import os import platform import stat import subprocess import sys from copy import deepcopy from importlib import import_module from importlib.machinery import EXTENSION_SUFFIXES from pathlib import Path from textwrap import dedent from unittest.mock import Mock from uuid import uuid4 import jaraco.envs import jaraco.path import pytest from path import Path as _Path from setuptools._importlib import resources as importlib_resources from setuptools.command.editable_wheel import ( _DebuggingTips, _encode_pth, _find_namespaces, _find_package_roots, _find_virtual_namespaces, _finder_template, _LinkTree, _TopLevelFinder, editable_wheel, ) from setuptools.dist import Distribution from setuptools.extension import Extension from setuptools.warnings import SetuptoolsDeprecationWarning from . import contexts, namespaces from distutils.core import run_setup @pytest.fixture(params=["strict", "lenient"]) def editable_opts(request): if request.param == "strict": return ["--config-settings", "editable-mode=strict"] return [] EXAMPLE = { 'pyproject.toml': dedent( """\ [build-system] requires = ["setuptools"] build-backend = "setuptools.build_meta" [project] name = "mypkg" version = "3.14159" license = {text = "MIT"} description = "This is a Python package" dynamic = ["readme"] classifiers = [ "Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable", "Intended Audience :: Developers" ] urls = {Homepage = ""} [tool.setuptools] package-dir = {"" = "src"} packages = {find = {where = ["src"]}} license-files = ["LICENSE*"] [tool.setuptools.dynamic] readme = {file = "README.rst"} [tool.distutils.egg_info] tag-build = ".post0" """ ), "": dedent( """\ global-include *.py *.txt global-exclude *.py[cod] prune dist prune build """ ).strip(), "README.rst": "This is a ``README``", "LICENSE.txt": "---- placeholder MIT license ----", "src": { "mypkg": { "": dedent( """\ import sys from importlib.metadata import PackageNotFoundError, version try: __version__ = version(__name__) except PackageNotFoundError: __version__ = "unknown" """ ), "": dedent( """\ from importlib.resources import read_text from . import __version__, __name__ as parent from .mod import x data = read_text(parent, "data.txt") print(__version__, data, x) """ ), "": "x = ''", "data.txt": "Hello World", } }, } SETUP_SCRIPT_STUB = "__import__('setuptools').setup()" @pytest.mark.xfail(sys.platform == "darwin", reason="pypa/setuptools#4328") @pytest.mark.parametrize( "files", [ {**EXAMPLE, "": SETUP_SCRIPT_STUB}, EXAMPLE, # No script ], ) def test_editable_with_pyproject(tmp_path, venv, files, editable_opts): project = tmp_path / "mypkg" project.mkdir(), prefix=project) cmd = [ "python", "-m", "pip", "install", "--no-build-isolation", # required to force current version of setuptools "-e", str(project), *editable_opts, ] print( cmd = ["python", "-m", "mypkg"] assert == "3.14159.post0 Hello World" (project / "src/mypkg/data.txt").write_text("foobar", encoding="utf-8") (project / "src/mypkg/").write_text("x = 42", encoding="utf-8") assert == "3.14159.post0 foobar 42" def test_editable_with_flat_layout(tmp_path, venv, editable_opts): files = { "mypkg": { "pyproject.toml": dedent( """\ [build-system] requires = ["setuptools", "wheel"] build-backend = "setuptools.build_meta" [project] name = "mypkg" version = "3.14159" [tool.setuptools] packages = ["pkg"] py-modules = ["mod"] """ ), "pkg": {"": "a = 4"}, "": "b = 2", }, }, prefix=tmp_path) project = tmp_path / "mypkg" cmd = [ "python", "-m", "pip", "install", "--no-build-isolation", # required to force current version of setuptools "-e", str(project), *editable_opts, ] print( cmd = ["python", "-c", "import pkg, mod; print(pkg.a, mod.b)"] assert == "4 2" def test_editable_with_single_module(tmp_path, venv, editable_opts): files = { "mypkg": { "pyproject.toml": dedent( """\ [build-system] requires = ["setuptools", "wheel"] build-backend = "setuptools.build_meta" [project] name = "mod" version = "3.14159" [tool.setuptools] py-modules = ["mod"] """ ), "": "b = 2", }, }, prefix=tmp_path) project = tmp_path / "mypkg" cmd = [ "python", "-m", "pip", "install", "--no-build-isolation", # required to force current version of setuptools "-e", str(project), *editable_opts, ] print( cmd = ["python", "-c", "import mod; print(mod.b)"] assert == "2" class TestLegacyNamespaces: # legacy => pkg_resources.declare_namespace(...) + setup(namespace_packages=...) def test_nspkg_file_is_unique(self, tmp_path, monkeypatch): deprecation = pytest.warns( SetuptoolsDeprecationWarning, match=".*namespace_packages parameter.*" ) installation_dir = tmp_path / ".installation_dir" installation_dir.mkdir() examples = ( "myns.pkgA", "myns.pkgB", "myns.n.pkgA", "myns.n.pkgB", ) for name in examples: pkg = namespaces.build_namespace_package(tmp_path, name, version="42") with deprecation, monkeypatch.context() as ctx: ctx.chdir(pkg) dist = run_setup("", stop_after="config") cmd = editable_wheel(dist) cmd.finalize_options() editable_name = cmd.get_finalized_command("dist_info").name cmd._install_namespaces(installation_dir, editable_name) files = list(installation_dir.glob("*-nspkg.pth")) assert len(files) == len(examples) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "impl", ( "pkg_resources", # "pkgutil", => does not work ), ) @pytest.mark.parametrize("ns", ("myns.n",)) def test_namespace_package_importable( self, venv, tmp_path, ns, impl, editable_opts ): """ Installing two packages sharing the same namespace, one installed naturally using pip or `--single-version-externally-managed` and the other installed in editable mode should leave the namespace intact and both packages reachable by import. (Ported from test_develop). """ build_system = """\ [build-system] requires = ["setuptools"] build-backend = "setuptools.build_meta" """ pkg_A = namespaces.build_namespace_package(tmp_path, f"{ns}.pkgA", impl=impl) pkg_B = namespaces.build_namespace_package(tmp_path, f"{ns}.pkgB", impl=impl) (pkg_A / "pyproject.toml").write_text(build_system, encoding="utf-8") (pkg_B / "pyproject.toml").write_text(build_system, encoding="utf-8") # use pip to install to the target directory opts = editable_opts[:] opts.append("--no-build-isolation") # force current version of setuptools["python", "-m", "pip", "install", str(pkg_A), *opts])["python", "-m", "pip", "install", "-e", str(pkg_B), *opts])["python", "-c", f"import {ns}.pkgA; import {ns}.pkgB"]) # additionally ensure that pkg_resources import works["python", "-c", "import pkg_resources"]) class TestPep420Namespaces: def test_namespace_package_importable(self, venv, tmp_path, editable_opts): """ Installing two packages sharing the same namespace, one installed normally using pip and the other installed in editable mode should allow importing both packages. """ pkg_A = namespaces.build_pep420_namespace_package(tmp_path, 'myns.n.pkgA') pkg_B = namespaces.build_pep420_namespace_package(tmp_path, 'myns.n.pkgB') # use pip to install to the target directory opts = editable_opts[:] opts.append("--no-build-isolation") # force current version of setuptools["python", "-m", "pip", "install", str(pkg_A), *opts])["python", "-m", "pip", "install", "-e", str(pkg_B), *opts])["python", "-c", "import myns.n.pkgA; import myns.n.pkgB"]) def test_namespace_created_via_package_dir(self, venv, tmp_path, editable_opts): """Currently users can create a namespace by tweaking `package_dir`""" files = { "pkgA": { "pyproject.toml": dedent( """\ [build-system] requires = ["setuptools", "wheel"] build-backend = "setuptools.build_meta" [project] name = "pkgA" version = "3.14159" [tool.setuptools] package-dir = {"myns.n.pkgA" = "src"} """ ), "src": {"": "a = 1"}, }, }, prefix=tmp_path) pkg_A = tmp_path / "pkgA" pkg_B = namespaces.build_pep420_namespace_package(tmp_path, 'myns.n.pkgB') pkg_C = namespaces.build_pep420_namespace_package(tmp_path, 'myns.n.pkgC') # use pip to install to the target directory opts = editable_opts[:] opts.append("--no-build-isolation") # force current version of setuptools["python", "-m", "pip", "install", str(pkg_A), *opts])["python", "-m", "pip", "install", "-e", str(pkg_B), *opts])["python", "-m", "pip", "install", "-e", str(pkg_C), *opts])["python", "-c", "from myns.n import pkgA, pkgB, pkgC"]) def test_namespace_accidental_config_in_lenient_mode(self, venv, tmp_path): """Sometimes users might specify an ``include`` pattern that ignores parent packages. In a normal installation this would ignore all modules inside the parent packages, and make them namespaces (reported in issue #3504), so the editable mode should preserve this behaviour. """ files = { "pkgA": { "pyproject.toml": dedent( """\ [build-system] requires = ["setuptools", "wheel"] build-backend = "setuptools.build_meta" [project] name = "pkgA" version = "3.14159" [tool.setuptools] packages.find.include = ["mypkg.*"] """ ), "mypkg": { "": "", "": "b = 1", "n": { "": "", "": "a = 1", }, }, "": EXAMPLE[""], }, }, prefix=tmp_path) pkg_A = tmp_path / "pkgA" # use pip to install to the target directory opts = ["--no-build-isolation"] # force current version of setuptools["python", "-m", "pip", "-v", "install", "-e", str(pkg_A), *opts]) out =["python", "-c", "from mypkg.n import pkgA; print(pkgA.a)"]) assert out.strip() == "1" cmd = """\ try: import mypkg.other except ImportError: print("mypkg.other not defined") """ out =["python", "-c", dedent(cmd)]) assert "mypkg.other not defined" in out def test_editable_with_prefix(tmp_path, sample_project, editable_opts): """ Editable install to a prefix should be discoverable. """ prefix = tmp_path / 'prefix' # figure out where pip will likely install the package site_packages_all = [ prefix / Path(path).relative_to(sys.prefix) for path in sys.path if 'site-packages' in path and path.startswith(sys.prefix) ] for sp in site_packages_all: sp.mkdir(parents=True) # install workaround _addsitedirs(site_packages_all) env = dict(os.environ, PYTHONPATH=os.pathsep.join(map(str, site_packages_all))) cmd = [ sys.executable, '-m', 'pip', 'install', '--editable', str(sample_project), '--prefix', str(prefix), '--no-build-isolation', *editable_opts, ] subprocess.check_call(cmd, env=env) # now run 'sample' with the prefix on the PYTHONPATH bin = 'Scripts' if platform.system() == 'Windows' else 'bin' exe = prefix / bin / 'sample' subprocess.check_call([exe], env=env) class TestFinderTemplate: """This test focus in getting a particular implementation detail right. If at some point in time the implementation is changed for something different, this test can be modified or even excluded. """ def install_finder(self, finder): loc = {} exec(finder, loc, loc) loc["install"]() def test_packages(self, tmp_path): files = { "src1": { "pkg1": { "": "", "subpkg": {"": "a = 42"}, }, }, "src2": {"": "a = 43"}, }, prefix=tmp_path) mapping = { "pkg1": str(tmp_path / "src1/pkg1"), "mod2": str(tmp_path / "src2/mod2"), } template = _finder_template(str(uuid4()), mapping, {}) with contexts.save_paths(), contexts.save_sys_modules(): for mod in ("pkg1", "pkg1.subpkg", "pkg1.subpkg.mod1", "mod2"): sys.modules.pop(mod, None) self.install_finder(template) mod1 = import_module("pkg1.subpkg.mod1") mod2 = import_module("mod2") subpkg = import_module("pkg1.subpkg") assert mod1.a == 42 assert mod2.a == 43 expected = str((tmp_path / "src1/pkg1/subpkg").resolve()) assert_path(subpkg, expected) def test_namespace(self, tmp_path): files = {"pkg": {"": "a = 13", "text.txt": "abc"}}, prefix=tmp_path) mapping = {"ns.othername": str(tmp_path / "pkg")} namespaces = {"ns": []} template = _finder_template(str(uuid4()), mapping, namespaces) with contexts.save_paths(), contexts.save_sys_modules(): for mod in ("ns", "ns.othername"): sys.modules.pop(mod, None) self.install_finder(template) pkg = import_module("ns.othername") text = importlib_resources.files(pkg) / "text.txt" expected = str((tmp_path / "pkg").resolve()) assert_path(pkg, expected) assert pkg.a == 13 # Make sure resources can also be found assert text.read_text(encoding="utf-8") == "abc" def test_combine_namespaces(self, tmp_path): files = { "src1": {"ns": {"pkg1": {"": "a = 13"}}}, "src2": {"ns": {"": "b = 37"}}, }, prefix=tmp_path) mapping = { "ns.pkgA": str(tmp_path / "src1/ns/pkg1"), "ns": str(tmp_path / "src2/ns"), } namespaces_ = {"ns": [str(tmp_path / "src1"), str(tmp_path / "src2")]} template = _finder_template(str(uuid4()), mapping, namespaces_) with contexts.save_paths(), contexts.save_sys_modules(): for mod in ("ns", "ns.pkgA", "ns.mod2"): sys.modules.pop(mod, None) self.install_finder(template) pkgA = import_module("ns.pkgA") mod2 = import_module("ns.mod2") expected = str((tmp_path / "src1/ns/pkg1").resolve()) assert_path(pkgA, expected) assert pkgA.a == 13 assert mod2.b == 37 def test_combine_namespaces_nested(self, tmp_path): """ Users may attempt to combine namespace packages in a nested way via ``package_dir`` as shown in pypa/setuptools#4248. """ files = { "src": {"my_package": {"": "a = 13"}}, "src2": {"my_package2": {"": "b = 37"}}, } stack = jaraco.path.DirectoryStack() with stack.context(tmp_path): attrs = { "script_name": "%PEP 517%", "package_dir": { "different_name": "src/my_package", "different_name.subpkg": "src2/my_package2", }, "packages": ["different_name", "different_name.subpkg"], } dist = Distribution(attrs) finder = _TopLevelFinder(dist, str(uuid4())) code = next(v for k, v in finder.get_implementation() if k.endswith(".py")) with contexts.save_paths(), contexts.save_sys_modules(): for mod in attrs["packages"]: sys.modules.pop(mod, None) self.install_finder(code) mod1 = import_module("different_name.my_module") mod2 = import_module("different_name.subpkg.my_module2") expected = str((tmp_path / "src/my_package/").resolve()) assert str(Path(mod1.__file__).resolve()) == expected expected = str((tmp_path / "src2/my_package2/").resolve()) assert str(Path(mod2.__file__).resolve()) == expected assert mod1.a == 13 assert mod2.b == 37 def test_dynamic_path_computation(self, tmp_path): # Follows the example in PEP 420 files = { "project1": {"parent": {"child": {"": "x = 1"}}}, "project2": {"parent": {"child": {"": "x = 2"}}}, "project3": {"parent": {"child": {"": "x = 3"}}}, }, prefix=tmp_path) mapping = {} namespaces_ = {"parent": [str(tmp_path / "project1/parent")]} template = _finder_template(str(uuid4()), mapping, namespaces_) mods = (f"parent.child.{name}" for name in ("one", "two", "three")) with contexts.save_paths(), contexts.save_sys_modules(): for mod in ("parent", "parent.child", "parent.child", *mods): sys.modules.pop(mod, None) self.install_finder(template) one = import_module("") assert one.x == 1 with pytest.raises(ImportError): import_module("parent.child.two") sys.path.append(str(tmp_path / "project2")) two = import_module("parent.child.two") assert two.x == 2 with pytest.raises(ImportError): import_module("parent.child.three") sys.path.append(str(tmp_path / "project3")) three = import_module("parent.child.three") assert three.x == 3 def test_no_recursion(self, tmp_path): # See issue #3550 files = { "pkg": { "": "from . import pkg", }, }, prefix=tmp_path) mapping = { "pkg": str(tmp_path / "pkg"), } template = _finder_template(str(uuid4()), mapping, {}) with contexts.save_paths(), contexts.save_sys_modules(): sys.modules.pop("pkg", None) self.install_finder(template) with pytest.raises(ImportError, match="pkg"): import_module("pkg") def test_similar_name(self, tmp_path): files = { "foo": { "": "", "bar": { "": "", }, }, }, prefix=tmp_path) mapping = { "foo": str(tmp_path / "foo"), } template = _finder_template(str(uuid4()), mapping, {}) with contexts.save_paths(), contexts.save_sys_modules(): sys.modules.pop("foo", None) sys.modules.pop("", None) self.install_finder(template) with pytest.raises(ImportError, match="foobar"): import_module("foobar") def test_case_sensitivity(self, tmp_path): files = { "foo": { "": "", "": "x = 1", "bar": { "": "", "": "x = 2", }, }, }, prefix=tmp_path) mapping = { "foo": str(tmp_path / "foo"), } template = _finder_template(str(uuid4()), mapping, {}) with contexts.save_paths(), contexts.save_sys_modules(): sys.modules.pop("foo", None) self.install_finder(template) with pytest.raises(ImportError, match="'FOO'"): import_module("FOO") with pytest.raises(ImportError, match="'foo\\.LOWERCASE'"): import_module("foo.LOWERCASE") with pytest.raises(ImportError, match="'foo\\.bar\\.Lowercase'"): import_module("") with pytest.raises(ImportError, match="'foo\\.BAR'"): import_module("foo.BAR.lowercase") with pytest.raises(ImportError, match="'FOO'"): import_module("") mod = import_module("foo.lowercase") assert mod.x == 1 mod = import_module("") assert mod.x == 2 def test_namespace_case_sensitivity(self, tmp_path): files = { "pkg": { "": "a = 13", "foo": { "": "b = 37", "": "c = 42", }, }, }, prefix=tmp_path) mapping = {"ns.othername": str(tmp_path / "pkg")} namespaces = {"ns": []} template = _finder_template(str(uuid4()), mapping, namespaces) with contexts.save_paths(), contexts.save_sys_modules(): for mod in ("ns", "ns.othername"): sys.modules.pop(mod, None) self.install_finder(template) pkg = import_module("ns.othername") expected = str((tmp_path / "pkg").resolve()) assert_path(pkg, expected) assert pkg.a == 13 foo = import_module("") assert foo.b == 37 bar = import_module("") assert bar.c == 42 with pytest.raises(ImportError, match="'NS'"): import_module("") with pytest.raises(ImportError, match="'ns\\.othername\\.FOO\\'"): import_module("ns.othername.FOO") with pytest.raises(ImportError, match="'ns\\.othername\\.foo\\.BAR\\'"): import_module("") def test_intermediate_packages(self, tmp_path): """ The finder should not import ``fullname`` if the intermediate segments don't exist (see pypa/setuptools#4019). """ files = { "src": { "mypkg": { "": "", "": "a = 13", "": "b = 13", "components": { "": "a = 37", }, }, } }, prefix=tmp_path) mapping = {"mypkg": str(tmp_path / "src/mypkg")} template = _finder_template(str(uuid4()), mapping, {}) with contexts.save_paths(), contexts.save_sys_modules(): for mod in ( "mypkg", "mypkg.config", "mypkg.helloworld", "mypkg.components", "mypkg.components.config", "mypkg.components.helloworld", ): sys.modules.pop(mod, None) self.install_finder(template) config = import_module("mypkg.components.config") assert config.a == 37 helloworld = import_module("mypkg.helloworld") assert helloworld.b == 13 with pytest.raises(ImportError): import_module("mypkg.components.helloworld") def test_pkg_roots(tmp_path): """This test focus in getting a particular implementation detail right. If at some point in time the implementation is changed for something different, this test can be modified or even excluded. """ files = { "a": {"b": {"": "ab = 1"}, "": "a = 1"}, "d": {"": "d = 1", "e": {"": "de = 1"}}, "f": {"g": {"h": {"": "fgh = 1"}}}, "other": {"": "abc = 1"}, "another": {"": "abcxyz = 1"}, "yet_another": {"": "mnopq = 1"}, }, prefix=tmp_path) package_dir = { "a.b.c": "other", "a.b.c.x.y.z": "another", "m.n.o.p.q": "yet_another", } packages = [ "a", "a.b", "a.b.c", "a.b.c.x.y", "a.b.c.x.y.z", "d", "d.e", "f", "f.g", "f.g.h", "m.n.o.p.q", ] roots = _find_package_roots(packages, package_dir, tmp_path) assert roots == { "a": str(tmp_path / "a"), "a.b.c": str(tmp_path / "other"), "a.b.c.x.y.z": str(tmp_path / "another"), "d": str(tmp_path / "d"), "f": str(tmp_path / "f"), "m.n.o.p.q": str(tmp_path / "yet_another"), } ns = set(dict(_find_namespaces(packages, roots))) assert ns == {"f", "f.g"} ns = set(_find_virtual_namespaces(roots)) assert ns == {"a.b", "a.b.c.x", "a.b.c.x.y", "m", "m.n", "m.n.o", "m.n.o.p"} class TestOverallBehaviour: PYPROJECT = """\ [build-system] requires = ["setuptools"] build-backend = "setuptools.build_meta" [project] name = "mypkg" version = "3.14159" """ FLAT_LAYOUT = { "pyproject.toml": dedent(PYPROJECT), "": EXAMPLE[""], "": "", "mypkg": { "": "", "": "var = 42", "subpackage": { "": "", "": "var = 13", "resource_file.txt": "resource 39", }, }, } EXAMPLES = { "flat-layout": FLAT_LAYOUT, "src-layout": { "pyproject.toml": dedent(PYPROJECT), "": EXAMPLE[""], "": "", "src": {"mypkg": FLAT_LAYOUT["mypkg"]}, }, "custom-layout": { "pyproject.toml": dedent(PYPROJECT) + dedent( """\ [tool.setuptools] packages = ["mypkg", "mypkg.subpackage"] [tool.setuptools.package-dir] "mypkg.subpackage" = "other" """ ), "": EXAMPLE[""], "": "", "mypkg": { "": "", "": FLAT_LAYOUT["mypkg"][""], # type: ignore }, "other": FLAT_LAYOUT["mypkg"]["subpackage"], # type: ignore }, "namespace": { "pyproject.toml": dedent(PYPROJECT), "": EXAMPLE[""], "": "", "src": { "mypkg": { "": FLAT_LAYOUT["mypkg"][""], # type: ignore "subpackage": FLAT_LAYOUT["mypkg"]["subpackage"], # type: ignore }, }, }, } @pytest.mark.xfail(sys.platform == "darwin", reason="pypa/setuptools#4328") @pytest.mark.parametrize("layout", EXAMPLES.keys()) def test_editable_install(self, tmp_path, venv, layout, editable_opts): project, _ = install_project( "mypkg", venv, tmp_path, self.EXAMPLES[layout], *editable_opts ) # Ensure stray files are not importable cmd_import_error = """\ try: import otherfile except ImportError as ex: print(ex) """ out =["python", "-c", dedent(cmd_import_error)]) assert "No module named 'otherfile'" in out # Ensure the modules are importable cmd_get_vars = """\ import mypkg, mypkg.mod1, mypkg.subpackage.mod2 print(mypkg.mod1.var, mypkg.subpackage.mod2.var) """ out =["python", "-c", dedent(cmd_get_vars)]) assert "42 13" in out # Ensure resources are reachable cmd_get_resource = """\ import mypkg.subpackage from setuptools._importlib import resources as importlib_resources text = importlib_resources.files(mypkg.subpackage) / "resource_file.txt" print(text.read_text(encoding="utf-8")) """ out =["python", "-c", dedent(cmd_get_resource)]) assert "resource 39" in out # Ensure files are editable mod1 = next(project.glob("**/")) mod2 = next(project.glob("**/")) resource_file = next(project.glob("**/resource_file.txt")) mod1.write_text("var = 17", encoding="utf-8") mod2.write_text("var = 781", encoding="utf-8") resource_file.write_text("resource 374", encoding="utf-8") out =["python", "-c", dedent(cmd_get_vars)]) assert "42 13" not in out assert "17 781" in out out =["python", "-c", dedent(cmd_get_resource)]) assert "resource 39" not in out assert "resource 374" in out class TestLinkTree: FILES = deepcopy(TestOverallBehaviour.EXAMPLES["src-layout"]) FILES["pyproject.toml"] += dedent( """\ [tool.setuptools] # Temporary workaround: both `include-package-data` and `package-data` configs # can be removed after #3260 is fixed. include-package-data = false package-data = {"*" = ["*.txt"]} [tool.setuptools.packages.find] where = ["src"] exclude = ["*.subpackage*"] """ ) FILES["src"]["mypkg"]["resource.not_in_manifest"] = "abc" def test_generated_tree(self, tmp_path):, prefix=tmp_path) with _Path(tmp_path): name = "mypkg-3.14159" dist = Distribution({"script_name": "%PEP 517%"}) dist.parse_config_files() wheel = Mock() aux = tmp_path / ".aux" build = tmp_path / ".build" aux.mkdir() build.mkdir() build_py = dist.get_command_obj("build_py") build_py.editable_mode = True build_py.build_lib = str(build) build_py.ensure_finalized() outputs = build_py.get_outputs() output_mapping = build_py.get_output_mapping() make_tree = _LinkTree(dist, name, aux, build) make_tree(wheel, outputs, output_mapping) mod1 = next(aux.glob("**/")) expected = tmp_path / "src/mypkg/" assert_link_to(mod1, expected) assert next(aux.glob("**/subpackage"), None) is None assert next(aux.glob("**/"), None) is None assert next(aux.glob("**/resource_file.txt"), None) is None assert next(aux.glob("**/resource.not_in_manifest"), None) is None def test_strict_install(self, tmp_path, venv): opts = ["--config-settings", "editable-mode=strict"] install_project("mypkg", venv, tmp_path, self.FILES, *opts) out =["python", "-c", "import mypkg.mod1; print(mypkg.mod1.var)"]) assert "42" in out # Ensure packages excluded from distribution are not importable cmd_import_error = """\ try: from mypkg import subpackage except ImportError as ex: print(ex) """ out =["python", "-c", dedent(cmd_import_error)]) assert "cannot import name 'subpackage'" in out # Ensure resource files excluded from distribution are not reachable cmd_get_resource = """\ import mypkg from setuptools._importlib import resources as importlib_resources try: text = importlib_resources.files(mypkg) / "resource.not_in_manifest" print(text.read_text(encoding="utf-8")) except FileNotFoundError as ex: print(ex) """ out =["python", "-c", dedent(cmd_get_resource)]) assert "No such file or directory" in out assert "resource.not_in_manifest" in out @pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:.*compat.*:setuptools.SetuptoolsDeprecationWarning") def test_compat_install(tmp_path, venv): # TODO: Remove `compat` after Dec/2022. opts = ["--config-settings", "editable-mode=compat"] files = TestOverallBehaviour.EXAMPLES["custom-layout"] install_project("mypkg", venv, tmp_path, files, *opts) out =["python", "-c", "import mypkg.mod1; print(mypkg.mod1.var)"]) assert "42" in out expected_path = comparable_path(str(tmp_path)) # Compatible behaviour will make spurious modules and excluded # files importable directly from the original path for cmd in ( "import otherfile; print(otherfile)", "import other; print(other)", "import mypkg; print(mypkg)", ): out = comparable_path(["python", "-c", cmd])) assert expected_path in out # Compatible behaviour will not consider custom mappings cmd = """\ try: from mypkg import subpackage; except ImportError as ex: print(ex) """ out =["python", "-c", dedent(cmd)]) assert "cannot import name 'subpackage'" in out def test_pbr_integration(tmp_path, venv, editable_opts): """Ensure editable installs work with pbr, issue #3500""" files = { "pyproject.toml": dedent( """\ [build-system] requires = ["setuptools"] build-backend = "setuptools.build_meta" """ ), "": dedent( """\ __import__('setuptools').setup( pbr=True, setup_requires=["pbr"], ) """ ), "setup.cfg": dedent( """\ [metadata] name = mypkg [files] packages = mypkg """ ), "mypkg": { "": "", "": "print('Hello world!')", }, "other": {"test.txt": "Another file in here."}, }["python", "-m", "pip", "install", "pbr"]) with contexts.environment(PBR_VERSION="0.42"): install_project("mypkg", venv, tmp_path, files, *editable_opts) out =["python", "-c", "import mypkg.hello"]) assert "Hello world!" in out class TestCustomBuildPy: """ Issue #3501 indicates that some plugins/customizations might rely on: 1. ``build_py`` not running 2. ``build_py`` always copying files to ``build_lib`` During the transition period setuptools should prevent potential errors from happening due to those assumptions. """ # TODO: Remove tests after _run_build_steps is removed. FILES = { **TestOverallBehaviour.EXAMPLES["flat-layout"], "": dedent( """\ import pathlib from setuptools import setup from setuptools.command.build_py import build_py as orig class my_build_py(orig): def run(self): super().run() raise ValueError("TEST_RAISE") setup(cmdclass={"build_py": my_build_py}) """ ), } def test_safeguarded_from_errors(self, tmp_path, venv): """Ensure that errors in custom build_py are reported as warnings""" # Warnings should show up _, out = install_project("mypkg", venv, tmp_path, self.FILES) assert "SetuptoolsDeprecationWarning" in out assert "ValueError: TEST_RAISE" in out # but installation should be successful out =["python", "-c", "import mypkg.mod1; print(mypkg.mod1.var)"]) assert "42" in out class TestCustomBuildWheel: def install_custom_build_wheel(self, dist): bdist_wheel_cls = dist.get_command_class("bdist_wheel") class MyBdistWheel(bdist_wheel_cls): def get_tag(self): # In issue #3513, we can see that some extensions may try to access # the `plat_name` property in bdist_wheel if self.plat_name.startswith("macosx-"): _ = "macOS platform" return super().get_tag() dist.cmdclass["bdist_wheel"] = MyBdistWheel def test_access_plat_name(self, tmpdir_cwd): # Even when a custom bdist_wheel tries to access plat_name the build should # be successful{"": "x = 42"}) dist = Distribution() dist.script_name = "" dist.set_defaults() self.install_custom_build_wheel(dist) cmd = editable_wheel(dist) cmd.ensure_finalized() wheel_file = str(next(Path().glob('dist/*.whl'))) assert "editable" in wheel_file class TestCustomBuildExt: def install_custom_build_ext_distutils(self, dist): from distutils.command.build_ext import build_ext as build_ext_cls class MyBuildExt(build_ext_cls): pass dist.cmdclass["build_ext"] = MyBuildExt @pytest.mark.skipif( sys.platform != "linux", reason="compilers may fail without correct setup" ) def test_distutils_leave_inplace_files(self, tmpdir_cwd):{"module.c": ""}) attrs = { "ext_modules": [Extension("module", ["module.c"])], } dist = Distribution(attrs) dist.script_name = "" dist.set_defaults() self.install_custom_build_ext_distutils(dist) cmd = editable_wheel(dist) cmd.ensure_finalized() wheel_file = str(next(Path().glob('dist/*.whl'))) assert "editable" in wheel_file files = [p for p in Path().glob("module.*") if p.suffix != ".c"] assert len(files) == 1 name = files[0].name assert any(name.endswith(ext) for ext in EXTENSION_SUFFIXES) def test_debugging_tips(tmpdir_cwd, monkeypatch): """Make sure to display useful debugging tips to the user."""{"": "x = 42"}) dist = Distribution() dist.script_name = "" dist.set_defaults() cmd = editable_wheel(dist) cmd.ensure_finalized() SimulatedErr = type("SimulatedErr", (Exception,), {}) simulated_failure = Mock(side_effect=SimulatedErr()) monkeypatch.setattr(cmd, "get_finalized_command", simulated_failure) expected_msg = "following steps are recommended to help debug" with pytest.raises(SimulatedErr), pytest.warns(_DebuggingTips, match=expected_msg): @pytest.mark.filterwarnings("error") def test_encode_pth(): """Ensure _encode_pth function does not produce encoding warnings""" content = _encode_pth("tkmilan_รง_utf8") # no warnings (would be turned into errors) assert isinstance(content, bytes) def install_project(name, venv, tmp_path, files, *opts): project = tmp_path / name project.mkdir(), prefix=project) opts = [*opts, "--no-build-isolation"] # force current version of setuptools out = ["python", "-m", "pip", "-v", "install", "-e", str(project), *opts], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, ) return project, out def _addsitedirs(new_dirs): """To use this function, it is necessary to insert new_dir in front of sys.path. The Python process will try to import a ``sitecustomize`` module on startup. If we manipulate sys.path/PYTHONPATH, we can force it to run our code, which invokes ``addsitedir`` and ensure ``.pth`` files are loaded. """ content = '\n'.join( ("import site",) + tuple(f"site.addsitedir({os.fspath(new_dir)!r})" for new_dir in new_dirs) ) (new_dirs[0] / "").write_text(content, encoding="utf-8") # ---- Assertion Helpers ---- def assert_path(pkg, expected): # __path__ is not guaranteed to exist, so we have to account for that if pkg.__path__: path = next(iter(pkg.__path__), None) if path: assert str(Path(path).resolve()) == expected def assert_link_to(file: Path, other: Path): if file.is_symlink(): assert str(file.resolve()) == str(other.resolve()) else: file_stat = file.stat() other_stat = other.stat() assert file_stat[stat.ST_INO] == other_stat[stat.ST_INO] assert file_stat[stat.ST_DEV] == other_stat[stat.ST_DEV] def comparable_path(str_with_path: str) -> str: return str_with_path.lower().replace(os.sep, "/").replace("//", "/")