# testing gevent's Event, Lock, RLock, Semaphore, BoundedSemaphore with standard test_threading from __future__ import print_function from gevent.testing.six import xrange import gevent.testing as greentest setup_ = '''from gevent import monkey; monkey.patch_all() from gevent.event import Event from gevent.lock import RLock, Semaphore, BoundedSemaphore from gevent.thread import allocate_lock as Lock import threading threading.Event = Event threading.Lock = Lock # NOTE: We're completely patching around the allocate_lock # patch we try to do with RLock; our monkey patch doesn't # behave this way, but we do it in tests to make sure that # our RLock implementation behaves correctly by itself. # However, we must test the patched version too, so make it # available. threading.NativeRLock = threading.RLock threading.RLock = RLock threading.Semaphore = Semaphore threading.BoundedSemaphore = BoundedSemaphore ''' exec(setup_) setup_3 = '\n'.join(' %s' % line for line in setup_.split('\n')) setup_4 = '\n'.join(' %s' % line for line in setup_.split('\n')) from gevent.testing import support verbose = support.verbose import random import re import sys import threading try: import thread except ImportError: import _thread as thread import time import unittest import weakref from gevent.tests import lock_tests verbose = False # pylint:disable=consider-using-with # A trivial mutable counter. def skipDueToHang(cls): return unittest.skipIf( greentest.PYPY3 and greentest.RUNNING_ON_CI, "SKIPPED: Timeout on PyPy3 on Travis" )(cls) class Counter(object): def __init__(self): self.value = 0 def inc(self): self.value += 1 def dec(self): self.value -= 1 def get(self): return self.value class TestThread(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, name, testcase, sema, mutex, nrunning): threading.Thread.__init__(self, name=name) self.testcase = testcase self.sema = sema self.mutex = mutex self.nrunning = nrunning def run(self): delay = random.random() / 10000.0 if verbose: print('task %s will run for %.1f usec' % ( self.name, delay * 1e6)) with self.sema: with self.mutex: self.nrunning.inc() if verbose: print(self.nrunning.get(), 'tasks are running') self.testcase.assertLessEqual(self.nrunning.get(), 3) time.sleep(delay) if verbose: print('task', self.name, 'done') with self.mutex: self.nrunning.dec() self.testcase.assertGreaterEqual(self.nrunning.get(), 0) if verbose: print('%s is finished. %d tasks are running' % ( self.name, self.nrunning.get())) @skipDueToHang class ThreadTests(unittest.TestCase): # Create a bunch of threads, let each do some work, wait until all are # done. def test_various_ops(self): # This takes about n/3 seconds to run (about n/3 clumps of tasks, # times about 1 second per clump). NUMTASKS = 10 # no more than 3 of the 10 can run at once sema = threading.BoundedSemaphore(value=3) mutex = threading.RLock() numrunning = Counter() threads = [] for i in range(NUMTASKS): t = TestThread("" % i, self, sema, mutex, numrunning) threads.append(t) t.daemon = False # Under PYPY we get daemon by default? if hasattr(t, 'ident'): self.assertIsNone(t.ident) self.assertFalse(t.daemon) self.assertTrue(re.match(r'', repr(t))) t.start() if verbose: print('waiting for all tasks to complete') for t in threads: t.join(NUMTASKS) self.assertFalse(t.is_alive(), t.__dict__) if hasattr(t, 'ident'): self.assertNotEqual(t.ident, 0) self.assertFalse(t.ident is None) self.assertTrue(re.match(r'', repr(t))) if verbose: print('all tasks done') self.assertEqual(numrunning.get(), 0) def test_ident_of_no_threading_threads(self): # The ident still must work for the main thread and dummy threads, # as must the repr and str. t = threading.current_thread() self.assertFalse(t.ident is None) str(t) repr(t) def f(): t = threading.current_thread() ident.append(t.ident) str(t) repr(t) done.set() done = threading.Event() ident = [] thread.start_new_thread(f, ()) done.wait() self.assertFalse(ident[0] is None) # Kill the "immortal" _DummyThread del threading._active[ident[0]] # run with a small(ish) thread stack size (256kB) def test_various_ops_small_stack(self): if verbose: print('with 256kB thread stack size...') try: threading.stack_size(262144) except thread.error: if verbose: print('platform does not support changing thread stack size') return self.test_various_ops() threading.stack_size(0) # run with a large thread stack size (1MB) def test_various_ops_large_stack(self): if verbose: print('with 1MB thread stack size...') try: threading.stack_size(0x100000) except thread.error: if verbose: print('platform does not support changing thread stack size') return self.test_various_ops() threading.stack_size(0) def test_foreign_thread(self): # Check that a "foreign" thread can use the threading module. def f(mutex): # Calling current_thread() forces an entry for the foreign # thread to get made in the threading._active map. threading.current_thread() mutex.release() mutex = threading.Lock() mutex.acquire() tid = thread.start_new_thread(f, (mutex,)) # Wait for the thread to finish. mutex.acquire() self.assertIn(tid, threading._active) self.assertIsInstance(threading._active[tid], threading._DummyThread) del threading._active[tid] # in gevent, we actually clean up threading._active, but it's not happended there yet # PyThreadState_SetAsyncExc() is a CPython-only gimmick, not (currently) # exposed at the Python level. This test relies on ctypes to get at it. def SKIP_test_PyThreadState_SetAsyncExc(self): try: import ctypes except ImportError: if verbose: print("test_PyThreadState_SetAsyncExc can't import ctypes") return # can't do anything set_async_exc = ctypes.pythonapi.PyThreadState_SetAsyncExc class AsyncExc(Exception): pass exception = ctypes.py_object(AsyncExc) # `worker_started` is set by the thread when it's inside a try/except # block waiting to catch the asynchronously set AsyncExc exception. # `worker_saw_exception` is set by the thread upon catching that # exception. worker_started = threading.Event() worker_saw_exception = threading.Event() class Worker(threading.Thread): id = None finished = False def run(self): self.id = thread.get_ident() self.finished = False try: while True: worker_started.set() time.sleep(0.1) except AsyncExc: self.finished = True worker_saw_exception.set() t = Worker() t.daemon = True # so if this fails, we don't hang Python at shutdown t.start() if verbose: print(" started worker thread") # Try a thread id that doesn't make sense. if verbose: print(" trying nonsensical thread id") result = set_async_exc(ctypes.c_long(-1), exception) self.assertEqual(result, 0) # no thread states modified # Now raise an exception in the worker thread. if verbose: print(" waiting for worker thread to get started") worker_started.wait() if verbose: print(" verifying worker hasn't exited") self.assertFalse(t.finished) if verbose: print(" attempting to raise asynch exception in worker") result = set_async_exc(ctypes.c_long(t.id), exception) self.assertEqual(result, 1) # one thread state modified if verbose: print(" waiting for worker to say it caught the exception") worker_saw_exception.wait(timeout=10) self.assertTrue(t.finished) if verbose: print(" all OK -- joining worker") if t.finished: t.join() # else the thread is still running, and we have no way to kill it def test_limbo_cleanup(self): # Issue 7481: Failure to start thread should cleanup the limbo map. def fail_new_thread(*_args): raise thread.error() _start_new_thread = threading._start_new_thread threading._start_new_thread = fail_new_thread try: t = threading.Thread(target=lambda: None) self.assertRaises(thread.error, t.start) self.assertFalse( t in threading._limbo, "Failed to cleanup _limbo map on failure of Thread.start().") finally: threading._start_new_thread = _start_new_thread def test_finalize_runnning_thread(self): # Issue 1402: the PyGILState_Ensure / _Release functions may be called # very late on python exit: on deallocation of a running thread for # example. try: import ctypes getattr(ctypes, 'pythonapi') # not available on PyPy getattr(ctypes.pythonapi, 'PyGILState_Ensure') # not available on PyPy3 except (ImportError, AttributeError): if verbose: print("test_finalize_with_runnning_thread can't import ctypes") return # can't do anything del ctypes # pyflakes fix import subprocess rc = subprocess.call([sys.executable, "-W", "ignore", "-c", """if 1: %s import ctypes, sys, time try: import thread except ImportError: import _thread as thread # Py3 # This lock is used as a simple event variable. ready = thread.allocate_lock() ready.acquire() # Module globals are cleared before __del__ is run # So we save the functions in class dict class C: ensure = ctypes.pythonapi.PyGILState_Ensure release = ctypes.pythonapi.PyGILState_Release def __del__(self): state = self.ensure() self.release(state) def waitingThread(): x = C() ready.release() time.sleep(100) thread.start_new_thread(waitingThread, ()) ready.acquire() # Be sure the other thread is waiting. sys.exit(42) """ % setup_3]) self.assertEqual(rc, 42) @greentest.skipOnLibuvOnPyPyOnWin("hangs") def test_join_nondaemon_on_shutdown(self): # Issue 1722344 # Raising SystemExit skipped threading._shutdown import subprocess script = """if 1: %s import threading from time import sleep def child(): sleep(0.3) # As a non-daemon thread we SHOULD wake up and nothing # should be torn down yet print("Woke up, sleep function is: %%s.%%s" %% (sleep.__module__, sleep.__name__)) threading.Thread(target=child).start() raise SystemExit """ % setup_4 p = subprocess.Popen([sys.executable, "-W", "ignore", "-c", script], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) stdout, stderr = p.communicate() stdout = stdout.strip() stdout = stdout.decode('utf-8') stderr = stderr.decode('utf-8') self.assertEqual( 'Woke up, sleep function is: gevent.hub.sleep', stdout) # On Python 2, importing pkg_resources tends to result in some 'ImportWarning' # being printed to stderr about packages missing __init__.py; the -W ignore is... # ignored. # self.assertEqual(stderr, "") @greentest.skipIf( not(hasattr(sys, 'getcheckinterval')), "Needs sys.getcheckinterval" ) def test_enumerate_after_join(self): # Try hard to trigger #1703448: a thread is still returned in # threading.enumerate() after it has been join()ed. enum = threading.enumerate import warnings with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter('ignore', DeprecationWarning) # get/set checkinterval are deprecated in Python 3, # and removed in Python 3.9 old_interval = sys.getcheckinterval() # pylint:disable=no-member try: for i in xrange(1, 100): # Try a couple times at each thread-switching interval # to get more interleavings. sys.setcheckinterval(i // 5) # pylint:disable=no-member t = threading.Thread(target=lambda: None) t.start() t.join() l = enum() self.assertFalse(t in l, "#1703448 triggered after %d trials: %s" % (i, l)) finally: sys.setcheckinterval(old_interval) # pylint:disable=no-member if not hasattr(sys, 'pypy_version_info'): def test_no_refcycle_through_target(self): class RunSelfFunction(object): def __init__(self, should_raise): # The links in this refcycle from Thread back to self # should be cleaned up when the thread completes. self.should_raise = should_raise self.thread = threading.Thread(target=self._run, args=(self,), kwargs={'_yet_another': self}) self.thread.start() def _run(self, _other_ref, _yet_another): if self.should_raise: raise SystemExit cyclic_object = RunSelfFunction(should_raise=False) weak_cyclic_object = weakref.ref(cyclic_object) cyclic_object.thread.join() del cyclic_object self.assertIsNone(weak_cyclic_object(), msg=('%d references still around' % sys.getrefcount(weak_cyclic_object()))) raising_cyclic_object = RunSelfFunction(should_raise=True) weak_raising_cyclic_object = weakref.ref(raising_cyclic_object) raising_cyclic_object.thread.join() del raising_cyclic_object self.assertIsNone(weak_raising_cyclic_object(), msg=('%d references still around' % sys.getrefcount(weak_raising_cyclic_object()))) @skipDueToHang class ThreadJoinOnShutdown(unittest.TestCase): def _run_and_join(self, script): script = """if 1: %s import sys, os, time, threading # a thread, which waits for the main program to terminate def joiningfunc(mainthread): mainthread.join() print('end of thread') \n""" % setup_3 + script import subprocess p = subprocess.Popen([sys.executable, "-W", "ignore", "-c", script], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) rc = p.wait() data = p.stdout.read().replace(b'\r', b'') p.stdout.close() self.assertEqual(data, b"end of main\nend of thread\n") self.assertNotEqual(rc, 2, b"interpreter was blocked") self.assertEqual(rc, 0, b"Unexpected error") @greentest.skipOnLibuvOnPyPyOnWin("hangs") def test_1_join_on_shutdown(self): # The usual case: on exit, wait for a non-daemon thread script = """if 1: import os t = threading.Thread(target=joiningfunc, args=(threading.current_thread(),)) t.start() time.sleep(0.2) print('end of main') """ self._run_and_join(script) @greentest.skipOnPyPy3OnCI("Sometimes randomly times out") def test_2_join_in_forked_process(self): # Like the test above, but from a forked interpreter import os if not hasattr(os, 'fork'): return script = """if 1: childpid = os.fork() if childpid != 0: os.waitpid(childpid, 0) sys.exit(0) t = threading.Thread(target=joiningfunc, args=(threading.current_thread(),)) t.start() print('end of main') """ self._run_and_join(script) def test_3_join_in_forked_from_thread(self): # Like the test above, but fork() was called from a worker thread # In the forked process, the main Thread object must be marked as stopped. import os if not hasattr(os, 'fork'): return # Skip platforms with known problems forking from a worker thread. # See http://bugs.python.org/issue3863. # skip disable because I think the bug shouldn't apply to gevent -- denis #if sys.platform in ('freebsd4', 'freebsd5', 'freebsd6', 'os2emx'): # print(('Skipping test_3_join_in_forked_from_thread' # ' due to known OS bugs on'), sys.platform, file=sys.stderr) # return # A note on CFFI: Under Python 3, using CFFI tends to initialize the GIL, # whether or not we spawn any actual threads. Now, os.fork() calls # PyEval_ReInitThreads, which only does any work of the GIL has been taken. # One of the things it does is call threading._after_fork to reset # some thread state, which causes the main thread (threading._main_thread) # to be reset to the current thread---which for Python >= 3.4 happens # to be our version of thread, gevent.threading.Thread, which doesn't # initialize the _tstate_lock ivar. This causes threading._shutdown to crash # with an AssertionError and this test to fail. We hack around this by # making sure _after_fork is not called in the child process. # XXX: Figure out how to really fix that. script = """if 1: main_thread = threading.current_thread() def worker(): threading._after_fork = lambda: None childpid = os.fork() if childpid != 0: os.waitpid(childpid, 0) sys.exit(0) t = threading.Thread(target=joiningfunc, args=(main_thread,)) print('end of main') t.start() t.join() # Should not block: main_thread is already stopped w = threading.Thread(target=worker) w.start() import sys if sys.version_info[:2] >= (3, 7) or (sys.version_info[:2] >= (3, 5) and hasattr(sys, 'pypy_version_info') and sys.platform != 'darwin'): w.join() """ # In PyPy3 5.8.0, if we don't wait on this top-level "thread", 'w', # we never see "end of thread". It's not clear why, since that's being # done in a child of this process. Yet in normal CPython 3, waiting on this # causes the whole process to lock up (possibly because of some loop within # the interpreter waiting on thread locks, like the issue described in threading.py # for Python 3.4? in any case, it doesn't hang in Python 2.) This changed in # 3.7a1 and waiting on it is again necessary and doesn't hang. # PyPy3 5.10.1 is back to the "old" cpython behaviour, and waiting on it # causes the whole process to hang, but apparently only on OS X---linux was fine without it self._run_and_join(script) @skipDueToHang class ThreadingExceptionTests(unittest.TestCase): # A RuntimeError should be raised if Thread.start() is called # multiple times. # pylint:disable=bad-thread-instantiation def test_start_thread_again(self): thread_ = threading.Thread() thread_.start() self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, thread_.start) def test_joining_current_thread(self): current_thread = threading.current_thread() self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, current_thread.join) def test_joining_inactive_thread(self): thread_ = threading.Thread() self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, thread_.join) def test_daemonize_active_thread(self): thread_ = threading.Thread() thread_.start() self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, setattr, thread_, "daemon", True) @skipDueToHang class LockTests(lock_tests.LockTests): locktype = staticmethod(threading.Lock) @skipDueToHang class RLockTests(lock_tests.RLockTests): locktype = staticmethod(threading.RLock) @skipDueToHang class NativeRLockTests(lock_tests.RLockTests): # See comments at the top of the file for the difference # between this and RLockTests, and why they both matter locktype = staticmethod(threading.NativeRLock) @skipDueToHang class EventTests(lock_tests.EventTests): eventtype = staticmethod(threading.Event) @skipDueToHang class ConditionAsRLockTests(lock_tests.RLockTests): # An Condition uses an RLock by default and exports its API. locktype = staticmethod(threading.Condition) @skipDueToHang class ConditionTests(lock_tests.ConditionTests): condtype = staticmethod(threading.Condition) @skipDueToHang class SemaphoreTests(lock_tests.SemaphoreTests): semtype = staticmethod(threading.Semaphore) @skipDueToHang class BoundedSemaphoreTests(lock_tests.BoundedSemaphoreTests): semtype = staticmethod(threading.BoundedSemaphore) if __name__ == "__main__": greentest.main()