1221 lines
43 KiB
1221 lines
43 KiB
import ast
import configparser
import os
import re
import sys
import tarfile
import tempfile
import zipfile
from contextlib import contextmanager
from functools import lru_cache
from pathlib import Path
from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile, TemporaryDirectory
from typing import Any, AnyStr, Dict, List, Mapping, Optional, Sequence, Union
from urllib.parse import urlparse, urlsplit, urlunsplit
from pipenv.patched.pip._internal.models.link import Link
from pipenv.patched.pip._internal.network.download import Downloader
from pipenv.patched.pip._internal.req.constructors import (
from pipenv.patched.pip._internal.req.req_install import InstallRequirement
from pipenv.patched.pip._internal.utils.misc import hide_url
from pipenv.patched.pip._internal.vcs.versioncontrol import VcsSupport
from pipenv.patched.pip._vendor import tomli
from pipenv.patched.pip._vendor.distlib.util import COMPARE_OP
from pipenv.patched.pip._vendor.packaging.markers import Marker
from pipenv.patched.pip._vendor.packaging.requirements import Requirement
from pipenv.patched.pip._vendor.packaging.utils import canonicalize_name
from pipenv.patched.pip._vendor.packaging.version import parse
from pipenv.utils import err
from pipenv.utils.fileutils import (
from pipenv.utils.requirementslib import (
from .constants import (
from .markers import PipenvMarkers
def get_version(pipfile_entry):
if str(pipfile_entry) == "{}" or is_star(pipfile_entry):
return ""
if hasattr(pipfile_entry, "keys") and "version" in pipfile_entry:
if is_star(pipfile_entry.get("version")):
return ""
version = pipfile_entry.get("version")
if version is None:
version = ""
return version.strip().lstrip("(").rstrip(")")
if isinstance(pipfile_entry, str):
return pipfile_entry.strip().lstrip("(").rstrip(")")
return ""
def python_version(path_to_python):
from pipenv.vendor.pythonfinder.utils import get_python_version
if not path_to_python:
return None
version = get_python_version(path_to_python)
except Exception:
return None
return version
def clean_pkg_version(version):
"""Uses pip to prepare a package version string, from our internal version."""
return pep440_version(str(version).replace("==", ""))
def get_lockfile_section_using_pipfile_category(category):
if category == "dev-packages":
lockfile_section = "develop"
elif category == "packages":
lockfile_section = "default"
lockfile_section = category
return lockfile_section
def get_pipfile_category_using_lockfile_section(category):
if category == "develop":
lockfile_section = "dev-packages"
elif category == "default":
lockfile_section = "packages"
lockfile_section = category
return lockfile_section
class HackedPythonVersion:
"""A hack, which allows us to tell resolver which version of Python we're using."""
def __init__(self, python_path):
self.python_path = python_path
def __enter__(self):
if self.python_path:
os.environ["PIP_PYTHON_PATH"] = str(self.python_path)
def __exit__(self, *args):
def get_canonical_names(packages):
"""Canonicalize a list of packages and return a set of canonical names"""
from pipenv.patched.pip._vendor.packaging.utils import canonicalize_name
if not isinstance(packages, Sequence):
if not isinstance(packages, str):
return packages
packages = [packages]
return {canonicalize_name(pkg) for pkg in packages if pkg}
def pep440_version(version):
"""Normalize version to PEP 440 standards"""
return str(parse(version))
def pep423_name(name):
"""Normalize package name to PEP 423 style standard."""
name = name.lower()
if any(i not in name for i in (VCS_LIST + SCHEME_LIST)):
return name.replace("_", "-")
return name
def translate_markers(pipfile_entry):
from pipenv.patched.pip._vendor.packaging.markers import default_environment
allowed_marker_keys = ["markers"] + list(default_environment().keys())
provided_keys = list(pipfile_entry.keys()) if hasattr(pipfile_entry, "keys") else []
pipfile_markers = set(provided_keys) & set(allowed_marker_keys)
new_pipfile = dict(pipfile_entry).copy()
marker_set = set()
os_name_marker = None
if "markers" in new_pipfile:
marker_str = new_pipfile.pop("markers")
if marker_str:
marker = str(Marker(marker_str))
if "extra" not in marker:
for m in pipfile_markers:
entry = f"{pipfile_entry[m]}"
if m != "markers":
if m != "os_name":
marker_set.add(str(Marker(f"{m} {entry}")))
if marker_set:
markers_str = " and ".join(
f"{s}" if " and " in s else s for s in sorted(dict.fromkeys(marker_set))
if os_name_marker:
markers_str = f"({markers_str}) and {os_name_marker}"
new_pipfile["markers"] = str(Marker(markers_str)).replace('"', "'")
return new_pipfile
def unearth_hashes_for_dep(project, dep):
hashes = []
index_url = "https://pypi.org/simple/"
source = "pypi"
for source in project.sources:
if source.get("name") == dep.get("index"):
index_url = source.get("url")
# 1 Try to get hashes directly form index
install_req, markers, _ = install_req_from_pipfile(dep["name"], dep)
if not install_req or not install_req.req:
return []
if "https://pypi.org/simple/" in index_url:
hashes = project.get_hashes_from_pypi(install_req, source)
elif index_url:
hashes = project.get_hashes_from_remote_index_urls(install_req, source)
if hashes:
return hashes
return []
def clean_resolved_dep(project, dep, is_top_level=False, current_entry=None):
from pipenv.patched.pip._vendor.packaging.requirements import (
Requirement as PipRequirement,
name = dep["name"]
lockfile = {}
# Evaluate Markers
if "markers" in dep and dep.get("markers", "").strip():
if not is_top_level:
translated = translate_markers(dep).get("markers", "").strip()
if translated:
lockfile["markers"] = translated
except TypeError:
pipfile_entry = translate_markers(dep)
if pipfile_entry.get("markers"):
lockfile["markers"] = pipfile_entry.get("markers")
except TypeError:
version = dep.get("version", None)
if version and not version.startswith("=="):
version = f"=={version}"
if version == "==*":
if current_entry:
version = current_entry.get("version")
dep["version"] = version
version = None
is_vcs_or_file = False
for vcs_type in VCS_LIST:
if vcs_type in dep:
if "[" in dep[vcs_type] and "]" in dep[vcs_type]:
extras_section = dep[vcs_type].split("[").pop().replace("]", "")
lockfile["extras"] = sorted(
[extra.strip() for extra in extras_section.split(",")]
if has_name_with_extras(dep[vcs_type]):
lockfile[vcs_type] = dep[vcs_type].split("@ ", 1)[1]
lockfile[vcs_type] = dep[vcs_type]
lockfile["ref"] = dep.get("ref")
if "subdirectory" in dep:
lockfile["subdirectory"] = dep["subdirectory"]
is_vcs_or_file = True
if "editable" in dep:
lockfile["editable"] = dep["editable"]
preferred_file_keys = ["path", "file"]
dependency_file_key = next(iter(k for k in preferred_file_keys if k in dep), None)
if dependency_file_key:
lockfile[dependency_file_key] = dep[dependency_file_key]
is_vcs_or_file = True
if "editable" in dep:
lockfile["editable"] = dep["editable"]
if version and not is_vcs_or_file:
if isinstance(version, PipRequirement):
if version.specifier:
lockfile["version"] = str(version.specifier)
if version.extras:
lockfile["extras"] = sorted(version.extras)
elif version:
lockfile["version"] = version
if dep.get("hashes"):
lockfile["hashes"] = dep["hashes"]
elif is_top_level:
potential_hashes = unearth_hashes_for_dep(project, dep)
if potential_hashes:
lockfile["hashes"] = potential_hashes
if dep.get("index"):
lockfile["index"] = dep["index"]
if dep.get("extras"):
lockfile["extras"] = sorted(dep["extras"])
# In case we lock a uri or a file when the user supplied a path
# remove the uri or file keys from the entry and keep the path
if dep and isinstance(dep, dict):
for k in preferred_file_keys:
if k in dep.keys():
lockfile[k] = dep[k]
if "markers" in dep:
markers = dep["markers"]
if markers:
markers = Marker(markers)
if not markers.evaluate() and current_entry:
return {name: current_entry}
return {name: lockfile}
def as_pipfile(dep: InstallRequirement) -> Dict[str, Any]:
"""Create a pipfile entry for the given InstallRequirement."""
pipfile_dict = {}
name = dep.name
version = dep.req.specifier
# Construct the pipfile entry
pipfile_dict[name] = {
"version": str(version),
"editable": dep.editable,
"extras": list(dep.extras),
if dep.link:
# If it's a VCS link
if dep.link.is_vcs:
vcs = dep.link.scheme.split("+")[0]
pipfile_dict[name][vcs] = dep.link.url_without_fragment
# If it's a URL link
elif dep.link.scheme.startswith("http"):
pipfile_dict[name]["file"] = dep.link.url_without_fragment
# If it's a local file
elif dep.link.is_file:
pipfile_dict[name]["path"] = dep.link.file_path
# Convert any markers to their string representation
if dep.markers:
pipfile_dict[name]["markers"] = str(dep.markers)
# If a hash is available, add it to the pipfile entry
if dep.hash_options:
pipfile_dict[name]["hashes"] = dep.hash_options
return pipfile_dict
def is_star(val):
return isinstance(val, str) and val == "*"
def is_pinned(val):
if isinstance(val, Mapping):
val = val.get("version")
return isinstance(val, str) and val.startswith("==")
def is_pinned_requirement(ireq):
Returns whether an InstallRequirement is a "pinned" requirement.
if ireq.editable:
return False
if ireq.req is None or len(ireq.specifier) != 1:
return False
spec = next(iter(ireq.specifier))
return spec.operator in {"==", "==="} and not spec.version.endswith(".*")
def is_editable_path(path):
if os.path.isdir(path):
return True
return False
def dependency_as_pip_install_line(
dep_name: str,
dep: Union[str, Mapping],
include_hashes: bool,
include_markers: bool,
include_index: bool,
indexes: list,
constraint: bool = False,
if isinstance(dep, str):
if is_star(dep):
return dep_name
elif not COMPARE_OP.match(dep):
return f"{dep_name}=={dep}"
return f"{dep_name}{dep}"
line = []
is_constraint = False
vcs = next(iter([vcs for vcs in VCS_LIST if vcs in dep]), None)
if not vcs:
for k in ["file", "path"]:
if k in dep:
if is_editable_path(dep[k]):
extras = ""
if "extras" in dep:
extras = f"[{','.join(dep['extras'])}]"
location = dep["file"] if "file" in dep else dep["path"]
if location.startswith(("http:", "https:")):
line.append(f"{dep_name}{extras} @ {location}")
# Normal/Named Requirements
is_constraint = True
if "extras" in dep:
line[-1] += f"[{','.join(dep['extras'])}]"
if "version" in dep:
version = dep["version"]
if version and not is_star(version):
if not COMPARE_OP.match(version):
version = f"=={version}"
line[-1] += version
if include_markers and dep.get("markers"):
line[-1] = f'{line[-1]}; {dep["markers"]}'
if include_hashes and dep.get("hashes"):
line.extend([f" --hash={hash}" for hash in dep["hashes"]])
if include_index:
if dep.get("index"):
indexes = [s for s in indexes if s.get("name") == dep["index"]]
indexes = [indexes[0]] if indexes else []
index_list = prepare_pip_source_args(indexes)
elif vcs and vcs in dep: # VCS Requirements
extras = ""
ref = ""
if dep.get("ref"):
ref = f"@{dep['ref']}"
if "extras" in dep:
extras = f"[{','.join(dep['extras'])}]"
include_vcs = "" if f"{vcs}+" in dep[vcs] else f"{vcs}+"
vcs_url = dep[vcs]
# legacy format is the only format supported for editable installs https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues/9106
if is_editable_path(dep[vcs]) or "file://" in dep[vcs]:
if "#egg=" not in dep[vcs]:
git_req = f"-e {include_vcs}{dep[vcs]}{ref}#egg={dep_name}{extras}"
git_req = f"-e {include_vcs}{dep[vcs]}{ref}"
if "subdirectory" in dep:
git_req += f"&subdirectory={dep['subdirectory']}"
if "#egg=" in vcs_url:
vcs_url = vcs_url.split("#egg=")[0]
git_req = f"{dep_name}{extras}@ {include_vcs}{vcs_url}{ref}"
if "subdirectory" in dep:
git_req += f"#subdirectory={dep['subdirectory']}"
if constraint and not is_constraint:
pip_line = ""
pip_line = " ".join(line)
return pip_line
def convert_deps_to_pip(
""" "Converts a Pipfile-formatted dependency to a pip-formatted one."""
dependencies = {}
if indexes is None:
indexes = []
for dep_name, dep in deps.items():
req = dependency_as_pip_install_line(
dep_name, dep, include_hashes, include_markers, include_index, indexes
dependencies[dep_name] = req
return dependencies
def parse_metadata_file(content: str):
Parse a METADATA file to get the package name.
content (str): Contents of the METADATA file.
str: Name of the package or None if not found.
for line in content.splitlines():
if line.startswith("Name:"):
return line.split("Name: ")[1].strip()
return None
def parse_pkginfo_file(content: str):
Parse a PKG-INFO file to get the package name.
content (str): Contents of the PKG-INFO file.
str: Name of the package or None if not found.
for line in content.splitlines():
if line.startswith("Name:"):
return line.split("Name: ")[1].strip()
return None
def parse_setup_file(content):
# A dictionary to store variable names and their values
variables = {}
tree = ast.parse(content)
for node in ast.walk(tree):
# Extract variable assignments and store them
if isinstance(node, ast.Assign):
for target in node.targets:
if isinstance(target, ast.Name):
if isinstance(node.value, ast.Str): # for Python versions < 3.8
variables[target.id] = node.value.s
elif isinstance(node.value, ast.Constant) and isinstance(
node.value.value, str
variables[target.id] = node.value.value
# Check function calls to extract the 'name' attribute from the setup function
if isinstance(node, ast.Call):
if (
getattr(node.func, "id", "") == "setup"
or isinstance(node.func, ast.Attribute)
and node.func.attr == "setup"
for keyword in node.keywords:
if keyword.arg == "name":
# If it's a variable, retrieve its value
if (
isinstance(keyword.value, ast.Name)
and keyword.value.id in variables
return variables[keyword.value.id]
# Otherwise, check if it's directly provided
elif isinstance(keyword.value, ast.Str):
return keyword.value.s
elif isinstance(keyword.value, ast.Constant) and isinstance(
keyword.value.value, str
return keyword.value.value
# Additional handling for Python versions and specific ways of defining the name
elif sys.version_info < (3, 9) and isinstance(
keyword.value, ast.Subscript
if (
isinstance(keyword.value.value, ast.Name)
and keyword.value.value.id == "about"
if isinstance(
keyword.value.slice, ast.Index
) and isinstance(keyword.value.slice.value, ast.Str):
return keyword.value.slice.value.s
return keyword.value.s
elif sys.version_info >= (3, 9) and isinstance(
keyword.value, ast.Subscript
if (
isinstance(keyword.value.value, ast.Name)
and isinstance(keyword.value.slice, ast.Str)
and keyword.value.value.id == "about"
return keyword.value.slice.s
except ValueError:
pass # We will not exec unsafe code to determine the name pre-resolver
return None
def parse_cfg_file(content):
config = configparser.ConfigParser()
return config["metadata"]["name"]
except configparser.NoSectionError:
return None
except KeyError:
return None
def parse_toml_file(content):
toml_dict = tomli.loads(content)
if "project" in toml_dict and "name" in toml_dict["project"]:
return toml_dict["project"]["name"]
if "tool" in toml_dict and "poetry" in toml_dict["tool"]:
return toml_dict["tool"]["poetry"]["name"]
return None
def find_package_name_from_tarball(tarball_filepath):
if tarball_filepath.startswith("file://") and os.name != "nt":
tarball_filepath = tarball_filepath[7:]
with tarfile.open(tarball_filepath, "r") as tar_ref:
for filename in tar_ref.getnames():
if filename.endswith(RELEVANT_PROJECT_FILES):
with tar_ref.extractfile(filename) as file:
possible_name = find_package_name_from_filename(filename, file)
if possible_name:
return possible_name
def find_package_name_from_zipfile(zip_filepath):
if zip_filepath.startswith("file://") and os.name != "nt":
zip_filepath = zip_filepath[7:]
with zipfile.ZipFile(zip_filepath, "r") as zip_ref:
for filename in zip_ref.namelist():
if filename.endswith(RELEVANT_PROJECT_FILES):
with zip_ref.open(filename) as file:
possible_name = find_package_name_from_filename(file.name, file)
if possible_name:
return possible_name
def find_package_name_from_directory(directory):
parsed_url = urlparse(directory)
directory = (
if parsed_url.scheme
else os.path.normpath(directory)
if "#egg=" in directory: # parse includes the fragment in py3.7 and py3.8
expected_name = directory.split("#egg=")[1]
return expected_name
if os.name == "nt":
if directory.startswith("\\") and (":\\" in directory or ":/" in directory):
directory = directory[1:]
if directory.startswith("\\\\"):
directory = directory[1:]
directory_contents = sorted(
key=lambda x: (os.path.isdir(os.path.join(directory, x)), x),
for filename in directory_contents:
filepath = os.path.join(directory, filename)
if os.path.isfile(filepath):
if filename.endswith(RELEVANT_PROJECT_FILES):
with open(filepath, "rb") as file:
possible_name = find_package_name_from_filename(filename, file)
if possible_name:
return possible_name
elif os.path.isdir(filepath):
possible_name = find_package_name_from_directory(filepath)
if possible_name:
return possible_name
return None
def ensure_path_is_relative(file_path):
abs_path = Path(file_path).resolve()
current_dir = Path.cwd()
# Check if the paths are on different drives
if abs_path.drive != current_dir.drive:
# If on different drives, return the absolute path
return str(abs_path)
# Try to create a relative path
return str(abs_path.relative_to(current_dir))
except ValueError:
# If the direct relative_to fails, manually compute the relative path
common_parts = 0
for part_a, part_b in zip(abs_path.parts, current_dir.parts):
if part_a == part_b:
common_parts += 1
# Number of ".." needed are the extra parts in the current directory
# beyond the common parts
up_levels = [".."] * (len(current_dir.parts) - common_parts)
# The relative path is constructed by going up as needed and then
# appending the non-common parts of the absolute path
rel_parts = up_levels + list(abs_path.parts[common_parts:])
relative_path = Path(*rel_parts)
return str(relative_path)
def determine_path_specifier(package: InstallRequirement):
if package.link:
if package.link.scheme in ["http", "https"]:
return package.link.url_without_fragment
if package.link.scheme == "file":
return ensure_path_is_relative(package.link.file_path)
def determine_vcs_specifier(package: InstallRequirement):
if package.link and package.link.scheme in VCS_SCHEMES:
vcs_specifier = package.link.url_without_fragment
return vcs_specifier
def get_vcs_backend(vcs_type):
backend = VcsSupport().get_backend(vcs_type)
return backend
def generate_temp_dir_path():
# Create a temporary directory using mkdtemp
temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
# Remove the created directory
return temp_dir
def determine_vcs_revision_hash(
package: InstallRequirement, vcs_type: str, revision: str
try: # Windows python 3.7 will sometimes raise PermissionError cleaning up
checkout_directory = generate_temp_dir_path()
repo_backend = get_vcs_backend(vcs_type)
repo_backend.obtain(checkout_directory, hide_url(package.link.url), verbosity=1)
return repo_backend.get_revision(checkout_directory)
except Exception as e:
f"Error {e} obtaining {vcs_type} revision hash for {package}; falling back to {revision}."
return revision
def determine_package_name(package: InstallRequirement):
req_name = None
if package.name:
req_name = package.name
elif "#egg=" in str(package):
req_name = str(package).split("#egg=")[1]
req_name = req_name.split("[")[0]
elif "@ " in str(package):
req_name = str(package).split("@ ")[0]
req_name = req_name.split("[")[0]
elif package.link and package.link.scheme in REMOTE_SCHEMES:
try: # Windows python 3.7 will sometimes raise PermissionError cleaning up
with TemporaryDirectory() as td:
cmd = get_pip_command()
options, _ = cmd.parser.parse_args([])
session = cmd._build_session(options)
local_file = unpack_url(
download=Downloader(session, "off"),
if local_file.path.endswith(".whl") or local_file.path.endswith(".zip"):
req_name = find_package_name_from_zipfile(local_file.path)
elif local_file.path.endswith(".tar.gz") or local_file.path.endswith(
req_name = find_package_name_from_tarball(local_file.path)
req_name = find_package_name_from_directory(local_file.path)
except PermissionError:
elif package.link and package.link.scheme in [
parsed_url = urlparse(package.link.url)
repository_path = parsed_url.path
repository_path = repository_path.rsplit("@", 1)[
] # extract the actual directory path
repository_path = repository_path.split("#egg=")[0]
req_name = find_package_name_from_directory(repository_path)
elif package.link and package.link.scheme == "file":
if package.link.file_path.endswith(".whl") or package.link.file_path.endswith(
req_name = find_package_name_from_zipfile(package.link.file_path)
elif package.link.file_path.endswith(
) or package.link.file_path.endswith(".tar.bz2"):
req_name = find_package_name_from_tarball(package.link.file_path)
req_name = find_package_name_from_directory(package.link.file_path)
if req_name:
return req_name
raise ValueError(f"Could not determine package name from {package}")
def find_package_name_from_filename(filename, file):
if filename.endswith("METADATA"):
content = file.read().decode()
possible_name = parse_metadata_file(content)
if possible_name:
return possible_name
if filename.endswith("PKG-INFO"):
content = file.read().decode()
possible_name = parse_pkginfo_file(content)
if possible_name:
return possible_name
if filename.endswith("setup.py"):
content = file.read().decode()
possible_name = parse_setup_file(content)
if possible_name:
return possible_name
if filename.endswith("setup.cfg"):
content = file.read().decode()
possible_name = parse_cfg_file(content)
if possible_name:
return possible_name
if filename.endswith("pyproject.toml"):
content = file.read().decode()
possible_name = parse_toml_file(content)
if possible_name:
return possible_name
return None
def create_link(link):
# type: (AnyStr) -> Link
if not isinstance(link, str):
raise TypeError("must provide a string to instantiate a new link")
return Link(link)
def get_link_from_line(line):
"""Parse link information from given requirement line. Return a
- `vcs_type` indicates the VCS to use (e.g. "git"), or None.
- `prefer` is either "file", "path" or "uri", indicating how the
information should be used in later stages.
- `relpath` is the relative path to use when recording the dependency,
instead of the absolute path/URI used to perform installation.
This can be None (to prefer the absolute path or URI).
- `path` is the absolute file path to the package. This will always use
forward slashes. Can be None if the line is a remote URI.
- `uri` is the absolute URI to the package. Can be None if the line is
not a URI.
- `link` is an instance of :class:`pipenv.patched.pip._internal.index.Link`,
representing a URI parse result based on the value of `uri`.
This function is provided to deal with edge cases concerning URIs
without a valid netloc. Those URIs are problematic to a straight
``urlsplit` call because they cannot be reliably reconstructed with
``urlunsplit`` due to a bug in the standard library:
>>> from urllib.parse import urlsplit, urlunsplit
>>> urlunsplit(urlsplit('git+file:///this/breaks'))
>>> urlunsplit(urlsplit('file:///this/works'))
See `https://bugs.python.org/issue23505#msg277350`.
# Git allows `git@github.com...` lines that are not really URIs.
# Add "ssh://" so we can parse correctly, and restore afterward.
fixed_line = add_ssh_scheme_to_git_uri(line) # type: str
# We can assume a lot of things if this is a local filesystem path.
if "://" not in fixed_line:
p = Path(fixed_line).absolute() # type: Path
p.as_posix() # type: Optional[str]
uri = p.as_uri() # type: str
link = create_link(uri) # type: Link
return link
# This is an URI. We'll need to perform some elaborated parsing.
parsed_url = urlsplit(fixed_line) # type: SplitResult
# Split the VCS part out if needed.
original_scheme = parsed_url.scheme # type: str
if "+" in original_scheme:
vcs_type, _, scheme = original_scheme.partition("+")
parsed_url = parsed_url._replace(scheme=scheme) # type: ignore
# Re-attach VCS prefix to build a Link.
link = create_link(
urlunsplit(parsed_url._replace(scheme=original_scheme)) # type: ignore
return link
def has_name_with_extras(requirement):
pattern = r"^([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+(\[[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+\])?) @ .*"
match = re.match(pattern, requirement)
return match is not None
def expand_env_variables(line) -> AnyStr:
"""Expand the env vars in a line following pip's standard.
Matches environment variable-style values in '${MY_VARIABLE_1}' with
the variable name consisting of only uppercase letters, digits or
the '_'
def replace_with_env(match):
value = os.getenv(match.group(1))
return value if value else match.group()
return re.sub(r"\$\{([A-Z0-9_]+)\}", replace_with_env, line)
def expansive_install_req_from_line(
pip_line: str,
comes_from: Optional[Union[str, InstallRequirement]] = None,
use_pep517: Optional[bool] = None,
isolated: bool = False,
global_options: Optional[List[str]] = None,
hash_options: Optional[Dict[str, List[str]]] = None,
constraint: bool = False,
line_source: Optional[str] = None,
user_supplied: bool = False,
config_settings: Optional[Dict[str, Union[str, List[str]]]] = None,
expand_env: bool = False,
) -> (InstallRequirement, str):
"""Create an InstallRequirement from a pip-style requirement line.
InstallRequirement is a pip internal construct that represents an installable requirement,
and is used as an intermediary between the pip command and the resolver.
:param pip_line: A pip-style requirement line.
:param comes_from: The path to the requirements file the line was found in.
:param use_pep517: Whether to use PEP 517/518 when installing the
:param isolated: Whether to isolate the requirements when installing them. (likely unused)
:param global_options: Extra global options to be used when installing the install req (likely unused)
:param hash_options: Extra hash options to be used when installing the install req (likely unused)
:param constraint: Whether the requirement is a constraint.
:param line_source: The source of the line (e.g. "requirements.txt").
:param user_supplied: Whether the requirement was directly provided by the user.
:param config_settings: Configuration settings to be used when installing the install req (likely unused)
:param expand_env: Whether to expand environment variables in the line. (definitely used)
:return: A tuple of the InstallRequirement and the name of the package (if determined).
name = None
pip_line = pip_line.strip("'").lstrip(" ")
for new_req_symbol in ("@ ", " @ "): # Check for new style pip lines
if new_req_symbol in pip_line:
pip_line_parts = pip_line.split(new_req_symbol, 1)
name = pip_line_parts[0]
pip_line = pip_line_parts[1]
if pip_line.startswith("-e "): # Editable requirements
pip_line = pip_line.split("-e ")[1]
return install_req_from_editable(pip_line, line_source), name
if expand_env:
pip_line = expand_env_variables(pip_line)
vcs_part = pip_line
for vcs in VCS_LIST:
if vcs_part.startswith(f"{vcs}+"):
link = get_link_from_line(vcs_part)
install_req = InstallRequirement(
return install_req, name
if urlparse(pip_line).scheme in ("http", "https", "file") or any(
pip_line.endswith(s) for s in INSTALLABLE_EXTENSIONS
parts = parse_req_from_line(pip_line, line_source)
# It's a requirement
if "--index" in pip_line:
pip_line = pip_line.split("--index")[0]
if " -i " in pip_line:
pip_line = pip_line.split(" -i ")[0]
# handle local version identifiers (like the ones torch uses in their public index)
if "+" in pip_line:
pip_line = pip_line.split("+")[0]
parts = parse_req_from_line(pip_line, line_source)
install_req = InstallRequirement(
return install_req, name
def file_path_from_pipfile(path_str, pipfile_entry):
"""Creates an installable file path from a pipfile entry.
Handles local and remote paths, files and directories;
supports extras and editable specification.
Outputs a pip installable line.
if path_str.startswith(("http:", "https:", "ftp:")):
req_str = path_str
req_str = ensure_path_is_relative(path_str)
if pipfile_entry.get("extras"):
req_str = f"{req_str}[{','.join(pipfile_entry['extras'])}]"
if pipfile_entry.get("editable", False):
req_str = f"-e {req_str}"
return req_str
def normalize_vcs_url(vcs_url):
"""Return vcs_url and possible vcs_ref from a given vcs_url."""
# We have to handle the fact that some vcs urls have a ref in them
# and some have a netloc with a username and password in them, and some have both
vcs_ref = ""
if "@" in vcs_url:
parsed_url = urlparse(vcs_url)
if "@" in parsed_url.path:
url_parts = vcs_url.rsplit("@", 1)
vcs_url = url_parts[0]
vcs_ref = url_parts[1]
return vcs_url, vcs_ref
def install_req_from_pipfile(name, pipfile):
"""Creates an InstallRequirement from a name and a pipfile entry.
Handles VCS, local & remote paths, and regular named requirements.
"file" and "path" entries are treated the same.
_pipfile = {}
vcs = None
if hasattr(pipfile, "keys"):
_pipfile = dict(pipfile).copy()
vcs = next(iter([vcs for vcs in VCS_LIST if pipfile.startswith(f"{vcs}+")]), None)
if vcs is not None:
_pipfile[vcs] = pipfile
extras = _pipfile.get("extras", [])
extras_str = ""
if extras:
extras_str = f"[{','.join(extras)}]"
if not vcs:
vcs = next(iter([vcs for vcs in VCS_LIST if vcs in _pipfile]), None)
if vcs:
vcs_url = _pipfile[vcs]
subdirectory = _pipfile.get("subdirectory", "")
if subdirectory:
subdirectory = f"#subdirectory={subdirectory}"
vcs_url, fallback_ref = normalize_vcs_url(vcs_url)
req_str = f"{vcs_url}@{_pipfile.get('ref', fallback_ref)}{extras_str}"
if not req_str.startswith(f"{vcs}+"):
req_str = f"{vcs}+{req_str}"
if f"{vcs}+file://" in req_str or _pipfile.get("editable", False):
req_str = (
f"-e {req_str}#egg={name}{extras_str}{subdirectory.replace('#', '&')}"
req_str = f"{name}{extras_str}@ {req_str}{subdirectory}"
elif "path" in _pipfile:
req_str = file_path_from_pipfile(_pipfile["path"], _pipfile)
elif "file" in _pipfile:
req_str = file_path_from_pipfile(_pipfile["file"], _pipfile)
# We ensure version contains an operator. Default to equals (==)
_pipfile["version"] = version = get_version(pipfile)
if version and not is_star(version) and COMPARE_OP.match(version) is None:
_pipfile["version"] = f"=={version}"
if is_star(version) or version == "==*":
version = ""
req_str = f"{name}{extras_str}{version}"
install_req, _ = expansive_install_req_from_line(
hash_options={"hashes": _pipfile.get("hashes", [])},
markers = PipenvMarkers.from_pipfile(name, _pipfile)
return install_req, markers, req_str
def from_pipfile(name, pipfile):
install_req, markers, req_str = install_req_from_pipfile(name, pipfile)
if markers:
markers = str(markers)
install_req.markers = Marker(markers)
# Construct the requirement string for your Requirement class
extras_str = ""
if install_req.req and install_req.req.extras:
extras_str = f"[{','.join(install_req.req.extras)}]"
specifier = install_req.req.specifier if install_req.req else ""
req_str = f"{install_req.name}{extras_str}{specifier}"
if install_req.markers:
req_str += f"; {install_req.markers}"
# Create the Requirement instance
cls_inst = Requirement(req_str)
return cls_inst
def get_constraints_from_deps(deps):
"""Get constraints from dictionary-formatted dependency"""
constraints = set()
for dep_name, dep_version in deps.items():
c = None
# Constraints cannot contain extras
dep_name = dep_name.split("[", 1)[0]
# Creating a constraint as a canonical name plus a version specifier
if isinstance(dep_version, str):
if dep_version and not is_star(dep_version):
if COMPARE_OP.match(dep_version) is None:
dep_version = f"=={dep_version}"
c = f"{canonicalize_name(dep_name)}{dep_version}"
c = canonicalize_name(dep_name)
if not any(k in dep_version for k in ["path", "file", "uri"]):
if dep_version.get("skip_resolver") is True:
version = dep_version.get("version", None)
if version and not is_star(version):
if COMPARE_OP.match(version) is None:
version = f"=={dep_version}"
c = f"{canonicalize_name(dep_name)}{version}"
c = canonicalize_name(dep_name)
if c:
return constraints
def prepare_constraint_file(
if not directory:
directory = create_tracked_tempdir(suffix="-requirements", prefix="pipenv-")
constraints = set(constraints)
constraints_file = NamedTemporaryFile(
if sources and pip_args:
skip_args = ("build-isolation", "use-pep517", "cache-dir")
args_to_add = [
arg for arg in pip_args if not any(bad_arg in arg for bad_arg in skip_args)
requirementstxt_sources = " ".join(args_to_add) if args_to_add else ""
requirementstxt_sources = requirementstxt_sources.replace(" --", "\n--")
if constraints:
return constraints_file.name
def is_required_version(version, specified_version):
"""Check to see if there's a hard requirement for version
number provided in the Pipfile.
# Certain packages may be defined with multiple values.
if isinstance(specified_version, dict):
specified_version = specified_version.get("version", "")
if specified_version.startswith("=="):
return version.strip() == specified_version.split("==")[1].strip()
return True
def is_editable(pipfile_entry):
if hasattr(pipfile_entry, "get"):
return pipfile_entry.get("editable", False)
return False
def locked_repository(requirement):
if not requirement.is_vcs:
src_dir = create_tracked_tempdir(prefix="pipenv-", suffix="-src")
with requirement.req.locked_vcs_repo(src_dir=src_dir) as repo:
yield repo