT is False:
return False
return self.s.PIPENV_VENV_IN_PROJECT or (
and os.path.isdir(os.path.join(self.project_directory, ".venv"))
def virtualenv_exists(self) -> bool:
if os.path.exists(self.virtualenv_location):
if os.name == "nt":
extra = ["Scripts", "activate.bat"]
extra = ["bin", "activate"]
return os.path.isfile(os.sep.join([self.virtualenv_location] + extra))
return False
def get_location_for_virtualenv(self) -> str:
# If there's no project yet, set location based on config.
if not self.project_directory:
if self.is_venv_in_project():
return os.path.abspath(".venv")
return str(get_workon_home().joinpath(self.virtualenv_name))
dot_venv = os.path.join(self.project_directory, ".venv")
# If there's no .venv in project root or it is a folder, set location based on config.
if not os.path.exists(dot_venv) or os.path.isdir(dot_venv):
if self.is_venv_in_project():
return dot_venv
return str(get_workon_home().joinpath(self.virtualenv_name))
# Now we assume .venv in project root is a file. Use its content.
with open(dot_venv) as f:
name = f.read().strip()
# If .venv file is empty, set location based on config.
if not name:
return str(get_workon_home().joinpath(self.virtualenv_name))
# If content looks like a path, use it as a relative path.
# Otherwise, use directory named after content in WORKON_HOME.
if looks_like_dir(name):
path = Path(self.project_directory, name)
return path.absolute().as_posix()
return str(get_workon_home().joinpath(name))
def installed_packages(self):
return self.environment.get_installed_packages()
def installed_package_names(self):
return get_canonical_names([pkg.name for pkg in self.installed_packages])
def lockfile_package_names(self) -> dict[str, set[str]]:
results = {
"combined": {},
for category in self.get_package_categories(for_lockfile=True):
category_packages = get_canonical_names(
results[category] = set(category_packages)
results["combined"] = results["combined"] | category_packages
return results
def pipfile_package_names(self) -> dict[str, set[str]]:
result = {}
combined = set()
for category in self.get_package_categories():
packages = self.get_pipfile_section(category)
keys = get_canonical_names(packages.keys())
combined |= keys
result[category] = keys
result["combined"] = combined
return result
def get_environment(self, allow_global: bool = False) -> Environment:
is_venv = is_in_virtualenv()
if allow_global and not is_venv:
prefix = sys.prefix
python = sys.executable
prefix = self.virtualenv_location
python = None
sources = self.sources if self.sources else [self.default_source]
environment = Environment(
return environment
def environment(self) -> Environment:
if not self._environment:
allow_global = self.s.PIPENV_USE_SYSTEM
self._environment = self.get_environment(allow_global=allow_global)
return self._environment
def get_outdated_packages(self) -> list[importlib_metadata.Distribution]:
return self.environment.get_outdated_packages(pre=self.pipfile.get("pre", False))
def _sanitize(cls, name: str) -> tuple[str, str]:
# Replace dangerous characters into '_'. The length of the sanitized
# project name is limited as 42 because of the limit of linux kernel
# 42 = 127 - len('/home//.local/share/virtualenvs//bin/python2') - 32 - len('-HASHHASH')
# 127 : BINPRM_BUF_SIZE - 1
# 32 : Maximum length of username
# References:
# https://www.gnu.org/software/bash/manual/html_node/Double-Quotes.html
# http://www.tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/special-chars.html#FIELDREF
# https://github.com/torvalds/linux/blob/2bfe01ef/include/uapi/linux/binfmts.h#L18
return re.sub(r'[ &$`!*@"()\[\]\\\r\n\t]', "_", name)[0:42]
def _get_virtualenv_hash(self, name: str) -> str:
"""Get the name of the virtualenv adjusted for windows if needed
Returns (name, encoded_hash)
def get_name(name, location):
name = self._sanitize(name)
hash = hashlib.sha256(location.encode()).digest()[:6]
encoded_hash = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(hash).decode()
return name, encoded_hash[:8]
clean_name, encoded_hash = get_name(name, self.pipfile_location)
venv_name = f"{clean_name}-{encoded_hash}"
# This should work most of the time for
# Case-sensitive filesystems,
# In-project venv
# "Proper" path casing (on non-case-sensitive filesystems).
if (
not fnmatch.fnmatch("A", "a")
or self.is_venv_in_project()
or get_workon_home().joinpath(venv_name).exists()
return clean_name, encoded_hash
# Check for different capitalization of the same project.
for path in get_workon_home().iterdir():
if not is_virtual_environment(path):
env_name, hash_ = path.name.rsplit("-", 1)
except ValueError:
if len(hash_) != 8 or env_name.lower() != name.lower():
return get_name(env_name, self.pipfile_location.replace(name, env_name))
# Use the default if no matching env exists.
return clean_name, encoded_hash
def virtualenv_name(self) -> str:
custom_name = self.s.PIPENV_CUSTOM_VENV_NAME
if custom_name:
return custom_name
sanitized, encoded_hash = self._get_virtualenv_hash(self.name)
suffix = ""
if self.s.PIPENV_PYTHON:
if os.path.isabs(self.s.PIPENV_PYTHON):
suffix = f"-{os.path.basename(self.s.PIPENV_PYTHON)}"
suffix = f"-{self.s.PIPENV_PYTHON}"
# If the pipfile was located at '/home/user/MY_PROJECT/Pipfile',
# the name of its virtualenv will be 'my-project-wyUfYPqE'
return sanitized + "-" + encoded_hash + suffix
def virtualenv_location(self) -> str:
# if VIRTUAL_ENV is set, use that.
virtualenv_env = os.getenv("VIRTUAL_ENV")
if (
"PIPENV_ACTIVE" not in os.environ
and virtualenv_env
return virtualenv_env
if not self._virtualenv_location: # Use cached version, if available.
assert self.project_directory, "project not created"
self._virtualenv_location = self.get_location_for_virtualenv()
return self._virtualenv_location
def virtualenv_src_location(self) -> str:
if self.virtualenv_location:
loc = os.sep.join([self.virtualenv_location, "src"])
loc = os.sep.join([self.project_directory, "src"])
os.makedirs(loc, exist_ok=True)
return loc
def download_location(self) -> str:
if self._download_location is None:
loc = os.sep.join([self.virtualenv_location, "downloads"])
self._download_location = loc
# Create the directory, if it doesn't exist.
os.makedirs(self._download_location, exist_ok=True)
return self._download_location
def proper_names_db_path(self) -> str:
if self._proper_names_db_path is None:
self._proper_names_db_path = Path(
self.virtualenv_location, "pipenv-proper-names.txt"
self._proper_names_db_path.touch() # Ensure the file exists.
return self._proper_names_db_path
def proper_names(self) -> str:
with self.proper_names_db_path.open() as f:
return f.read().splitlines()
def register_proper_name(self, name: str) -> None:
"""Registers a proper name to the database."""
with self.proper_names_db_path.open("a") as f:
def pipfile_location(self) -> str:
from pipenv.utils.pipfile import find_pipfile
return self.s.PIPENV_PIPFILE
if self._pipfile_location is None:
loc = find_pipfile(max_depth=self.s.PIPENV_MAX_DEPTH)
except RuntimeError:
loc = "Pipfile"
self._pipfile_location = normalize_pipfile_path(loc)
return self._pipfile_location
def requirements_location(self) -> str | None:
if self._requirements_location is None:
loc = find_requirements(max_depth=self.s.PIPENV_MAX_DEPTH)
except RuntimeError:
loc = None
self._requirements_location = loc
return self._requirements_location
def parsed_pipfile(self) -> tomlkit.toml_document.TOMLDocument | TPipfile:
"""Parse Pipfile into a TOMLFile and cache it
(call clear_pipfile_cache() afterwards if mutating)"""
contents = self.read_pipfile()
# use full contents to get around str/bytes 2/3 issues
cache_key = (self.pipfile_location, contents)
if cache_key not in _pipfile_cache:
parsed = self._parse_pipfile(contents)
_pipfile_cache[cache_key] = parsed
return _pipfile_cache[cache_key]
def read_pipfile(self) -> str:
# Open the pipfile, read it into memory.
if not self.pipfile_exists:
return ""
with open(self.pipfile_location) as f:
contents = f.read()
self._pipfile_newlines = preferred_newlines(f)
return contents
def clear_pipfile_cache(self) -> None:
"""Clear pipfile cache (e.g., so we can mutate parsed pipfile)"""
def _parse_pipfile(
self, contents: str
) -> tomlkit.toml_document.TOMLDocument | TPipfile:
return tomlkit.parse(contents)
except Exception:
# We lose comments here, but it's for the best.)
# Fallback to toml parser, for large files.
return toml.loads(contents)
def _read_pyproject(self) -> None:
pyproject = self.path_to("pyproject.toml")
if os.path.exists(pyproject):
self._pyproject = toml.load(pyproject)
build_system = self._pyproject.get("build-system", None)
if not os.path.exists(self.path_to("setup.py")):
if not build_system or not build_system.get("requires"):
build_system = {
"requires": ["setuptools>=40.8.0", "wheel"],
"build-backend": get_default_pyproject_backend(),
self._build_system = build_system
def build_requires(self) -> list[str]:
return self._build_system.get("requires", ["setuptools>=40.8.0", "wheel"])
def build_backend(self) -> str:
return self._build_system.get("build-backend", get_default_pyproject_backend())
def settings(self) -> tomlkit.items.Table | dict[str, str | bool]:
"""A dictionary of the settings added to the Pipfile."""
return self.parsed_pipfile.get("pipenv", {})
def has_script(self, name: str) -> bool:
return name in self.parsed_pipfile["scripts"]
except KeyError:
return False
def build_script(self, name: str, extra_args: list[str] | None = None) -> Script:
script = Script.parse(self.parsed_pipfile["scripts"][name])
except KeyError:
script = Script(name)
if extra_args:
return script
def update_settings(self, d: dict[str, str | bool]) -> None:
settings = self.settings
changed = False
for new in d:
if new not in settings:
settings[new] = d[new]
changed = True
if changed:
p = self.parsed_pipfile
p["pipenv"] = settings
# Write the changes to disk.
def lockfile(self, categories=None):
"""Pipfile.lock divided by PyPI and external dependencies."""
lockfile_loaded = False
if self.lockfile_exists:
lockfile = self.load_lockfile(expand_env_vars=False)
lockfile_loaded = True
except Exception:
if not lockfile_loaded:
with open(self.pipfile_location) as pf:
lockfile = plette.Lockfile.with_meta_from(
plette.Pipfile.load(pf), categories=categories
lockfile = lockfile._data
if categories is None:
categories = self.get_package_categories(for_lockfile=True)
for category in categories:
lock_section = lockfile.get(category)
if lock_section is None:
lockfile[category] = lock_section = {}
for key in list(lock_section.keys()):
norm_key = pep423_name(key)
specifier = lock_section[key]
del lock_section[key]
lockfile[category][norm_key] = specifier
return lockfile
def _pipfile(self):
from pipenv.utils.pipfile import Pipfile as ReqLibPipfile
pf = ReqLibPipfile.load(self.pipfile_location)
return pf
def lockfile_location(self):
return f"{self.pipfile_location}.lock"
def lockfile_exists(self):
return os.path.isfile(self.lockfile_location)
def lockfile_content(self):
return self.load_lockfile()
def get_editable_packages(self, category):
packages = {
k: v
for k, v in self.parsed_pipfile.get(category, {}).items()
if is_editable(v)
return packages
def _get_vcs_packages(self, dev=False):
from pipenv.utils.requirementslib import is_vcs
section = "dev-packages" if dev else "packages"
packages = {
k: v
for k, v in self.parsed_pipfile.get(section, {}).items()
if is_vcs(v) or is_vcs(k)
return packages or {}
def all_packages(self):
"""Returns a list of all packages."""
packages = {}
for category in self.get_package_categories():
packages.update(self.parsed_pipfile.get(category, {}))
return packages
def packages(self):
"""Returns a list of packages."""
return self.get_pipfile_section("packages")
def dev_packages(self):
"""Returns a list of dev-packages."""
return self.get_pipfile_section("dev-packages")
def pipfile_is_empty(self):
if not self.pipfile_exists:
return True
if not self.read_pipfile():
return True
return False
def create_pipfile(self, python=None):
"""Creates the Pipfile, filled with juicy defaults."""
# Inherit the pip's index configuration of install command.
command = InstallCommand(name="InstallCommand", summary="pip Install command.")
indexes = command.cmd_opts.get_option("--extra-index-url").default
sources = [self.default_source]
for i, index in enumerate(indexes):
if not index:
source_name = f"pip_index_{i}"
verify_ssl = index.startswith("https")
sources.append({"url": index, "verify_ssl": verify_ssl, "name": source_name})
data = {
"source": sources,
# Default packages.
"packages": {},
"dev-packages": {},
# Default requires.
required_python = python
if not python:
if self.virtualenv_location:
required_python = self.which("python", self.virtualenv_location)
required_python = self.which("python")
version = python_version(required_python) or self.s.PIPENV_DEFAULT_PYTHON_VERSION
if version:
data["requires"] = {"python_version": ".".join(version.split(".")[:2])}
if python and version and len(version.split(".")) > 2:
data["requires"].update({"python_full_version": version})
def populate_source(cls, source):
"""Derive missing values of source from the existing fields."""
# Only URL parameter is mandatory, let the KeyError be thrown.
if "name" not in source:
source["name"] = get_url_name(source["url"])
if "verify_ssl" not in source:
source["verify_ssl"] = "https://" in source["url"]
if not isinstance(source["verify_ssl"], bool):
source["verify_ssl"] = str(source["verify_ssl"]).lower() == "true"
return source
def get_or_create_lockfile(self, categories, from_pipfile=False):
from pipenv.utils.locking import Lockfile as Req_Lockfile
if from_pipfile and self.pipfile_exists:
lockfile_dict = {}
categories = self.get_package_categories(for_lockfile=True)
_lockfile = self.lockfile(categories=categories)
for category in categories:
lockfile_dict[category] = _lockfile.get(category, {}).copy()
lockfile_dict.update({"_meta": self.get_lockfile_meta()})
lockfile = Req_Lockfile.from_data(
path=self.lockfile_location, data=lockfile_dict, meta_from_project=False
elif self.lockfile_exists:
lockfile = Req_Lockfile.load(self.lockfile_location)
except OSError:
lockfile = Req_Lockfile.from_data(
self.lockfile_location, self.lockfile_content
lockfile = Req_Lockfile.from_data(
if lockfile.lockfile is not None:
return lockfile
if self.lockfile_exists and self.lockfile_content:
lockfile_dict = self.lockfile_content.copy()
sources = lockfile_dict.get("_meta", {}).get("sources", [])
if not sources:
sources = self.pipfile_sources(expand_vars=False)
elif not isinstance(sources, list):
sources = [sources]
lockfile_dict["_meta"]["sources"] = [self.populate_source(s) for s in sources]
_created_lockfile = Req_Lockfile.from_data(
path=self.lockfile_location, data=lockfile_dict, meta_from_project=False
lockfile.lockfile = lockfile.projectfile.model = _created_lockfile
return lockfile
return self.get_or_create_lockfile(categories=categories, from_pipfile=True)
def get_lockfile_meta(self):
from .vendor.plette.lockfiles import PIPFILE_SPEC_CURRENT
if "source" in self.parsed_pipfile:
sources = [dict(source) for source in self.parsed_pipfile["source"]]
sources = self.pipfile_sources(expand_vars=False)
if not isinstance(sources, list):
sources = [sources]
return {
"hash": {"sha256": self.calculate_pipfile_hash()},
"pipfile-spec": PIPFILE_SPEC_CURRENT,
"sources": [self.populate_source(s) for s in sources],
"requires": self.parsed_pipfile.get("requires", {}),
def write_toml(self, data, path=None):
"""Writes the given data structure out as TOML."""
if path is None:
path = self.pipfile_location
data = convert_toml_outline_tables(data, self)
formatted_data = tomlkit.dumps(data).rstrip()
except Exception:
document = tomlkit.document()
for category in self.get_package_categories():
document[category] = tomlkit.table()
# Convert things to inline tables — fancy :)
for package in data.get(category, {}):
if hasattr(data[category][package], "keys"):
table = tomlkit.inline_table()
document[category][package] = table
document[category][package] = tomlkit.string(
formatted_data = tomlkit.dumps(document).rstrip()
if Path(path).absolute() == Path(self.pipfile_location).absolute():
newlines = self._pipfile_newlines
formatted_data = cleanup_toml(formatted_data)
with open(path, "w", newline=newlines) as f:
# pipfile is mutated!
def write_lockfile(self, content):
"""Write out the lockfile."""
s = self._lockfile_encoder.encode(content)
open_kwargs = {"newline": self._lockfile_newlines, "encoding": "utf-8"}
with atomic_open_for_write(self.lockfile_location, **open_kwargs) as f:
# Write newline at end of document. GH-319.
# Only need '\n' here; the file object handles the rest.
if not s.endswith("\n"):
def pipfile_sources(self, expand_vars=True):
if self.pipfile_is_empty or "source" not in self.parsed_pipfile:
sources = [self.default_source]
if os.environ.get("PIPENV_PYPI_MIRROR"):
sources[0]["url"] = os.environ["PIPENV_PYPI_MIRROR"]
return sources
# We need to make copies of the source info so we don't
# accidentally modify the cache. See #2100 where values are
# written after the os.path.expandvars() call.
sources = [
{k: safe_expandvars(v) if expand_vars else v for k, v in source.items()}
for source in self.parsed_pipfile["source"]
for source in sources:
if os.environ.get("PIPENV_PYPI_MIRROR") and is_pypi_url(source.get("url")):
source["url"] = os.environ["PIPENV_PYPI_MIRROR"]
return sources
def get_default_index(self):
return self.populate_source(self.pipfile_sources()[0])
def get_index_by_name(self, index_name):
for source in self.pipfile_sources():
if source.get("name") == index_name:
return source
def sources(self):
if self.lockfile_exists and hasattr(self.lockfile_content, "keys"):
meta_ = self.lockfile_content.get("_meta", {})
sources_ = meta_.get("sources")
if sources_:
return sources_
return self.pipfile_sources()
def sources_default(self):
return self.sources[0]
def index_urls(self):
return [src.get("url") for src in self.sources]
def find_source(self, source):
Given a source, find it.
source can be a url or an index name.
if not is_valid_url(source):
source = self.get_source(name=source)
except SourceNotFound:
source = self.get_source(url=source)
source = self.get_source(url=source)
return source
def get_source(self, name=None, url=None, refresh=False):
from pipenv.utils.internet import is_url_equal
def find_source(sources, name=None, url=None):
source = None
if name:
source = next(
iter(s for s in sources if "name" in s and s["name"] == name), None
elif url:
source = next(
for s in sources
if "url" in s and is_url_equal(url, s.get("url", ""))
if source is not None:
return source
sources = (self.sources, self.pipfile_sources())
if refresh:
sources = reversed(sources)
found = next(
iter(find_source(source, name=name, url=url) for source in sources), None
target = next(iter(t for t in (name, url) if t is not None))
if found is None:
raise SourceNotFound(target)
return found
def get_package_name_in_pipfile(self, package_name, category):
"""Get the equivalent package name in pipfile"""
section = self.parsed_pipfile.get(category)
if section is None:
section = {}
package_name = pep423_name(package_name)
for name in section:
if pep423_name(name) == package_name:
return name
return None
def _sort_category(self, category):
# toml tables won't maintain sorted dictionary order
# so construct the table in the order that we need
table = tomlkit.table()
for key, value in sorted(category.items()):
table.add(key, value)
return table
def remove_package_from_pipfile(self, package_name, category):
# Read and append Pipfile.
name = self.get_package_name_in_pipfile(package_name, category=category)
p = self.parsed_pipfile
if name:
del p[category][name]
if self.settings.get("sort_pipfile"):
p[category] = self._sort_category(p[category])
return True
return False
def reset_category_in_pipfile(self, category):
# Read and append Pipfile.
p = self.parsed_pipfile
if category:
del p[category]
p[category] = {}
return True
return False
def remove_packages_from_pipfile(self, packages):
parsed = self.parsed_pipfile
packages = {pep423_name(pkg) for pkg in packages}
for category in self.get_package_categories():
pipfile_section = parsed.get(category, {})
pipfile_packages = {pep423_name(pkg_name) for pkg_name in pipfile_section}
to_remove = packages & pipfile_packages
for pkg in to_remove:
pkg_name = self.get_package_name_in_pipfile(pkg, category=category)
del parsed[category][pkg_name]
def generate_package_pipfile_entry(self, package, pip_line, category=None):
"""Generate a package entry from pip install line
given the installreq package and the pip line that generated it.
# Don't re-capitalize file URLs or VCSs.
if not isinstance(package, InstallRequirement):
package, req_name = expansive_install_req_from_line(package.strip())
_, req_name = expansive_install_req_from_line(pip_line.strip())
if req_name is None:
req_name = determine_package_name(package)
path_specifier = determine_path_specifier(package)
vcs_specifier = determine_vcs_specifier(package)
name = self.get_package_name_in_pipfile(req_name, category=category)
normalized_name = normalize_name(req_name)
extras = package.extras
specifier = "*"
if package.req and package.specifier:
specifier = str(package.specifier)
# Construct package requirement
entry = {}
if extras:
entry["extras"] = list(extras)
if path_specifier:
entry["file"] = unquote(str(path_specifier))
if pip_line.startswith("-e"):
entry["editable"] = True
elif vcs_specifier:
for vcs in VCS_LIST:
if vcs in package.link.scheme:
if pip_line.startswith("-e"):
entry["editable"] = True
pip_line = pip_line.replace("-e ", "")
if "[" in pip_line and "]" in pip_line:
extras_section = pip_line.split("[")[1].split("]")[0]
entry["extras"] = sorted(
[extra.strip() for extra in extras_section.split(",")]
if "@ " in pip_line:
vcs_part = pip_line.split("@ ", 1)[1]
vcs_part = pip_line
vcs_parts = vcs_part.rsplit("@", 1)
if len(vcs_parts) > 1:
entry["ref"] = vcs_parts[1].split("#", 1)[0].strip()
entry[vcs] = vcs_parts[0].strip()
# Check and extract subdirectory fragment
if package.link.subdirectory_fragment:
entry["subdirectory"] = package.link.subdirectory_fragment
entry["version"] = specifier
if hasattr(package, "index"):
entry["index"] = package.index
if len(entry) == 1 and "version" in entry:
return name, normalized_name, specifier
return name, normalized_name, entry
def add_package_to_pipfile(self, package, pip_line, dev=False, category=None):
category = category if category else "dev-packages" if dev else "packages"
name, normalized_name, entry = self.generate_package_pipfile_entry(
package, pip_line, category=category
return self.add_pipfile_entry_to_pipfile(
name, normalized_name, entry, category=category
def add_pipfile_entry_to_pipfile(self, name, normalized_name, entry, category=None):
newly_added = False
# Read and append Pipfile.
p = self.parsed_pipfile
# Set empty group if it doesn't exist yet.
if category not in p:
p[category] = {}
if name and name != normalized_name:
self.remove_package_from_pipfile(name, category=category)
# Add the package to the group.
if normalized_name not in p[category]:
newly_added = True
p[category][normalized_name] = entry
if self.settings.get("sort_pipfile"):
p[category] = self._sort_category(p[category])
# Write Pipfile.
return newly_added, category, normalized_name
def src_name_from_url(self, index_url):
location = urllib.parse.urlsplit(index_url).netloc
if "." in location:
name, _, tld_guess = location.rpartition(".")
name = location
src_name = name.replace(".", "").replace(":", "")
except SourceNotFound:
name = src_name
from random import randint
name = f"{src_name}-{randint(1, 1000)}"
return name
def add_index_to_pipfile(self, index, verify_ssl=True):
"""Adds a given index to the Pipfile."""
# Read and append Pipfile.
p = self.parsed_pipfile
source = None
source = self.get_source(url=index)
except SourceNotFound:
with contextlib.suppress(SourceNotFound):
source = self.get_source(name=index)
if source is not None and source.get("name"):
return source["name"]
source = {"url": index, "verify_ssl": verify_ssl}
source["name"] = self.src_name_from_url(index)
# Add the package to the group.
if "source" not in p:
p["source"] = [tomlkit.item(source)]
# Write Pipfile.
return source["name"]
def recase_pipfile(self):
if self.ensure_proper_casing():
def load_lockfile(self, expand_env_vars=True):
lockfile_modified = False
with open(self.lockfile_location, encoding="utf-8") as lock:
j = json.load(lock)
self._lockfile_newlines = preferred_newlines(lock)
except JSONDecodeError:
"Pipfile.lock is corrupted; ignoring contents.",
j = {}
if not j.get("_meta"):
with open(self.pipfile_location) as pf:
default_lockfile = plette.Lockfile.with_meta_from(
plette.Pipfile.load(pf), categories=[]
j["_meta"] = default_lockfile._data["_meta"]
lockfile_modified = True
if j.get("default") is None:
j["default"] = {}
lockfile_modified = True
if j.get("develop") is None:
j["develop"] = {}
lockfile_modified = True
if lockfile_modified:
if expand_env_vars:
# Expand environment variables in Pipfile.lock at runtime.
for i, _ in enumerate(j["_meta"].get("sources", {})):
j["_meta"]["sources"][i]["url"] = os.path.expandvars(
return j
def get_lockfile_hash(self):
if not os.path.exists(self.lockfile_location):
lockfile = self.load_lockfile(expand_env_vars=False)
except ValueError:
# Lockfile corrupted
return ""
if "_meta" in lockfile and hasattr(lockfile, "keys"):
return lockfile["_meta"].get("hash", {}).get("sha256") or ""
# Lockfile exists but has no hash at all
return ""
def calculate_pipfile_hash(self):
# Update the lockfile if it is out-of-date.
with open(self.pipfile_location) as pf:
p = plette.Pipfile.load(pf)
return p.get_hash().value
def ensure_proper_casing(self):
"""Ensures proper casing of Pipfile packages"""
pfile = self.parsed_pipfile
casing_changed = self.proper_case_section(pfile.get("packages", {}))
casing_changed |= self.proper_case_section(pfile.get("dev-packages", {}))
return casing_changed
def proper_case_section(self, section):
"""Verify proper casing is retrieved, when available, for each
dependency in the section.
# Casing for section.
changed_values = False
unknown_names = [k for k in section if k not in set(self.proper_names)]
# Replace each package with proper casing.
for dep in unknown_names:
# Get new casing for package name.
new_casing = proper_case(dep)
except OSError:
# Unable to normalize package name.
if new_casing != dep:
changed_values = True
# Replace old value with new value.
old_value = section[dep]
section[new_casing] = old_value
del section[dep]
# Return whether or not values have been changed.
return changed_values
def finders(self):
from .vendor.pythonfinder import Finder
scripts_dirname = "Scripts" if os.name == "nt" else "bin"
scripts_dir = os.path.join(self.virtualenv_location, scripts_dirname)
finders = [
Finder(path=scripts_dir, global_search=gs, system=False)
for gs in (False, True)
return finders
def finder(self):
return next(iter(self.finders), None)
def which(self, search, as_path=True):
find = operator.methodcaller("which", search)
result = next(iter(filter(None, (find(finder) for finder in self.finders))), None)
if not result:
result = self._which(search)
if as_path:
result = str(result.path)
return result
def python(self, system=False) -> str:
"""Path to the project python"""
from pipenv.utils.shell import project_python
return project_python(self, system=system)
def _which(self, command, location=None, allow_global=False):
if not allow_global and location is None:
if self.virtualenv_exists:
location = self.virtualenv_location
location = os.environ.get("VIRTUAL_ENV", None)
if not (location and os.path.exists(location)) and not allow_global:
raise RuntimeError("location not created nor specified")
version_str = "python{}".format(".".join([str(v) for v in sys.version_info[:2]]))
is_python = command in ("python", os.path.basename(sys.executable), version_str)
if not allow_global:
if os.name == "nt":
p = find_windows_executable(os.path.join(location, "Scripts"), command)
p = os.path.join(location, "bin", command)
if is_python:
p = sys.executable
if not os.path.exists(p):
if is_python:
p = sys.executable or system_which("python")
p = system_which(command)
return p