from pipenv.vendor import click def format_help(help): """Formats the help string.""" help = help.replace("Options:", str("Options:", bold=True))) help = help.replace( "Usage: pipenv", str("Usage: {}".format("pipenv", bold=True))) ) help = help.replace(" check", str(" check", fg="red", bold=True))) help = help.replace(" clean", str(" clean", fg="red", bold=True))) help = help.replace(" graph", str(" graph", fg="red", bold=True))) help = help.replace( " install", str(" install", fg="magenta", bold=True)) ) help = help.replace(" lock", str(" lock", fg="green", bold=True))) help = help.replace(" open", str(" open", fg="red", bold=True))) help = help.replace(" run", str(" run", fg="yellow", bold=True))) help = help.replace(" shell", str(" shell", fg="yellow", bold=True))) help = help.replace( " scripts", str(" scripts", fg="yellow", bold=True)) ) help = help.replace(" sync", str(" sync", fg="green", bold=True))) help = help.replace( " uninstall", str(" uninstall", fg="magenta", bold=True)) ) help = help.replace(" update", str(" update", fg="green", bold=True))) additional_help = """ Usage Examples: Create a new project using Python 3.7, specifically: $ {} Remove project virtualenv (inferred from current directory): $ {} Install all dependencies for a project (including dev): $ {} Create a lockfile containing pre-releases: $ {} Show a graph of your installed dependencies: $ {} Check your installed dependencies for security vulnerabilities: $ {} Install a local into your virtual environment/Pipfile: $ {} Use a lower-level pip command: $ {} Commands:""".format("pipenv --python 3.7", fg="yellow"),"pipenv --rm", fg="yellow"),"pipenv install --dev", fg="yellow"),"pipenv lock --pre", fg="yellow"),"pipenv graph", fg="yellow"),"pipenv check", fg="yellow"),"pipenv install -e .", fg="yellow"),"pipenv run pip freeze", fg="yellow"), ) help = help.replace("Commands:", additional_help) return help