import re from configparser import ConfigParser from inspect import cleandoc import jaraco.path import pytest import tomli_w from path import Path import setuptools # noqa: F401 # force distutils.core to be patched from setuptools.config.pyprojecttoml import ( _ToolsTypoInMetadata, apply_configuration, expand_configuration, read_configuration, validate, ) from setuptools.dist import Distribution from setuptools.errors import OptionError import distutils.core EXAMPLE = """ [project] name = "myproj" keywords = ["some", "key", "words"] dynamic = ["version", "readme"] requires-python = ">=2.7, !=3.0.*, !=3.1.*, !=3.2.*, !=3.3.*, !=3.4.*" dependencies = [ 'importlib-metadata>=0.12;python_version<"3.8"', 'importlib-resources>=1.0;python_version<"3.7"', 'pathlib2>=2.3.3,<3;python_version < "3.4" and sys.platform != "win32"', ] [project.optional-dependencies] docs = [ "sphinx>=3", "sphinx-argparse>=0.2.5", "sphinx-rtd-theme>=0.4.3", ] testing = [ "pytest>=1", "coverage>=3,<5", ] [project.scripts] exec = "pkg.__main__:exec" [build-system] requires = ["setuptools", "wheel"] build-backend = "setuptools.build_meta" [tool.setuptools] package-dir = {"" = "src"} zip-safe = true platforms = ["any"] [tool.setuptools.packages.find] where = ["src"] [tool.setuptools.cmdclass] sdist = "pkg.mod.CustomSdist" [tool.setuptools.dynamic.version] attr = "pkg.__version__.VERSION" [tool.setuptools.dynamic.readme] file = [""] content-type = "text/markdown" [tool.setuptools.package-data] "*" = ["*.txt"] [] "data" = ["_files/*.txt"] [tool.distutils.sdist] formats = "gztar" [tool.distutils.bdist_wheel] universal = true """ def create_example(path, pkg_root): files = { "pyproject.toml": EXAMPLE, "": "hello world", "_files": { "file.txt": "", }, } packages = { "pkg": { "": "", "": "class CustomSdist: pass", "": "VERSION = (3, 10)", "": "def exec(): print('hello')", }, } assert pkg_root # Meta-test: cannot be empty string. if pkg_root == ".": files = {**files, **packages} # skip other files: flat-layout will raise error for multi-package dist else: # Use this opportunity to ensure namespaces are discovered files[pkg_root] = {**packages, "other": {"nested": {"": ""}}}, prefix=path) def verify_example(config, path, pkg_root): pyproject = path / "pyproject.toml" pyproject.write_text(tomli_w.dumps(config), encoding="utf-8") expanded = expand_configuration(config, path) expanded_project = expanded["project"] assert read_configuration(pyproject, expand=True) == expanded assert expanded_project["version"] == "3.10" assert expanded_project["readme"]["text"] == "hello world" assert "packages" in expanded["tool"]["setuptools"] if pkg_root == ".": # Auto-discovery will raise error for multi-package dist assert set(expanded["tool"]["setuptools"]["packages"]) == {"pkg"} else: assert set(expanded["tool"]["setuptools"]["packages"]) == { "pkg", "other", "other.nested", } assert expanded["tool"]["setuptools"]["include-package-data"] is True assert "" in expanded["tool"]["setuptools"]["package-data"] assert "*" not in expanded["tool"]["setuptools"]["package-data"] assert expanded["tool"]["setuptools"]["data-files"] == [ ("data", ["_files/file.txt"]) ] def test_read_configuration(tmp_path): create_example(tmp_path, "src") pyproject = tmp_path / "pyproject.toml" config = read_configuration(pyproject, expand=False) assert config["project"].get("version") is None assert config["project"].get("readme") is None verify_example(config, tmp_path, "src") @pytest.mark.parametrize( "pkg_root, opts", [ (".", {}), ("src", {}), ("lib", {"packages": {"find": {"where": ["lib"]}}}), ], ) def test_discovered_package_dir_with_attr_directive_in_config(tmp_path, pkg_root, opts): create_example(tmp_path, pkg_root) pyproject = tmp_path / "pyproject.toml" config = read_configuration(pyproject, expand=False) assert config["project"].get("version") is None assert config["project"].get("readme") is None config["tool"]["setuptools"].pop("packages", None) config["tool"]["setuptools"].pop("package-dir", None) config["tool"]["setuptools"].update(opts) verify_example(config, tmp_path, pkg_root) ENTRY_POINTS = { "console_scripts": {"a": "mod.a:func"}, "gui_scripts": {"b": "mod.b:func"}, "other": {"c": "mod.c:func [extra]"}, } class TestEntryPoints: def write_entry_points(self, tmp_path): entry_points = ConfigParser() entry_points.read_dict(ENTRY_POINTS) with open(tmp_path / "entry-points.txt", "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: entry_points.write(f) def pyproject(self, dynamic=None): project = {"dynamic": dynamic or ["scripts", "gui-scripts", "entry-points"]} tool = {"dynamic": {"entry-points": {"file": "entry-points.txt"}}} return {"project": project, "tool": {"setuptools": tool}} def test_all_listed_in_dynamic(self, tmp_path): self.write_entry_points(tmp_path) expanded = expand_configuration(self.pyproject(), tmp_path) expanded_project = expanded["project"] assert len(expanded_project["scripts"]) == 1 assert expanded_project["scripts"]["a"] == "mod.a:func" assert len(expanded_project["gui-scripts"]) == 1 assert expanded_project["gui-scripts"]["b"] == "mod.b:func" assert len(expanded_project["entry-points"]) == 1 assert expanded_project["entry-points"]["other"]["c"] == "mod.c:func [extra]" @pytest.mark.parametrize("missing_dynamic", ("scripts", "gui-scripts")) def test_scripts_not_listed_in_dynamic(self, tmp_path, missing_dynamic): self.write_entry_points(tmp_path) dynamic = {"scripts", "gui-scripts", "entry-points"} - {missing_dynamic} msg = f"defined outside of `pyproject.toml`:.*{missing_dynamic}" with pytest.raises(OptionError, match=re.compile(msg, re.S)): expand_configuration(self.pyproject(dynamic), tmp_path) class TestClassifiers: def test_dynamic(self, tmp_path): # Let's create a project example that has dynamic classifiers # coming from a txt file. create_example(tmp_path, "src") classifiers = cleandoc( """ Framework :: Flask Programming Language :: Haskell """ ) (tmp_path / "classifiers.txt").write_text(classifiers, encoding="utf-8") pyproject = tmp_path / "pyproject.toml" config = read_configuration(pyproject, expand=False) dynamic = config["project"]["dynamic"] config["project"]["dynamic"] = list({*dynamic, "classifiers"}) dynamic_config = config["tool"]["setuptools"]["dynamic"] dynamic_config["classifiers"] = {"file": "classifiers.txt"} # When the configuration is expanded, # each line of the file should be an different classifier. validate(config, pyproject) expanded = expand_configuration(config, tmp_path) assert set(expanded["project"]["classifiers"]) == { "Framework :: Flask", "Programming Language :: Haskell", } def test_dynamic_without_config(self, tmp_path): config = """ [project] name = "myproj" version = '42' dynamic = ["classifiers"] """ pyproject = tmp_path / "pyproject.toml" pyproject.write_text(cleandoc(config), encoding="utf-8") with pytest.raises(OptionError, match="No configuration .* .classifiers."): read_configuration(pyproject) def test_dynamic_readme_from_setup_script_args(self, tmp_path): config = """ [project] name = "myproj" version = '42' dynamic = ["readme"] """ pyproject = tmp_path / "pyproject.toml" pyproject.write_text(cleandoc(config), encoding="utf-8") dist = Distribution(attrs={"long_description": "42"}) # No error should occur because of missing `readme` dist = apply_configuration(dist, pyproject) assert dist.metadata.long_description == "42" def test_dynamic_without_file(self, tmp_path): config = """ [project] name = "myproj" version = '42' dynamic = ["classifiers"] [tool.setuptools.dynamic] classifiers = {file = ["classifiers.txt"]} """ pyproject = tmp_path / "pyproject.toml" pyproject.write_text(cleandoc(config), encoding="utf-8") with pytest.warns(UserWarning, match="File .*classifiers.txt. cannot be found"): expanded = read_configuration(pyproject) assert "classifiers" not in expanded["project"] @pytest.mark.parametrize( "example", ( """ [project] name = "myproj" version = "1.2" [my-tool.that-disrespect.pep518] value = 42 """, ), ) def test_ignore_unrelated_config(tmp_path, example): pyproject = tmp_path / "pyproject.toml" pyproject.write_text(cleandoc(example), encoding="utf-8") # Make sure no error is raised due to 3rd party configs in pyproject.toml assert read_configuration(pyproject) is not None @pytest.mark.parametrize( "example, error_msg", [ ( """ [project] name = "myproj" version = "1.2" requires = ['pywin32; platform_system=="Windows"' ] """, "configuration error: .project. must not contain ..requires.. properties", ), ], ) def test_invalid_example(tmp_path, example, error_msg): pyproject = tmp_path / "pyproject.toml" pyproject.write_text(cleandoc(example), encoding="utf-8") pattern = re.compile(f"invalid pyproject.toml.*{error_msg}.*", re.M | re.S) with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=pattern): read_configuration(pyproject) @pytest.mark.parametrize("config", ("", "[tool.something]\nvalue = 42")) def test_empty(tmp_path, config): pyproject = tmp_path / "pyproject.toml" pyproject.write_text(config, encoding="utf-8") # Make sure no error is raised assert read_configuration(pyproject) == {} @pytest.mark.parametrize("config", ("[project]\nname = 'myproj'\nversion='42'\n",)) def test_include_package_data_by_default(tmp_path, config): """Builds with ``pyproject.toml`` should consider ``include-package-data=True`` as default. """ pyproject = tmp_path / "pyproject.toml" pyproject.write_text(config, encoding="utf-8") config = read_configuration(pyproject) assert config["tool"]["setuptools"]["include-package-data"] is True def test_include_package_data_in_setuppy(tmp_path): """Builds with ``pyproject.toml`` should consider ``include_package_data`` set in ````. See """ files = { "pyproject.toml": "[project]\nname = 'myproj'\nversion='42'\n", "": "__import__('setuptools').setup(include_package_data=False)", }, prefix=tmp_path) with Path(tmp_path): dist = distutils.core.run_setup("", {}, stop_after="config") assert dist.get_name() == "myproj" assert dist.get_version() == "42" assert dist.include_package_data is False def test_warn_tools_typo(tmp_path): """Test that the common ``tools.setuptools`` typo in ``pyproject.toml`` issues a warning See """ config = """ [build-system] requires = ["setuptools"] build-backend = "setuptools.build_meta" [project] name = "myproj" version = '42' [tools.setuptools] packages = ["package"] """ pyproject = tmp_path / "pyproject.toml" pyproject.write_text(cleandoc(config), encoding="utf-8") with pytest.warns(_ToolsTypoInMetadata): read_configuration(pyproject)