"""Run some integration tests. Try to install a few packages. """ import glob import os import sys import urllib.request import pytest from setuptools.command import easy_install as easy_install_pkg from setuptools.command.easy_install import easy_install from setuptools.dist import Distribution pytestmark = pytest.mark.skipif( 'platform.python_implementation() == "PyPy" and platform.system() == "Windows"', reason="pypa/setuptools#2496", ) def setup_module(module): packages = 'stevedore', 'virtualenvwrapper', 'pbr', 'novaclient' for pkg in packages: try: __import__(pkg) tmpl = "Integration tests cannot run when {pkg} is installed" pytest.skip(tmpl.format(**locals())) except ImportError: pass try: urllib.request.urlopen('https://pypi.python.org/pypi') except Exception as exc: pytest.skip(str(exc)) @pytest.fixture def install_context(request, tmpdir, monkeypatch): """Fixture to set up temporary installation directory.""" # Save old values so we can restore them. new_cwd = tmpdir.mkdir('cwd') user_base = tmpdir.mkdir('user_base') user_site = tmpdir.mkdir('user_site') install_dir = tmpdir.mkdir('install_dir') def fin(): # undo the monkeypatch, particularly needed under # windows because of kept handle on cwd monkeypatch.undo() new_cwd.remove() user_base.remove() user_site.remove() install_dir.remove() request.addfinalizer(fin) # Change the environment and site settings to control where the # files are installed and ensure we do not overwrite anything. monkeypatch.chdir(new_cwd) monkeypatch.setattr(easy_install_pkg, '__file__', user_site.strpath) monkeypatch.setattr('site.USER_BASE', user_base.strpath) monkeypatch.setattr('site.USER_SITE', user_site.strpath) monkeypatch.setattr('sys.path', sys.path + [install_dir.strpath]) monkeypatch.setenv('PYTHONPATH', str(os.path.pathsep.join(sys.path))) # Set up the command for performing the installation. dist = Distribution() cmd = easy_install(dist) cmd.install_dir = install_dir.strpath return cmd def _install_one(requirement, cmd, pkgname, modulename): cmd.args = [requirement] cmd.ensure_finalized() cmd.run() target = cmd.install_dir dest_path = glob.glob(os.path.join(target, pkgname + '*.egg')) assert dest_path assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(dest_path[0], pkgname, modulename)) def test_stevedore(install_context): _install_one('stevedore', install_context, 'stevedore', 'extension.py') @pytest.mark.xfail def test_virtualenvwrapper(install_context): _install_one( 'virtualenvwrapper', install_context, 'virtualenvwrapper', 'hook_loader.py' ) def test_pbr(install_context): _install_one('pbr', install_context, 'pbr', 'core.py') @pytest.mark.xfail @pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:'encoding' argument not specified") # ^-- Dependency chain: `python-novaclient` < `oslo-utils` < `netifaces==0.11.0` # netifaces' setup.py uses `open` without `encoding="utf-8"` which is hijacked by # `setuptools.sandbox._open` and triggers the EncodingWarning. # Can't use EncodingWarning in the filter, as it does not exist on Python < 3.10. def test_python_novaclient(install_context): _install_one('python-novaclient', install_context, 'novaclient', 'base.py') def test_pyuri(install_context): """ Install the pyuri package (version 0.3.1 at the time of writing). This is also a regression test for issue #1016. """ _install_one('pyuri', install_context, 'pyuri', 'uri.py') pyuri = install_context.installed_projects['pyuri'] # The package data should be installed. assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(pyuri.location, 'pyuri', 'uri.regex'))